Fortunately, you have already experienced a THR and have done well. Hi guys im 43 and live in Australia and due to have hip replacement in 7 weeks but im so confused as my surgeon is doing the posterior and im off work for 6 weeks where i here people having the anterior and going back sooner and no restrictions on hospital discharge any advice. The most important variable is how quickly the person is motivated to return to work. I wish you a full recovery. I am a 55 year old with a labral tear and moderate arthritis. I have been in pain for about a year and first though it was a back issue and it has limited my ability to stay as active as I would like. During the hip replacement procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision near the front of the hip to allow for the removal of damaged anterior bone and cartilage, as well as the implantation of an artificial hip without damaging the surrounding muscles and tendons. It turned out to be more torn than they thought and they had to cut about a forth of it out. General Information about Hip Implants | FDA Also, only a small percent of C-on-C bearings are being implanted at this time. Your blog on anterior vs posterior approach was very informative. Im 56 years of age, 6 1 and 180 pounds. I often suggest to my patients that they speak to other patients for whom Ive cared and to whom they can relate to learn about their experiences. There always are conditions or circumstances that may predispose one to limp or feel as if their legs are not the same length after surgery, but in my experience this is the exception. How do you ask your doctor the questions you want to ask? This left hip remained tender based on my exercise level which I did modify but always my hip had some soreness. Occasionally this even requires making a second, separate incision. Walker to get around. Hip replacement - NHS Ill be 60 at the time and Im 54 and weight about 130 lbs in fairly good shape. I have insurance with very high deductible and I am scared of the debts I might incur afterwards too ( where I am planning to do it I might not have to pay any money). Sex After a Hip Replacement: Positions, Tips, and More - Healthline I just had mine 10/30 all I can say is be patient get lots of rest and take your pain meds way before you start to move around so that the pain want be so bad with movement. In general, if someone is dedicated to the job, the return is very quick. There is less blood loss with a single THR than a bilateral, hence less risk of needing a transfusion. Its also reasonable to ask to speak to other patients who have undergone THR using this technique to learn about their experiences and results. Hello Dr. Supercapsular Percutaneously-Assisted Total Hip surgery or SuperPATH surgery is a novel method of hip replacement where your surgeon can perform total hip replacement through 2-3 inch incision into the tip of the hip and without dislocating the hip or damaging the surrounding soft-tissue (muscles and tendons). We now have too many other proven bearing surfaces available. Over the years, these precautions and the length of time to adhere to these limits have been challenged both by clinicians and patients. I am now 59, still in good condition but that is being compromised by lack of working out as my hips get sore from most everything I try. As long as you do the necessary surgeries, you will eventually break your femur, but only if you do enough. 1000 NE 56th Street, The most important decision you must make is choosing your surgeon. Additionally, people with certain health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease may also not be good candidates. Depending on the degree of injury, you may need a knee brace to lock you knee in extension when walking until the quad function returns. Irrespective of the approach that is used to implant the prosthesis, the tissues that surround the new prosthetic hip must heal and mature if the hip is to achieve stability. There are hybrids of the surgey from what I can see. When studying the hospital credentials, try and learn how many joint replacements are performed at that hospital each year, their infection rate and their 30-day readmission rate. I dont think there is one best prosthetic. Some have features that are more suited to one persons anatomy and needs than others. Regardless, the overall incidence of dislocation for every approach is smaller due to use of larger femoral heads and enhanced closure techniques. Registered in England and Wales. Further, rehab after hip arthroscopy often requires partial weight bearing on the operative side and that would be difficult with newly operated THR on contralateral side. Both approaches have been shown to have potential in research. Thank you for this! One of the biggest changes that Ive seen in my practice over the past 25 years is how quickly patients get well and go home. Additionally, there is a small risk of dislocation after surgery, which can be painful and may require additional surgery to correct. SUPERPATH Hip Replacement | Bethesda Orthopaedic Institute So im going back to the surgeon that did my left hip and left me in agonizing pain for 2 months after procedure. SuperPath Total Hip Replacement - STL Ortho Celle said: Superpath may give you a faster early recovery, but whatever method is used, recovery is still going to take a long time. It requires surgical insight and skill to accomplish. I was told to wait 6 weeks before I resumed my exercise regiment. Can You Use An Inversion Table With A Hip Replacement I would discuss fully your goals and concerns. In Dr. Lawrence Dorrs opinion, doctors and hospitals should not market a specific type of surgery as the most effective. Unfortunately, injury to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is a common complication after the anterior approach for hip replacement. Dear Dr. Leone: I absolutely would not insist on minimally invasive surgery and a small incision, especially considering your mom is short, obese and has osteoporosis. What is most important is that the surgery is expertly done, that the tissues are not brutalized, and that the surgeon can see what he or she is doing. The first surgeon never mentioned this condition at all. Nobody wants a long recovery. My recommendation is for you to discuss this with your surgeon if you have further concerns. The most common reason or diagnosis that leads me to replace the hips of young women is hip dysplasia. Dear Dr. Leone, Following surgery, the surgeon will devise a routine for the patient to engage in that is both comfortable and safe. DAA had a lower rate of hospitalization and functional rehabilitation as compared to the lateral approach, as well as a lower perceived level of pain. Losing weight and strengthening your muscles pre-operatively will make surgery easier and greatly facilitate your rehab. With SuperPath, there is no surgical dislocation of the hip. Does either procedure in this discussion present restrictions or advantages for this sort of movement? Very important with both the traditional posterior and the mini-posterior approaches, if the surgeon is not able to visualize critical structure adequately, or if a problem were to arise such as a fracture, then either approach can easily be adjusted. I would then let that person decide with what approach they think they can best accomplish the surgery and deliver the best result. Often in this group of patients, their X-rays show only minimal cartilage space compromise (it may appear thinned and irregular) and I observe at time of surgery that the labrum appears hypertrophied (to compensate for lack of head coverage) and often torn. The surgical "approach" in total hip replacement describes the anatomical pathway and technique that the surgeon uses to access the hip joint to perform the surgery. Yes, you can do very well. Because of this, when you're ready to get up and walk about again, engaging your muscles and hip flexors might be extremely tough. I wish your patient well. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. disadvantages of superpath hip replacement - I wish you a full and speedy recovery. I am still a very active 67 yr old, I like to ski, bike, hike (steep terrain) with about 25 pds. These are all realistic goals. Achieving legs that feel equal in length after surgery is imperative. Finding the right surgeon is critical, because your care is about so much more than just fixing your hip. If you do not have a hip replacement, you will live a sedentary lifestyle and become overweight. The hope is that these new designs will, but time will tell. I also think its reasonable to look forward to returning to all of the listed activities that you enjoy. Once youve decided, you then need to trust that he or she will take the best care of you possible to deliver the best results. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Fortunately you live in a part of the world where there are many capable orthopedic surgeons. About how much does this cost? emergent norm theory quizlet. No Muscles Cut is for billboards. With mild dysplasia, positioning and implanting the new cup usually is not more difficult than with other conditions. The art of surgery should mimic a well rehearsed ballet or symphony. Having diabetes and two organ transplants does significantly increase your risk for post-op infection as well as other complications. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Im considering this mini posterior approach. There are various ways of doing a hip replacement. The initial recovery period typically takes six weeks or more. Again, trust your doctor. Im so against any other replacements as I have other issues, but working with alternative treatments, out of pocket money, as my hip replacement has been a horrible drama/saga. How Much Does Minimally Invasive And Robotic Hip Replacement Surgery I also would encourage pool walking or swimming. Good question. Dont let PR marketing confuse the big picture. When asking a prospective surgeon about the anterior vs posterior approach he told me that it is necessary to use a smaller prosthesis which would not be as stable with the anterior approach and did not recommend it for this reason. I am 37 and have suffered from AVN since I was 14. Many of these stems have very little if any long term follow-up, although some appear to be doing well in the short term. I am about to have a hip replacement and would like to know what kind of limitations Ill have afterward. If you would like a personal consultation, please contact our office at 954-489-4575 or by email at I'm hoping to read some posts post surgery. Bleeding at the operative site can occur as a result of an anesthesia reaction, such as an allergic reaction. A long surgery time, on the other hand, was also associated with DAA. SuperPath hip replacement is a differentiated total hip technique being performed by a growing number of experienced surgeons. I find that patients who are well informed and know what to expect prior to surgery get well even faster. Recently the doctor doing anterior decided because of thin bone, he should do direct lateral approach. You are here: Home 1 / avia_transparency_logo 2 / News 3 / disadvantages of superpath hip replacement disadvantages of superpath hip replacementtesla floor mats, model y June 7, 2022 / kimt contest page / in are dogs allowed at schoetz park / by / kimt contest page / in are dogs allowed at schoetz park / by I love that you take time off to reply to these messages it is commendable. Following anterior hip replacement surgery, avoid soaking in hot tub, sauna, or swimming pool immediately after surgery. There are a few disadvantages of anterior hip replacement that patients should be aware of before undergoing the surgery. Our overall findings suggested that the short-term outcomes of THA through SuperPATH were superior to DAA. what is the super path method I've never heard of that before, superpath is just the fancy name for a smaller incision , less trauma and quicker recovery or so they say from what I have read along with more surety of the length of leg . I have the surgery planned, but then another medical professional warned me that the posterior approach will limit my twisting range of motion and prevent me from playing golf. The incidence of dislocations has further decreased over the past decade with our ability to implant larger size femoral heads. Clearly, yours was. It would be interesting to hear what you have to say Doug. Many in business or who own their own businesses will stay home for only one week and then return to their work place because they are bored and would rather be productive and busy. If an MRI demonstrates no cartilage damage or subchondral cystification (the development of degenerative cysts), a repairable labral tear and minimal dysplasia, then a hip arthroscopy may be considered. I have/had arthritis in my hips. I didnt spend time on boards talking for eons about peoples outcomes.probably a good thing I didnt. After a slip and fall at work 2 1/2 years ago I need a THR on my left hip. So my question is in relation to my body structure. Dear DR Leone, The intended interval between the front thigh muscles can be difficult to recognize and there has been an associated increase in injury to the femoral nerve or vessels. This absolutely does not require a special table. Overall, however, anterior hip replacement is a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate. I would rather my patient get half as much anesthesia. I had the posterior approach, the surgeon did not cut any muscle plus I had no pain at all after the op. Every surgery should be done with as minimally invasive approach as possible taking into account these other critical factors. Had a total hip replacement aug 2013. As you can see, there are no restrictions. My knee and foot and ankle are messed up too since leg ended up at least 3/4 shorter.I wear a shoe lift, but probably needed it sooner than I realized the shorter issue, My knee is pretty stiff and pain when I walk too much, but I deal with it, it bends good, I sleep good, no pain when I do nothing, so Im working all to do NO knee surgery, This hip was ENOUGH to last a lifetime.. Im 76 and use a lot of supplements to save knee and OA in general..I am looking at other protocols for the knee too.not insurance covered, what else is new.if its good, its out of pocket. I have since read that hips with this condition might get worse after labrum repair due to this structural defect.
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