possession with intent to distribute federal sentencing

When a mandatory minimum penalty exceeds the guideline range, the mandatory minimum becomes the guideline sentence. For additional statutory provision(s), see Appendix A (Statutory Index). If such material cannot readily be separated from the mixture or substance that appropriately is counted in the Drug Quantity Table, the court may use any reasonable method to approximate the weight of the mixture or substance to be counted. Special sentencing provisions for possession of Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, "roofies" or "roaches") impose a Penalties for possession with intent to distribute are potentially even more severe. Tables for making the necessary conversions are provided below. 812 (2020).) Acquiring a Controlled Substance by Forgery, Fraud, Deception, or Subterfuge; Attempt or Conspiracy. However, in a case in which the defendant merely possessed a dangerous weapon but did not use violence, make a credible threat to use violence, or direct the use of violence, subsection (b)(2) would not apply. 1319(c), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. 1. (8) If the offense involved the distribution of an anabolic steroid and a masking agent, increase by 2 levels. The base offense levels in 2D1.1 are either provided directly by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 or are proportional to the levels established by statute, and apply to all unlawful trafficking. Amended effective November 1, 1990 (amendment 320); November 1, 1992 (amendment 447); November 1, 1994 (amendment 505); November 1, 2009 (amendment 737); November 1, 2012 (amendment 770); November 1, 2018 (amendment 807). Applicability to Counterfeit Substances.The statute and guideline also apply to counterfeit substances, which are defined in 21 U.S.C. Web(c) A person commits the crime of unlawful possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance if, except as otherwise authorized by law, he or she knowingly possesses any of the following quantities of a controlled substance: (1) More than eight grams, but less than 28 grams, of cocaine or of any mixture containing cocaine. Amended effective November 1, 1992 (amendment 447); November 1, 2002 (amendment 646). (1) If the offense involved unlawfully manufacturing a controlled substance, or attempting to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully, apply 2D1.1 (Unlawful Manufacturing, Importing, Exporting, Trafficking) if the resulting offense level is greater than that determined above. Determining Quantity Based on Doses, Pills, or Capsules.If the number of doses, pills, or capsules but not the weight of the controlled substance is known, multiply the number of doses, pills, or capsules by the typical weight per dose in the table below to estimate the total weight of the controlled substance (e.g., 100 doses of Mescaline at 500milligrams per dose= 50 grams of mescaline). In making a reasonable estimate, the court shall consider that each 25 milligrams of an anabolic steroid is one unit. WebPossession with intent to distribute (PWID) is a more serious charge than simple possession. ` 8 (21 U.S.C. (1) If a dangerous weapon (including a firearm) was possessed, increase by 2 levels. Below is a sampling of state penalties pertaining to drug possession: Washington Up to five years in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000 for possession of any amount of heroin (double penalties for subsequent offenses). Web(1) Upon conviction of Paragraph (B)(4) or (C)(4) of this Section, possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil or possession of fentanyl or carfentanil, the court may suspend any sentence which it imposes and place the defendant on probation pursuant to Article 893 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. For example, an upward departure may be warranted where the quantity is at least ten times the minimum quantity required for level 38. Thus, the approach decided upon by the Commission will harmonize offense levels for LSD offenses with those for other controlled substances and avoid an undue influence of varied carrier weight on the applicable offense level. Typically, hashish oil is a viscous, dark colored oil, but it can vary from a dry resin to a colorless liquid. The enhancement for weapon possession in subsection (b)(1) reflects the increased danger of violence when drug traffickers possess weapons. Note that in determining the scale of the offense under 2D1.1, the quantity of both the controlled substance and listed chemical should be considered (see Application Note 5 in the Commentary to 2D1.1). Endangering Human Life While Illegally Manufacturing a Controlled Substance; Attempt or Conspiracy. 865. Similarly, in the case of a controlled substance for which the maximum offense level is less than level38, an upward departure may be warranted if the drug quantity substantially exceeds the quantity for the highest offense level established for that particular controlled substance. [Defendant] is accused of possessing [controlled substance] on or about [date] intending to distribute it to someone else. Cases Involving Small Amount of Marihuana for No Remuneration.Distribution of a small amount of marihuana for no remuneration, 21 U.S.C. (2) If the defendant is convicted of violating 21 U.S.C. Additionally, any costs of environmental cleanup and harm to persons or property should be considered by the court in determining the amount of restitution under 5E1.1 (Restitution) and in fashioning appropriate conditions of supervision under 5B1.3 (Conditions of Probation) and 5D1.3 (Conditions of Supervised Release). Statutory Provision: 21 U.S.C. (J) Fentanyl analogue, for the purposes of this guideline, means any substance (including any salt, isomer, or salt of isomer thereof), whether a controlled substance or not, that has a chemical structure that is similar to fentanyl (N-phenyl-N-[1-(2-phenylethyl)-4-piperidinyl] propanamide). Additionally, any costs of environmental cleanup and harm to persons or property should be considered by the court in determining the amount of restitution under 5E1.1 (Restitution) and in fashioning appropriate conditions of supervision under 5B1.3 (Conditions of Probation) and 5D1.3 (Conditions of Supervised Release). Determine the offense level under each guideline separately. Commissioners are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. (a) Base Offense Level: the offense level applicable to the underlying offense. A federal district judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. For example, an upward departure may be warranted in cases involving MDPV, a substance of which a lesser quantity is usually needed to produce an effect on the central nervous system similar to the effect produced by a typical synthetic cathinone. SeeUSSG App. If the application of the guidelines results in a sentence below the minimum sentence required by statute, the statutory minimum shall be the guideline sentence. The offense level for methylamine is determined by using 2D1.11. WebOn the other hand, possession with the intent to distribute can carry fines of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and carry prison sentences of up to 25 years or more. 2. In a case involving such a conviction but in which only part of the relevant offense conduct directly involved a protected location or an underage or pregnant individual, subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) may result in different offense levels. WebFederal law prohibits unauthorized distribution, possession with intent to distribute, and simple possession of oxycodone and other Schedule II controlled substances (such as hydrocodone and morphine). Cases Involving Mandatory Minimum Penalties.Where a mandatory (statutory) minimum sentence applies, this mandatory minimum sentence may be waived and a lower sentence imposed (including a downward departure), as provided in 28 U.S.C. In the case of a controlled substance that is not specifically referenced in the Drug Quantity Table, determine the base offense level as follows: (i) Use the Drug Conversion Tables to find the converted drug weight of the controlled substance involved in the offense. 5. (i) The defendant is convicted of selling 70 grams of a substance containing PCP (Level20) and 250 milligrams of a substance containing LSD (Level 16). At least 150 KG but less than 450 KG of Cocaine; 1319(c); the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. At least 3 KG but less than 9 KG of Ephedrine; At least 1 KG but less than 3 KG of Ephedrine; At least 300 G but less than 1 KG of Ephedrine; At least 100 G but less than 300 G of Ephedrine; At least 70 G but less than 100 G of Ephedrine; At least 40 G but less than 70 G of Ephedrine; At least 10 G but less than 40 G of Ephedrine; At least 8 G but less than 10 G of Ephedrine; At least 6 G but less than 8 G of Ephedrine; At least 4 G but less than 6 G of Ephedrine; At least 2 G but less than 4 G of Ephedrine; At least 1 G but less than 2 G of Ephedrine; The Commission promulgates guidelines that judges consult when sentencing federal offenders. Statutory Provision: 21 U.S.C. 1. Continuing Criminal Enterprise; Attempt or Conspiracy. For example, in the Drug Conversion Tables set forth in this Note, 1 gram of a substance containing oxymorphone, a Schedule I opiate, converts to 5kilograms of converted drug weight. If the offense involved the large-scale manufacture, distribution, transportation, exportation, or importation of prohibited flasks, equipment, chemicals, products, or material, an upward departure may be warranted. In this section, learn about the Commissions mission, structure, and ongoing work. See1B1.1 (Application Instructions), Application Note 4(A). If the offense involved both a substantive drug offense and an attempt or conspiracy (e.g.,sale of five grams of heroin and an attempt to sell an additional ten grams of heroin), the total quantity involved shall be aggregated to determine the scale of the offense. 230(f)(2)). 2D1.5. 1308.11(d)(31)), (ii) at least two of the following: cannabinol, cannabidiol, or cannabichromene, and (iii) fragments of plant material (such as cystolith fibers). 2D1.6. In order to comply with the relevant statute, the court should determine the appropriate total punishment and divide the sentence on the judgment form between the sentence attributable to the underlying drug offense and the sentence attributable to 21 U.S.C. 5124 (relating to violations of laws and regulations enforced by the Department of Transportation with respect to the transportation of hazardous material). 848, certain conduct for which the defendant has previously been sentenced may be charged as part of the instant offense to establish a "continuing series of violations." If the resulting offense level is less than level 30, increase to level 30. At least 8.4 KG but less than 25.2 KG of Cocaine Base; The U.S. 845), 860 (formerly 21 U.S.C. Subsection (b)(14)(A) implements the instruction to the Commission in section 303 of Public Law103237. (1) It is unlawful knowingly to engage in the. The statute, however, provides direction only for the more common controlled substances, i.e., heroin, cocaine, PCP, methamphetamine, fentanyl, LSD and marihuana. The converted drug weight for the Schedule III substance is 76kilograms (below the cap of 79.99 kilograms of converted drug weight set forth as the maximum converted weight for Schedule III substances). PAUL, Minn. A Bemidji man has pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, announced United States Attorney Andrew M. Luger. For example, P2P (an immediate precursor) and methylamine (a listed chemical) are used together to produce methamphetamine. Historical Note: Effective November 1, 1987. Under the grouping rules of 3D1.2(b), the counts will be grouped together. Historical Note: Section 2D1.4 (Attempts and Conspiracies), effective November 1, 1987, amended effective November1, 1989 (amendments136-138), was deleted by consolidation with the guidelines applicable to the underlying substantive offenses effective November1, 1992 (amendment 447). 845b). Subsections (b)(14)(C)(ii) and (D) implement, in a broader form, the instruction to the Commission in section 102 of Public Law 106310. At least 15 KG but less than 45 KG of Methamphetamine, or The Commission collects, analyzes, and disseminates a broad array of information on federal crime and sentencing practices. 841(c)(2) or (f)(1), or 960(d)(2), (d)(3), or (d)(4), decrease by 3 levels, unless the defendant knew or believed that the listed chemical was to be used to manufacture a controlled substance unlawfully. Interactive computer service, for purposes of subsection (b)(7) and this note, has the meaning given that term in section 230(e)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. (E) In the case of an offense involving marihuana plants, treat each plant, regardless of sex, as equivalent to 100 grams of marihuana. 841(b)(1)(A), (b)(1)(B), or (b)(1)(C), or 21 U.S.C. (A) Factors to Consider.In determining, for purposes of subsection (b)(1)(B), whether the offense created a substantial risk of harm to the life of a minor or an incompetent, the court shall include consideration of the following factors: (i) The quantity of any chemicals or hazardous or toxic substances found at the laboratory, and the manner in which the chemicals or substances were stored. delivery or possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine or a substance containing methamphetamine. (C) the defendant had minimal knowledge of the scope and structure of the enterprise. 5124 (relating to violations of laws and regulations enforced by the Department of Transportation with respect to the transportation of hazardous material). 853(q) (mandatory restitution for cleanup costs relating to the manufacture of amphetamine and methamphetamine). Application of Subsection (b)(11).Subsection (b)(11) does not apply if the purpose of the bribery was to obstruct or impede the investigation, prosecution, or sentencing of the defendant. Background: Offenses under 21 U.S.C. Because LSD typically is marketed and consumed orally on a carrier medium, the inclusion of some weight attributable to the carrier medium recognizes (A) that offense levels for most other controlled substances are based upon the weight of the mixture containing the controlled substance without regard to purity, and (B) the decision in Chapman v. United States, 500U.S. 453 (1991) (holding that the term mixture or substance in 21 U.S.C. 70506)1 1st offense Substance Amount Fine Imprisonment Heroin 1 kilogram2 or more $10/50 million 10 years to life 100 to 999 grams $5/25 million 5 to 40 years (3) If the defendant, or a person for whose conduct the defendant is accountable under 1B1.3 (Relevant Conduct), distributed any prohibited flask, equipment, chemical, product, or material through mass-marketing by means of an interactive computer service, increase by 2 levels. Application of Subsection (b)(15).Subsection (b)(15) applies to offenses that involve the cultivation of marihuana on state or federal land or while trespassing on tribal or private land. The cocaine converts to 16 kilograms of converted drug weight, and the cocaine base converts to 7.142 kilograms of converted drug weight. Do not use this table if any more reliable estimate of the total weight is available from case-specific information. 4. Statutory Provisions: 21 U.S.C. The dosage weight of LSD selected exceeds the Drug Enforcement Administrations standard dosage unit for LSD of 0.05 milligram (i.e., the quantity of actual LSD per dose) in order to assign some weight to the carrier medium. The federal statute sets a maximum penalty for each crime. List I chemicals are important to the manufacture of a controlled substance and usually become part of the final product. An adjustment from Chapter Three, Part B is not authorized because the offense level of this guideline already reflects an adjustment for role in the offense. Furthermore, subsection (a)(2) does not apply unless the defendant initially leased, rented, purchased, or otherwise acquired a possessory interest in the premises for a legitimate purpose. 860a of manufacturing, or possessing with intent to manufacture, methamphetamine on premises where a minor is present or resides; or. (C) Pattern of Criminal Conduct Engaged in as a Livelihood (Subsection (b)(16)(E)).For purposes of subsection (b)(16)(E), pattern of criminal conduct and engaged in as a livelihood have the meaning given such terms in 4B1.3 (Criminal Livelihood). Knowingly or Intentionally (1) If the offense level is determined under subsection (a)(2), do not apply an adjustment under 3B1.2 (Mitigating Role). Historical Note:Effective November 1, 2007 (amendment 700). Application of Subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2).. The enhancement should be applied if the weapon was present, unless it is clearly improbable that the weapon was connected with the offense. 3553(f) provides an exception to the applicability of mandatory minimum sentences in certain cases. Subsection (b)(12) implements the directive to the Commission in section 6(2) of Public Law 111220. At least 3 KG but less than 9 KG of a Fentanyl Analogue; For example, Tylenol 3 is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance even though it contains a small amount of codeine, a Schedule II opiate. Applicability of Subsection (b)(18).The applicability of subsection (b)(18) shall be determined without regard to whether the defendant was convicted of an offense that subjects the defendant to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment. Subsection (b)(16) implements the directive to the Commission in section 6(3) of Public Law 111220. The diazepam, a Schedule IV drug, converts to 625 grams of converted drug weight. Penalties for these charges can range from one year in prison to no more than 50 years, depending on the quantity found. WebThis video covers federal sentencing on federal drug cases that involve mandatory minimum sentences. 843(a)(3). (ii) Definitions.For purposes of subsection (b)(14)(D): Incompetent means an individual who is incapable of taking care of the individuals self or property because of a mental or physical illness or disability, mental retardation, or senility. If, however, the defendant establishes that the defendant did not intend to provide or purchase, or was not reasonably capable of providing or purchasing, the agreed-upon quantity of the controlled substance, the court shall exclude from the offense level determination the amount of controlled substance that the defendant establishes that the defendant did not intend to provide or purchase or was not reasonably capable of providing or purchasing. 8. For example, a defendant agrees to sell 500 grams of cocaine, the transaction is completed by the delivery of the controlled substance actually 480 grams of cocaine, and no further delivery is scheduled. [Subsection (c) (Drug Quantity Table) is set forth after subsection (e) (Special Instruction).]. Analogues and Controlled Substances Not Referenced in this Guideline.Except as otherwise provided, any reference to a particular controlled substance in these guidelines includes all salts, isomers, all salts of isomers, and any analogue of that controlled substance. 3. The latter category typically carries stiffer penalties upon conviction, compared to simple possession, as the goal is to punish and deter drug dealers. As large quantities are normally associated with high purities, this factor is particularly relevant where smaller quantities are involved. For example, subsection (b)(7) would apply to a defendant who operated a web site to promote the sale of Gamma-hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) but would not apply to coconspirators who use an interactive computer service only to communicate with one another in furtherance of the offense. There are many factors that can dictate the punishment a person faces. Historical Note:Effective November 1, 1987. During a sentencing hearing held Feb. 21, U.S. District Judge Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger sentenced Divos to 174 months, or 14 years, in federal prison for Subsection (b)(11) implements the directive to the Commission in section 6(1) of Public Law 111220. There also may be cases in which the substance involved in the offense is a mixture containing a synthetic cannabinoid diluted with an unusually high quantity of base material. Statutory Provision: 21 U.S.C. Offenses covered by this guideline may vary widely with regard to harm and risk of harm. Historical Note: Effective November 1, 1987. (A) Determining the Base Offense Level for Two or More Chemicals.Except as provided in subdivision (B), if the offense involves two or more chemicals, use the quantity of the single chemical that results in the greatest offense level, regardless of whether the chemicals are set forth in different tables or in different categories (i.e., list I or list II) under this guideline. Web(1) Upon conviction of Paragraph (B)(4) or (C)(4) of this Section, possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil or possession of fentanyl or carfentanil, the court may suspend any sentence which it imposes and place the defendant on probation pursuant to Article 893 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In this section, you will find a comprehensive collection of research and data reports published on sentencing issues and other areas of federal crime. WebFEDERAL DRUG LAWS Possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs is prohibited by federal law. (D)If the offense (i) involved the manufacture of amphetamine or methamphetamine; and (ii) created a substantial risk of harm to the life of a minor or an incompetent, increase by 6 levels. WebUnlawful distribution, possession with intent to distribute, manufacture, importation and exportation, etc. Under 21 U.S.C. (a) Base Offense Level (Apply the greatest): (1) 2 plus the offense level from 2D1.1 applicable to the quantity of controlled substances directly involving a protected location or an underage or pregnant individual; or, (2) 1 plus the offense level from 2D1.1 applicable to the total quantity of controlled substances involved in the offense; or, (3) 26, if the offense involved a person less than eighteen years of age; or. 11. 14. (C) Upward Departure.In a case involving two or more chemicals used to manufacture different controlled substances, or to manufacture one controlled substance by different manufacturing processes, an upward departure may be warranted if the offense level does not adequately address the seriousness of the offense. Amended effective November 1, 1991 (amendment 421); November1, 1992 (amendment 447); November 1, 1993 (amendment 481); November1, 1995 (amendment 534). PWID is a Class A misdemeanor, if the substance was a Schedule V drug. Brown was indicted by a federal grand jury on May 17, 2022. 865, specifying the number of months to be served consecutively for the conviction under 21 U.S.C. The combined converted weight, determined by adding together the above amounts, is subject to the cap of 79.99 kilograms of converted drug weight set forth as the maximum combined converted weight for Schedule III, IV, and V substances. at least 3 KG but less than 9 KG of PCP (actual); 841(b)(1) includes the carrier medium in which LSD is absorbed). 1285 0 obj <> endobj The purity of the controlled substance, particularly in the case of heroin, may be relevant in the sentencing process because it is probative of the defendants role or position in the chain of distribution. At least 1,875,000 units but less than 5,625,000 units of Flunitrazepam; The amount of ephedrine directly affects the amount of methamphetamine produced. 860a or 865, specifying the number of months to be served consecutively for the conviction under 21 U.S.C. The statutory penalties for distribution of more than 5 grams of methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute more than five grams of methamphetamine are not less than five years in prison and up to 40 years in prison, at least 4 years of supervised release, and up to a $5,000,000 fine. 802 to mean controlled substances that are falsely labeled so as to appear to have been legitimately manufactured or distributed. Multiple Transactions or Multiple Drug Types.Where there are multiple transactions or multiple drug types, the quantities of drugs are to be added. 4. Where the offense level for the underlying offense is to be determined by reference to 2D1.1, see Application Note 5 of the Commentary to 2D1.1 for guidance in determining the scale of the offense. (I) Hashish oil, for the purposes of this guideline, means a preparation of the soluble cannabinoids derived from cannabis that includes (i) one or more of the tetrahydrocannabinols (as listed in 21 C.F.R. WebUnlawful distribution, possession with intent to distribute, manufacture, importation and exportation, etc. Application of Subsection (b)(14).. A grand jury indicted McDowell on one count of distribution of fentanyl resulting in death in December 2021. 848 establishes that a defendant controlled and exercised authority over one of the most serious types of ongoing criminal activity, this guideline provides a minimum base offense level of 38. (1) If the offense involved a controlled substance, apply 2D1.1 (Unlawful Manufacturing, Importing, Exporting, or Trafficking) or 2D2.1 (Unlawful Possession), as appropriate, if the resulting offense level is greater than that determined above. 16. Each year, the Commission reviews and refines these policies in light of congressional action, These professionals include doctors, pilots, boat captains, financiers, bankers, attorneys, chemists, accountants, and others whose special skill, trade, profession, or position may be used to significantly facilitate the commission of a drug offense. 865 would achieve the "total punishment" in a manner that satisfies the statutory requirement of a consecutive sentence. WebAny person who violates section 841 (a) (1) of this title or section 856 of this title by distributing, possessing with intent to distribute, or manufacturing a controlled substance in or on, or within one thousand feet of, the real property comprising a public or private elementary, vocational, or secondary school or a public or private college, 13. For an anabolic steroid that is not in a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form (e.g., patch, topical cream, aerosol), the court shall determine the base offense level using a reasonable estimate of the quantity of anabolic steroid involved in the offense. 841 Prohibits the manufacture and distribution of, and possession with intent to distribute, controlled substances 21 U.S.C. (a) Base Offense Level (Apply the greatest): (1) 43, if the defendant is convicted under 21 U.S.C. (B) To calculate the base offense level in an offense that involves two or more chemicals each of which is set forth in the Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, and Phenylpropanolamine Quantity Table, (i) aggregate the quantities of all such chemicals, and (ii) determine the base offense level corresponding to the aggregate quantity. In such a case, a downward departure may be warranted. 863 (formerly 21 U.S.C. Historical Note: Section 2D3.4 (Illegal Transfer or Transshipment of a Controlled Substance; Attempt or Conspiracy), effective November1, 1987, amended effective November 1, 1990 (amendment 359) and November 1, 1992 (amendment 447), was deleted by consolidation with 2D3.2 effective November 1, 1993 (amendment 481). : the offense level for methylamine is determined by using 2D1.11 a substance containing.! Multiple Transactions or multiple drug types, the counts will be grouped.... For the conviction under 21 U.S.C or Subterfuge ; Attempt or Conspiracy Application Subsections. Methamphetamine on premises where a minor is present or resides ; or dictate punishment... 5124 ( relating to the manufacture of a controlled substance by Forgery, Fraud,,! On may 17, 2022 I chemicals are important to the Commission in 6... The enterprise structure of the final product manufactured or distributed the grouping of... 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