cohoes school district superintendent

cohoes middle school staff directory - The districts Records Officer isMary Rumsey. The Superintendent must be able to coordinate the processes essential to achieving a smooth operation in all areas of the school district organization: Planning: determining needs, objectives and goals, Organization: assigning roles, responsibilities and establishing lines of communication, Control: ensuring that progress is being made toward priorities, disciplining, making necessary staff reallocations and changes and evaluations, Decision-making: data collecting, analyzing data and choosing appropriately from a variety of decision-making techniques, Problem-solving: sensitivity to problems, formulating problem statements and using a variety of problem-solving techniques. cohoes middle school staff directory - On behalf of the entire Board of Education, I want to thank Dr. Spring for her dedication and service to Cohoes. Cohoes superintendent set to retire December 1 - troyrecord It is the goal of the Cohoes City School District that this website is accessible to all users. Yet, citing the districts potential budget shortfall due to a reduction in state funding, Spring explained her decision to retire now is part of a cost-saving measure for the school district. Cohoes school district names new superintendent - troyrecord It is the goal of the Cohoes City School District that this website is accessible to all users. School Psychologist Job Buffalo New York USA,Education Without question, Ms. OShea has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Cohoes City School District and its students. We believe that under her leadership, we are well on our way to rebuilding a stronger district, a more sustainable budget, strengthened relationships, all while developing a rigorous, well-rounded experience for students with a purpose and plan for all!. Register a Student, ParentSquare 4 finalists for Cohoes superintendent - Schools Fax: 518-233-1878. Ms. O'Shea was named. Listed on 2023-03-04. The principal of New Hartford High School will succeed superintendent Robert K. Libby, who is retiring. Building Use NCES District ID: 3607980: Superintendent: Peggy O'Shea(Acting) CEEB code: 331425: NCES School ID: 360798000569: Principal: . Top 5 Schools in This District These are some of the top-rated public schools in Cohoes City School District based on a variety of measures , including academic performance and equity . She is also an alumni of the State University of Albany, receiving a Masters of Science in Reading, a Masters of Science in Educational Administration and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Administration. Construction Project Superintendent Job White Plains New York USA Exhibit the ability to face controversy, remain true to convictions and live with a high- pressure job. The post-star. The Cohoes Board of Education has narrowed its list of finalists for superintendent to four candidates, down from a field of 27 applicants. Ms. OShea oversees district grant programming and has secured a number of competitive grants, including a recent McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grant. Addison School Superintendent (School) - Steuben County, New York Patent trader. (Mount Kisco, N.Y.) 1956-current, May 26, 1973, Page 22 The Superintendent of Schools, as the chief executive officer of the district, is to provide the leadership necessary to support this objective. 55 New Turnpike Rd. Dignity for All Students The board is very excited to be working with such a competent and compassionate leader. Patent trader. Preparing our students for success in tomorrows world. COHOES Jennifer Spring, the principal of an Oneida County high school, will be the Cohoes school district's next superintendent on April, according to the district. Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year from Superintendent Peggy O'Shea Dear Cohoes City School District Families, The first day of school is one of my favorite days of the school year! cohoes middle school staff directory. Develop and implement sound personnel practices consistent with law, Board policy and collective bargaining agreements including recruitment, hiring, assignment, supervision, evaluation, promotion and discipline of all personnel. 518-237-4131, Ext. Fax: 518-233-1878. Thank you for your continued support. Through Ms. OSheas roles as acting and interim superintendent, her steady, calm demeanor has positively impacted the school climate and educational environment in our buildings, the board added. This website was produced by the Capital Region BOCES Communications Service, Albany, NY. She is a 1972 grad uate of John Jay High School, where she was a member of the National Honor Society. View our accessibility statement. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Schoology For Students, 21 Page Ave., Cohoes, NY 12047 COHOES CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. The Cohoes school district stepped in to provide services to 150 children who had used the center. Data Privacy/Ed Law 2-d Job specializations: Construction. The board believes that Ms. OShea is the perfect candidate to fill this position. Copyright 2023., Stacy Mackey, School Business, Jim Stapleton, Director of, Raychel Marcil Director of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Her tenure as assistant superintendent began four years later in 2002. Each member of the staff shall be informed as to whom he/she is responsible and for what functions. The Superintendent shall make recommendations to the Board regarding salary and tenure of all employees. 5Fax: (518) 233-1878, (518) 237-0100, Ext. Were grateful for her tireless work in preparing our students for success in tomorrows world. Preparing our students for success in tomorrows world. Without question, Ms. OShea has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Cohoes City School District and its students. Phone: 518-237-0100 Job in Buffalo - Erie County - NY New York - USA , 14202. Cohoes City School District Information Cohoes City School District 7 Bevan Street Cohoes, NY 12047 Get Directions Albany County, New York 518-237-0100 518-237-2912 (Fax) Serving grades K-12 Visit District Website Students: 2102 Student / Teacher Ratio: 11.6 Schools in this District: 5 Schools Students Staff Academics Regents Graduates, Deanna Kelly, Assistant, Colleen McDonald, Secretary Cohoes school district opens Northern Rivers Behavioral Health Center The Superintendent shall develop procedures for the selection of staff members. SUPERINTENDENT: PEGGY O'SHEA. The remaining candidates in the running to succeed. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. perform managerial duties as will best assure effective learning programs including but not limited to: ensuring the effective implementation of Board policy; addressing the on-site needs of the districts schools; providing leadership in keeping abreast of current educational developments; arranging for effective staff development programs; coordinating cooperative efforts at improving learning programs, facilities, equipment and materials; and. In 1998, she became the principal of Van Schaick Grade School. We recently received updated COVID-19 guidance from the CDC and the New York State Departments of Health and Education that provides increased flexibility. 9 3 26 Topics to follow Our district and school safety plans were reviewed and revised throughout the spring and summer and we will provide additional information during the first week of school. Cohoes City School District (2023) - Cohoes, NY - Public School Review The Superintendent shall establish standards for teacher selection and shall provide a framework for continuing in-service training of all professional staff members. Martinelli named Cohoes Assistant Superintendent, Superintendent OSheas message about back-to-school plans, Cohoes City School District Communications Office. U.S.A., and is the only high school operated by the Cohoes City School District. Site Superintendent/High-End Residential Job New York City New York USA Schoology For Parents The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Confidential Executive Assistant to the Superintendent & District Clerk Cohoes City School District 21 Page Avenue Cohoes, NY 12047 518-237-0100 ext. Whenever possible, each member of the staff shall be made responsible to only one immediate supervisor for any one function. COHOES CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2020-21 School Year Financial Transparency. Listing for: Walsh Group. PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that the budget, as adopted by the Board and approved at the annual meeting, is properly administered. Phone: 518-233-6850. Box 100, 15 Mountain Road Ravena, NY 12143 Phone: (518) 756-5200 Fax: (518) 756-4561 For Five Consecutive Years! The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Schoology For Parents Prior to that, she served the Utica City School District as a principal for five years and as assistant principal for two years. OShea oversees district grant programming and has secured a number of competitive grants, including a recent McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grant. David Mitola, president of the community center board, said the proceeds from the $460,000 sale . All employees shall have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer to the next higher authority and through appropriate successive steps to the Board. Data Privacy/Ed Law 2-d Cohoes City School District Superintendent Jennifer Spring speaks during an event in 2017. We congratulate Dr. Spring and wish her the best in retirement, Nolin added. COHOES, N.Y. - Cohoes City School District Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Spring has resigned with the intent to retire from her position. Onteora School District Superintendent Phyllis Spiegel-McGill, Cohoes City School District Company Profile | Cohoes, NY | Competitors Her tenure as assistant superintendent began four years later in 2002. Each staff member shall be informed as to whom he/she should report to for help in carrying out his/her functions. Im honored and extremely excited to become the next superintendent of the Cohoes City School District, Spring said. The semifinalists were each interviewed by two community groups in early January. Site Superintendent /High-End Residential. We are very excited to welcome him in this new role.. The superintendent is essentially the face of the district. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Supervise operations, maintenance, alterations and repair to buildings and grounds insisting on competent and efficient performance.

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