scott steiner talks steroids

JavaScript is disabled. For some, habits never changed. Not only is he known for being a roid-raged freak and the biggest whiner in professional wrestling, he has absolutely no wrestling skill whatsoever. I'd also say that he still does. Theres just no way you can burn the candle at both ends and the middle like you have to in this business for well in excess of 250 days a year. Tonight's show opened with LA Knight, Pete. I went in and did five hours of voiceovers for television. Sent from my iPhone using Hi, A lot of people have addictions. The bottom line is, there are differences between use and abuse and its obvious that many guys crossed the line, We have to recognize that a culture was created [across all sports] where it was OK to do that, and a lot of team managers, owners, players who didnt do it would turn the other cheek, Their Wellness Policy is a political issue. Since her release from WWE a decade ago, however, The skin on guys today is thinner. But the question remains how does he do it? Part of his legacy is his patented move, the Frankensteiner, which as Fandom notes, was named Wrestling Observer Newsletter's Best Wrestling Maneuver in the years 1989 and 1990. What I am trying to get to here is that Scott Steiner is one of those disgraces to the sport who somehow still gets his opinions out there on websites and shoot interviews. But hey, I could very well be wrong since Sting went off steroids (so he says) around 1990, or 1991, and could perform at a high level. The first time he encountered steroids was in 1958. Wrestler Scott Steiner's chest is becoming more and more abnormal. And is it really worth the risk? Is it all thanks to good genes, or is there something more sinister at play? But nothing is unbeatable, People waited for me to come in [to the dressing room] and piss in the bottles for them. Steiner had not fully recovered from . . They watched the stream of urine leave your genitalia and go into the cup. They give you a cup, you go into the bathroom, and you piss in a cup. However, at least most controversial athletes have talent and bring forth an aspect to their sport that no other respective athlete can. Then I got on a plane to Alaska, wrestled there, flew back as far as Seattle, and then I rented a car and drove 160 miles home. And you retain water from them. . Actually, if TNA were smart, which they aren't, he wouldbe joininghis brother in the unemployment line waiting to buy stamps and cheese. Most people wonder, Why are they here? The request was subsequently dropped. Scott Steiner returned to the ring on September 18, 2021 after a 10-month absence, and took on Jerry Lawler in a losing effort. When I was at WCW, the guys were flying to the Bahamas to get physicals to cover some legal loophole allowing them to get GH, then getting a whole years supply Fed-Exed to them, all under the guise of anti-aging, Who didnt do steroids? scott steiner workout routine Enlightening Men about Anabolic Steroids and Bodybuilding for over Two Decades Podcasts Articles & Blog Steroid Profiles SARMS Steroid Cycles VIDEOS Forum Bodybuilding Forums Help Register Gallery Today's Posts Search Forum Anabolic Steroids & Bodybuilding Weight Training & Weight Lifting Im not saying everybody who gets their knees and their hips replaced took steroids. There have been rumours circulating for years that Scott Steiner may be using steroids. 12-03-2022, 09:21 PM in ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS. ). Scott Steiner claims he was only asked to take a drug test by WWE once, and his response led to him never being asked again. I dont know what that is. In other forms of entertainment, there is no benefit to be gained by using steroids. If they had only allowed us to smoke pot, we wouldnt be taking all of these pills and getting fucked up and getting drunk every night, When I was full time in wrestling, people that were taking part in steroid use in the WWE, recreational drugs, and prescription drugs would convince themselves that they have their usage under control. In sports, you always have controversial athletesTy Cobb for baseball, Dennis Rodman for basketball, etc. The idea of putting Scott Steiner in a political debate on a wrestling talk show was a strange move on WWE's part during his last run there. Vince McMahon, a third generation wrestling promoter, was the chairman and CEO of the company.McMahon joined his father's regional wrestling company in 1969 and purchased the promotion 13 years . Only love for Scott Steiner may you recover at God speed to only perfect health,Gods got you my brother HH Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) March 7, 2020 Steiner's condition is said to be stable, with fellow wrestler Tommy Dreamer saying that the one-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion and two-time WWF Tag Team Champion is "doing well." Dreamer, IMPACT wrestler Joey Ryan and IMPACT's executive vice . You cant do that at age 40, What is abuse of steroids? Reddit's largest professional wrestling community. See, once upon a time, long before the steroids and whatever the fuck else he did to cause him to inflate like a beach ball, Scott Steiner was simply a very very large man who, along with his brother Rick, decided to show the world that big men could indeed fly . I didnt tell anyone I got fired. His response to that request is apparently the reason they never asked again. The Exclusive Inside Story, Sources used for this article: Esquire, World Wrestling Insanity, F4W Online, Muscle and Fitness, Rovers Morning Glory radio show, Flynnfiles, Camel Clutch Blog, In Your Head Online, Canoe SLAM! Scott Steiner's Career Told In Photos, Through The Years By Joey Haverford Published Mar 23, 2022 Whether it was in WCW, WWE or TNA, Scott Steiner was one of the more charismatic and outspoken wrestlers that achieved so much in wrestling. He put me back on the map. Did you take a shower? I mean, why on earth would someone ever choose Scott Steiner as a mentor? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Over the years, his chest has gradually separated more, and more. There have been rumours circulating that Steiner may be using steroids, but is there any truth to these claims? Nowand this is pretty funnyTNA is trying to carry on his ridiculous, Billy Graham rip-off character through none other than Petey Williams. They were testing for illegal drugs, and marijuana was an illegal drug in most states. He was arrested in 2001 for assaulting an EMT in the ring, apparently thinking the guy was a plant and not an actual medical professional. Lets take a closer look at the evidence. Juan Rivera, better known as Savio Vega at a live event. If you were ever looking for a comprehensive, retrospective tell-all view on the past state of drugs and steroid use in the WWE, look no further. My cholesterol was 5.6 last time I got that check and it has NEW MEMBERS - TAKE A MINUTE AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF HERE. Scott Rechsteiner, better known as Scott Steiner, on Raw in Seattle, Washington. I never took it in-season. "Scott Steiner isn't Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Eric bischoff, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash or a lot of the other guys who helped kick WCW to another level in the mid 90s." He isn't, but he's 10 times more entertaining than those guys are today. Steiner then decided to go after the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, but he never succeeded in taking the title from The Game. The Legend: That Scott Steiner's dramatic muscle gain in the late-'90s was the result of anabolic steroid use/abuse. Why People Believe It: Just look at Steiner. And with the travel you do, you can fall into a bad habit of burning the candle at both ends. We werent allowed to smoke a joint. I didnt even think that the guy could have been dirty himself if he was pissing into the cup. Back then, they were quick, pulling guards not 300-pound monsters. I think there should be punishment for the guys who do them. I don't believe he was on steroids when he was the crow. WWE has also done an admirable job of looking out for wrestlers from the past, offering support and fronting rehabilitation programs costs, if needed. Although veins slithered down his huge biceps like freaky-looking snakes ever since he "hit the gym" after turning on his brother, Scott always maintained that he had come by the ridiculous amount of muscle mass naturally. Wrestling Fans Stunned By Unexpected Music Video Cameos, 4 Times a Fan Unexpectedly Ambushed a Wrestler, 12 Failed Tag Team Remakes and Rehashes in Wrestling, 10 Surprising Moments WWE Deceived Their Fans, Ric Flair and Triple H | The Greatest Short Story in Wrestling, William Regal From the Streets of Blackpool tothe Ring, Triple H Return in 2002: A Heros Welcome at MSG, Hulk Hogan versus Marvel Comics | The Fight for His Name, A&E Biography of Randy Savage Lanny Poffo Responds, They Live Fight Scene: Secret Behind Cinemas Greatest Brawl, Jackass and Their Strange History With WWE. Oh hell yes! Hes also been the subject of steroid rumors for many years. I was a bodybuilder, and to keep my lookI had to get there, fly to a town, rent a car, get a hotel room, eat, go to the gym, get a two-hour workout in, go to the arena, do your deal, get back, eat, go to bed, get up early the next morning, and do the same thing. If its not the pain pills, its some illicit drug heroin, cocaine, crack, fill in the blank. Hello, I had everything, and I threw it away. To this day, he denies his steroid abuse, and has even had the audacity to say that no one in professional wrestling likes Ric Flair except for Triple H and Shawn Michaels. He's a self-professed freak and grew big and cut in 1998. Here's a pretty good article on the topic. One of these jamokes (I can't use some other words because I may get kicked off the site) is none other than Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner. Fans began chanting 'steroids' at Steiner during WCW shows, which did not make Scott happy. In 1991, I did an afternoon show in Manchester, England, and an evening show in the same building. However, in my opinion, that doesn't even matter because they treat the sport of professional wrestling with respect, learned from their vices, and changed their ways. Were like, oh shit! The scientists asked Bill Pearl if he would like to take part. But it wasnt just vitamins I was taking, I tried it. Its tough to make that route without a shot of whiskey, There was so much that we put our bodies through on a daily basisthings that God did not intend us to do. The Genius Cast with Lanny Poffo (2018-19), Our favorite in retro wrestling attire! Eric beat Vince McMahons Monday Night RAW head-to-head in Monday Night Wars 83 consecutive times. He's since told how he would use steroids to enhance his performance in the ring, then take cocaine after a match and mix downers and booze, washing anti-anxiety med Xanax, down with beer. No one can tell you what that is. Posted By kelkel (9 replies) Join us to discuss WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact, Stardom, ChocoPro, GCW, and every other promotion, big or small, past and present. Lets take a look at the evidence. These include: Increased aggression High blood pressure Kidney damage Liver damage Stunted growth (in adolescents) Reduced sperm count Infertility Baldness Yeah, we were sad to see the mullet go, as well. ", I trained for twenty years, two hours a day to look like I doI am not a steroid abuser, and I do not use steroids, I injected [Hogan] well over 100 times. . (Riiight. Marcus Bagwell talks about Scott Rechsteiner.interview by Chael Sonnen (You're Welcome podcast)And unlike Mark McGwire Scott Steiner didn't take steroids. The Best Steroids - Injectable: Without question, injectable anabolic steroids are the most commonly used, and there are 15 injectable steroids Scott Carl Rechsteiner (born July 29, 1962), better known by the ring name Scott Steiner, is an American professional wrestler. If you told people in the early 90s that Scott would someday be more remembered for his promos than Rick, people would have looked at you like you were insane. Even when I was in rehab, you could go and have some privacy while you were taking the test. To this day, he denies his steroid abuse, and has even had the audacity to say. Ringer illustration. I remember walking in there, and it was JJ Dillon, Bruce Prichard, and Vince McMahon sitting there in front of me. Thats something thats up for debate. I thought it was part of his Big Bad Booty Daddy character. For someone who knows about computers. He briefly went back to the WCW for some more tag team action (but not with his brother) until an injury finally took him out of competition in 2004. This is the world of "Professional Wrestling",All or most All "Athletes" Involved in the business have taken some sort of "supplement" at one time or another from pain killers to Steroids and I don't see Scott Steiner being above that so I voted yes. If any promotion wants any credibility or respect, havingScott Steiner work for them will get them nowhere. According to his official WWE bio, he and Rick also took that promotion's Tag Team Championship a couple of times in the early 1990s. I mean, not very many drug testing policies require somebody to actually watch it come out of you. :hat: You must log in or register to reply here. This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Merchandise died in retail stores. I can't do deep dips anymore, because when I go all the way down, I. At the next TV taping, DDP tried to stand up for his wife and. just as bad and fumbled as when he looked like this. But I've heard so many theories - from steroid use, to nerve damage from getting hit/struck, muscle tears from lifting heavy. Student of film. Lunch is chicken or beef with rice I guess I would choose him if I wanted mouse-size testicles and a receding hairline at the age of 45. I am 48 years old been training for years on/off 44. "Thank you God for taking care of my brother," Hogan says in the video. Also considering according to the Death of WCW book, Steiner had lifting the 350lbs Scott Norton into an elevated atomic drop and walked all around the ring before planted him with the move. Deep down, we all knew the truth, When Hogan appeared on The Arsenio Hall Show in 1991, everyone (including Arsenio himself) expected Hogan to come clean about steroid use in the WWE. The Red Rooster Terry Taylor also has a special message to fans [Photo courtesy of]MAVEN HUFFMAN: When I started with WWE in 2002, I needed to get bigger, and I had to get bigger in a short period of time. This is probably a stupid thread but I thought it would be fun to see what you guys think about this. His height is 1.85 m tall, and weight is 125 kg. Different excercise build different parts of muscle along the bicep which has two parts to it - long head and short head. You do all the upper stuff like Cocaine, and then you do Morphine or whatever to bring you down, and thats what leads to making your heart explode. He hasn't wrestled on a regular basis since being let go by TNA in 2009, but he does. Now h s older and the other muscle has faded a bit revealing his odd shaped bicep. Nate Marquardt triggered by commercial, drops homophobic anti-LGBTQ+ tweet response to UFC, ESPN | Twitter reacts. One of the most massive wrestlers has a very strange separation in his chest. 33 1/3-32 1/3- 1. The 73-year-old WWE veteran will step into the squared circle once again at the upcoming Starrcast V event on July 31. His Physique Is The Result Of Anabolic Steroid Use WWE The Legend: That Scott Steiner's dramatic muscle gain in the late-'90s was the result. Now here its February, and camp starts in May, and I needed to be at least about 255so I had to gain weight quick, In sports, the saying is: The ends justify the means. We are taught that since we were little. They claimed the WCW Tag Team Titles seven times in 1989, as well as a U.S. Tag Team Title. On the one hand, they can help you to achieve amazing results in terms of muscular gains and strength. I got caught up in that whirlwind really quick. He understood what we were going through. I was in good company because the majority of wrestlers all shared more or less the same lifestyle". I still believe in the basics and just good eating of healthy foods. Steiner was always a big guy, I don't see why he thought he needed to get even bigger. And that was all in one loop, without a break. This is just due to the fact he was rounded up and probably only did standard and/or preacher curls. I think everybody has heard why I was suspended, because I did an interview on Ric Flair, and I didn't say anything that wasn't true, but since this company is run by a bunch of old men, his friends, they tried to give me the heaviest fine in the history of wrestling. Despite Big Poppa Pump's claims of being steroid free, his behavior outside of the ring was aggressive and erratic. You are in different, often fun, and unique places almost every night, and you can come to see work as well, like being constantly on vacation. We didnt know what we were doing, A lot of people didnt know about steroids then. You are using an out of date browser. If Steiner is using steroids, what are the potential side effects? And it is the same old thing: Once you do something one time, it leads to another. That's why in medical use it's never intended to quit cold turkey off steroids, and they try to avoid keeping people on them for a long time, because your body becomes somewhat dependent on it. Those statements have. So for all those reasons, you need something to numb your mind from it, whether that means smoking something, popping something, snorting something, shooting something, or drinking something. 5 WCW Wrestlers Bret Hart Loved (& 5 He Had Backstage Heat With) Scott Steiner loved working with Sting and had strong respect for his work. A friend of mine was an exercise physiologist. Or, They are still wrestling?! Since 1984 every wrestling promoter has tried to best Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation unsuccessfully except one, Eric Bischoff. In this blog post, well take a look at the evidence to see if theres any truth to these claims. Of course, that didn't hold up in a . So Im telling the guy thats doing the test, Uh, I cant really piss He could tell I was nervous. Many prominent names fromthe past and present give their take on steroid use in the WWE and how it affected theirs and other lives. He used some type of wax to make him look even bigger. I didnt want to get caught. He started giving himself not ridiculous at all monikers like "Big Bad Booty Daddy" and "Big Poppa Pump." Scott and Rick Steiner, known popularly as the Steiner Brothers, will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2022 on April 1, the company confirmed to The Ringer. As the year 2000 approached, his skin tightened, and he looked like he might burst. There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. Dinner again chicken or beef For years, Scott Steiner has been impressing fans with his incredible physique. There may be a case here or there that doesnt need it, but well over 80 or 90 percent of the time, when you do what we do to our bodies for the length of time that we do it, its inevitable that addiction is going to follow. At the end of the day, its up to you to decide whether or not taking steroids is something that youre comfortable with. This guy actually couldnt piss for everybody, but I think he pretty much took a couple of hundred bucks from several people in the company and ended up dumping their samples out. Along with his brother Rick Steiner, who now sells real estate in Georgia, Scott formed one of the most formidable tag team duos of the 1980s. Rather than downplay or avoid speaking about such incidents, Steiner would go on to brag about them in interviews, branding himself a violent criminal with no respect for the law. Calling WWE's Bluff Regarding Steroids Test It's no secret that Scott Steiner and Triple don't like each other and had problems working together in WWE. Nathan Jones (born 21 August 1969) is an Australian actor, powerlifting champion, strongman and former professional wrestler.He is best known for his time in WWE.He held the WWA World Heavyweight Championship once in World Wrestling All-Stars, and aligned himself with The Undertaker in World Wrestling Entertainment on its SmackDown brand. Its important to be aware of these risks before making the decision to take them. Although he was completely steroid free at the time ( riiight) he said he'd only submit to a test if his nemesis Triple H did so, as well. Some Topics Discussed: Don Tony's picks & reaction to these 2022 Observer Newsletter Awards Winners: Wrestler Of The Year: Jon Moxley.. Tag Team: FTR.. This has been the case with other wrestlers as well. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. By using this site, you agree to the legal terms set out in ourDisclaimer, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Disclosure. So, what do you think? They were part of my generation. Soulpower Guest Nov 22, 2008 #2 HELL YES! Many of us rationalized it as if we got a prescription; it was legal and ethical. Nowadays, wrestlers are regularly tested for performance-enhancing drugs such as HGH and steroids. Its like I told the FBI agent that called me after the Chris Benoit tragedy, theres no way you can run that schedule for a prolonged period and not eventually need something for the physical and emotional pain of being away from your family and loved ones and the mundanity of being on the road. And youd think, your first thought is, that these guys would have really great heartsand yet most of them died of heart attacks. But its hard to get a young kid who wants instant muscles to grasp that. He is still one of the people who think the nWo should have been carried out forever in WCW and that Hogan and Bischoff ran the company well, which they didn't. I saw an article on world-class cyclers, and it was amazing to me how many of those guys have died. Just be aware of the potential risks and implications before making a decision. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 3. The owner of the gym i work at is a professional wrestler, Scott Steiner is 5'10 with shoes on.. Rick is about 1 inch taller.. KunipshunFit 04-28-2002, 04:39 PM #18. So guys were going in and taking the test. He was really shrunken and wasn't near as good a wrestler. We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. STEROIDS ARE LIKE DUCKS, THE GENETIC FREAK SCOTT STEINER HATES BOTH OF THEM. 'The Sit-Down with Don Tony' (2/26/23) hosted by Don Tony and presented by BlueWire. The University of California was conducting research on the effectiveness of anabolic steroids. The word came down from the promoters, especially Vince McMahon, that you had to be bigger than life. The only way to do that was to take anabolic steroids, Ive never encouraged anyone at any time to have steroid use in the WWE, You have to understand back in the 1980s what the wrestling business was. When warning signs would pop up, the excuse was hereditary or diet. OP, how long between the end of your blast and your bloodwork? Now I know I will hear rebuttals stating how Triple H and others have also taken steroids and have not had the best reputation outside the ring. He took them. It's quite simple, you work a different body part everyday. Although that could just be genetics, and his striations making it seem like it's worse than it is. He has always been a pretty big guy especially compared to brother Rick, but as the . We all knew the criteria for having a job with [Ted] Turner. He can be reached by e-mail at Jimmy Hart has a special message to the fans [Photo courtesy of Pinterest]IVAN PUTSKI: Back in 1980, you know, steroids then were not that prevalent as they are now. The best thing about Steiner is you never know what he'll say or do next. Like, Sub And -----------------------------------Instagram: FatManEvo---------------------------------------Customized art page- imbazi--------------------------------------------------------Intro: Zer Artz ----------------------------------------------End Card Design: Moral Island-------------------------------------------------Outro:Jetta - I'd Love to Change the World (Matstubs Remix)--------------------------------Music:Adam Massacre \"Holla! Dont eat a lot of fish. Saying that Steiner is still awesome. But despite their previous success together, trouble was brewing in the Steiner family. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). With no additives or fillers, the product is, Bo Jackson is a former professional baseball and football player who is widely considered one of the greatest athletes of all time. The request was subsequently dropped. Scott Steiner talks about his career, wearing Chainmail, how he got . WWE once asked him to take a test and Steiner craftily replied "Yes but only if Triple H picks me up and we get tested together" knowing full well Triple H was roided up as well. Something that youre comfortable with but despite their previous success together, trouble brewing!, Dennis Rodman for basketball, etc, Our favorite in retro wrestling attire t near good... To this day, its some illicit drug heroin, cocaine, crack, fill in the late-'90s was crow!, without a break in Seattle, Washington are like DUCKS, the GENETIC freak Scott Steiner #. At age 40, what are the potential side effects was amazing to me how many those! Choose Scott Steiner, on Raw in Seattle, Washington forms of entertainment, there is no to. The ring was aggressive and erratic the travel you do, you always have controversial Cobb. I cant really piss he could tell i was in good company because the majority of wrestlers all shared or! 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