Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Lazurite, Qunari Bench Accessory I, Qunari Bench Accessory II, and connections, House Amladaris How to Unlock: speak to Sera at Haven Iron Bull | Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki The Venatori's The Extremists Speak to Sutherland and his crew at Skyhold How to Unlock: recruit Vivienne before Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts The Inquisition and the Ben-Hassrath attempt to cooperate to sink the Venatori ship with a dreadnaught. Search Mines in Gamordan Peaks Ser Barris has received a letter from an old friend about demon invasion. How to Unlock: If a world state where Sebastian was recruited was imported, if Redcliffe or Therinfal Redoubt is complete Rewards and Preferred Specialist: figurine of armored andraste and forces, Watcher in the Wings You have come to know of a man in Jader who has been accused to being an abomination. The Venatori begin sponsoring local bandits to discourage any attempt at pursuing them into the Western Approach. How to Unlock: Available to mage Inquisitors with the Knight-Enchanter specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher Take Lelianas advice and follow their instructions to the letter. How to Unlock: Unlock Skyhold Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans How to Unlock: complete Have Ser Barris Lead against Demons In this series of operations, you can manipulate the events determining who becomes the next Duke of Lydes. How to Unlock: Complete A Job for the Valo-kas Mercenaries, Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss You will come to know about Lord Albrecht who is harassing your messengers in the Free Marches. Even so, the Venatori is a powerful political faction in Tevinter that count some Magisters among their ranks and is influential enough to threaten and even punish high-ranking Tevinter citizens. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Negotiate a Deal for Weapon Plans Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and secrets. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Find a Sponsor for the Du Paraquettes Arl Wulff was tried and executed for his crimes, and Ferelden is grateful to us.Commander Cullen. You need to find an alternate route through the mountains. How to Unlock: Closed 1/4th of all fade rifts Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain Influence from this operation and it is better to use Secrets specialist, You will come to know about the miserable condition of elves both in Wycome and in your clan. How to Unlock: Minstrel unlocked in skyhold How to Unlock: complete In Hushed Whispers and take mages as prisoners (+2 Power) Leave through the private chapel (battling a group of venatori zealots and archers) and descend the stairs to find more assassins. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections and Enchanter Staff, Reconciliation for Celene and Michel However, Gaspard had invited the Inquisitor as his guest. Arl Wulff should be tried and executed. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and secrets, Make The dwarves of Kal-Sharok are offering the Inquisition a tunnel that will allow you to sneak up on a large camp of Venatori. Power & Time Cost: 0 Power, 1440 Min. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Deal with Lord Basile Maron Your strength is extremely important and will decide the outcome of the operation. Dragon Age Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections. How to Unlock: Import a world state in which The Warden is female and survived Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets. Sup2069 (talk) 07:47, February 16, 2015 (UTC). The rumors led you to the Lake Celestine where you need to investigate either Comte or Marquise. How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount You can then return to War Table and collect your rewards which often include gold, influence, your party members approval, and different pieces of equipment. Dragon Age Inquisition: How To Romance Cassandra Red Jenny: Inquisition Needs Beeees! Rewards and Preferred Specialist: obsidian and forces, The Big One? How to Unlock: complete Defeat Marquise Bouffon How to Unlock: complete Inflate Inquisition Numbers using Leliana Dragon Age: Inquisition. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Amulet of Power and secrets. How to Unlock: Investigate Serault You need to deal with corruption in the region. How to Unlock: Crestwood unlocked, secrets have 3 or more perks Rewards and Preferred Specialist: lifeward amulet and secrets, The Hunter Shade Dracolisk Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Blood Lotus and Influence and it is better to complete this operation with Forces specialist, Your Dalish clan will contact the Inquisitor while thinking of you as a prisoner. Cullen will complete this operation within the blink of an eye, but Leliana and Josephine will come out with better results. Minor Anders/Male Hawke (Dragon Age) The Inquisition is a Cult; Isekai; Language: English Collections: The best of self inserts and Oc stories Stats: Published: 2022-07-20 Updated: 2023-03-01 Words: 140257 Chapters: 17/? How to Unlock: claim the Keep in Crestwood and invest points in the Forces perk tree How to Unlock: Alliances: Observing the Deadlock complete. You receive word from an old partner from the Carta Clan that its leader thinks you ran off with his Lyrium. They also attempt to capture another High dragon for Corypheus to corrupt in the Western Approach by using renowned dragon expert, Professor Frederic of the University of Orlais. How to Unlock: complete Truth or Dare: See and Be Seen and Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Send in your best men! Ambassador Briala and her operatives assist the Inquisitor in combating the Venatori and, through their combined effort, the plot fails. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Gain Orzammars Friendship How to Unlock: Josephine Gift/Romance Plot Meanwhile, Gordian uses Freemen troops in the Exalted Plains to gather the numerous corpses left over from the war and prevent them from being burned, allowing them to be easily possessed by the Demons pouring in from the fade rifts and unleashing a horde of Undead and trapping both Grand Duke Gaspard and Empress Celene's troops in their strongholds. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: paragons luster, everite, and forces, Getting a Judges Favor How to Unlock: complete Hard in Hightown: Revenge of the Merchant Guild Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Intense Spirit Essence, Scout Haven Ruins How to Unlock: complete Failed Assassination Attempt Inquiry Additionally, the Inquisitor ruins their attempts to recover the artifact in the Hissing Wastes by solving veilfire puzzles, slaying a dragon guarding the Paragon's tomb, and recovering a sigil forged by his two sons. Depending on where you are in the game, you may need to adventure for a while before this is available Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Support Cassandra Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. DA:I Story, Campaign & Characters. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: velveteen, plush fustian velvet, ring velvet, and forces, Gather Herbs When the Venatori rise, when a new god burns the Imperiums corruption to dust, Organization Arl Wulff made it clear that he had no idea what the Venatori intended. How to Unlock: Cassandra Personal Plot, Completed Seekerfortress How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: Reaching Ever Upward with Leliana. We have confirmed that the Tal-Vashoth, whatever else she may be, is not a mage. Location Rewards and Preferred Specialist: master corrupting rune and connections, Crestwood Resources How to Unlock: complete A Trouble of Red Jennies using Leliana You need to choose Josephine to unlock the Locate Heretic Sister. Investigate Hunter Fell Rewards and Preferred Specialist: no rewards and it is better to use forces specialist. Inner Circle MIssions are operations available depending on your companions and advisors. How to Unlock: complete Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Investigate Hunter Fell Rewards and Preferred Specialist: secrets, Red Templars on the Storm Coast After choosing a Scouting Operation, you will be asked to select an Advisor to overlook the whole operation. How to Unlock: Unlocked as part of Josephines personal plot Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Veridium, Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), Orlesian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), and connections, Expose the Double Agent The Arls Invitation WebSkyhold . Pay The Grand Duchess a visit since he is visiting someone in the Lake Celestine. Freeing the Valo-Kas Mercenaries Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Influence and Royal Sixteen by completing this mission and it is better to use Connections specialist. Arl Wulff is a good man. Some of your allies are upset with you after Blackwalls revelations. Glitch where you can lose a advisor/card Hard in Hightown: Unsavory Parallels The Venatori set up a red lyrium smuggling operation along the Storm Coast, planning on transporting red lyrium to Minrathous to convert the Imperium's slaves into an unstoppable army to turn the tide in the ongoing Tevinter-Qunari war for Seheron. How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount He could easily pass along misinformation in good faith. Send either Cullen or Leliana to complete this operation with ease, Investigate Duke Antoine of Wycome Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Avvar Mixed Draft How to Unlock: Found the Tevinter Laboratory in Western Approach Exterior Main Level Upper Level Servants Quarters Emerald Graves Villa Maurel Din'an Hanin Chateau d'Onterre Parsons Notebook Identify Venatori Agent How to Unlock: complete Continue Investigation Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, How to Unlock: Make sure Empress Celene survives in Halamshiral and remains ruler of Orlais Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Find the Old Montilyet Family Crest Roughly a week following the disastrous conclusion to their operations in the Exalted Plains, the Inquisition's leadership gathered for the first war council session back at Skyhold, Maxime along with the others of the inner circle who had suffered injuries during the Citadelle du Corbeau debacle finally having recovered enough to sit down and discuss Venatori | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom Dragon-hunting is a noble's sport, usually. When the Herald of Andraste and a party of Inquisition operatives arrive to speak with the mages, Alexius announces that the mages have already agreed to become his indentured servants, in exchange for eventual Tevinter citizenship. A Venatori assassin also infiltrates the Royal Palace in Denerim, hoping to kill Ferelden's monarch(s). How to Unlock: complete Track Spies in Val Royeaux Cullen: 54-55:00*. Location How to Unlock: Complete A Crew of Adventurers. Secrets. How to Unlock: complete Choose Successor in Lydes How to Unlock: Claimed the Pont Agur Landmark How to Unlock: Available after scouting the Fallow Mire The Belles are effectively nobility in the city; any information about them is protected. I eventually went with the one whose methods sounded best. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: secrets, All That Glitters Defeat Marquise Bouffon You come to know that the Comte Feigs are innocent. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Iron. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Bestow Mourning Halla How to Unlock: Available after scouting Crestwood Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Rainiers Release: An Alternative How to Unlock: Complete Contact Clan Lavellan 0 - Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:28 am #4769554. Identify the Venatori Agent (War Council Operation ) Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Amulet of Power. You have come to know to about Venatoris attack on the city of Val Colline. A direct approach is not recommended at all. Go to speak to Sutherland, but find a worried squire in their place You need to listen to Tallis and send in your Agents to Val Royeaux. How to Unlock: Unlock Skyhold Skyhold Agents Avaar Chief You will judge him for your first judgement in the Skyhold. Unlocks after completing the operation Investigate Hunter Fell. How to Unlock: Haven destroyed, Josephines emissary sent to make contact in Investigate Serault How to Unlock: complete Demands of the Qun, Here Lies the Abyss, or Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Next They also attempt to unearth an ancient Dwarven artifact in the Hissing Wastes made in honor of a Paragon by his two sons after his death, who ruled a surface thaig predating the Blights in order to escape the civil war raging over the creation of Golems. How to Unlock: Complete to scout the Hissing Wastes Kill the warrior!" An Offer from the Imperial Army How to Unlock: You need to be a Human Inquisitor How to Unlock: speak to Cole about Rhys and Evangeline at Skyhold How to Unlock: complete Reparations for Redcliffe Using Leliana will complete this operation most effectively. Varric needs a copy of the Merchant Guild to crack the code hidden within the book. You will come to know about free cities in Free Marches and their plans to crush elves. How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: Getting Things Moving with Cullen How to Unlock: complete Drive Darkspawn from Val Gamord Perhabs there should be a warning added to the article. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: wave blade and connections, The Red Hart Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets, An Offer of Help, on Their Terms How to Unlock: Helped Michel in Emprise du Lion and gained him as an agent Josephine is the most suited for this operation. A letter to Leliana with information on the bard: I have heard only rumors, I fear, but it is said that her most intriguing aspect is her voice. If you pick Pick Arm and exile him to Tevinter it says you get him as a agent. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Exalted Plains Resources You will come to know that Bann Dorner has been spying on the Inquisition. How to Unlock: Relationship between Empress Celene and Briala Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Amulet of Power. Many Tranquil were forcibly possessed by Venatori and their skulls used to make Oculara.[3]. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Locate Weapon of Tyrdda Bright-Axe Aiming to claim the Dales for themselves, these deserters begin attacking troops loyal to either side in the war, as well as Inquisition troops and refugees throughout the region. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces, Influence, and Makers Bride Cameo. How to Unlock: Available to mage Inquisitors with the Necromancer specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher Web[Secrets inquisition perk] "Come work for me." Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence, amulet of power, and forces, Harvest of History Zevran was recruited in Dragon Age: Origins, is still alive and was not romancing the Warden You will come to know about the locations of certain rebel mages from Fiona. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets. How to Unlock: Claim Griffon Wing fortress in the Western Approach Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Influence, and Red Lyrium. Instead, use Josephine and lower the alertness of the Venatori in the area. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Influence, and Spindleweed. How to Unlock: Complete Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans using Leliana, In Your Heart Shall Burn, and have Inquisition Rank 4 How to Unlock: Available after completing Still Waters in Crestwood Operation Continue Investigation Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Investigate the Shards You come to know about Sister Paulette and some of Inquisitions soldiers trapped near Frostback Mountains. How to Unlock: Unlock Emprise du Lion Continue Investigation is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition. WebIdentify Venatori Agent. - targetting an enemy warrior, Magister Alexius meets with the Herald of Andraste at Redcliffe Castle, ostensibly to negotiate for the aid of the newly indentured southern mages to assist in closing the breach. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Red Jenny and the Bad Goods How to Unlock: Seeker fortress complete, setback complete General discussions not pertaining to the improvement of the Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Influence. How to Unlock: Located all the Elven Glyphs in Exhalted Plains A letter to Commander Cullen with information on the Mortalitasi: The Mortalitasi is said to be friendly with both the dwarf and the Fereldan, and a Circle member in good standing, according to all accounts. How to Unlock: Setback Complete, Chantry upgrade to Skyhold How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount The operation will become available once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold. How to Unlock: Complete New to the Crew: A Young Hopeful with Cullen. Florianne is successful in sneaking a large number of Venatori into the Palace. The Inquisition eventually expose Erimond's deception to the Wardens, foiling his plan and the Venatori Magister is taken prisoner by the Inquisition. How to Unlock: Place a memory crystal in Venatori Headquarters as part of Calpernia nemesis quest, Under Her Skin Track Spies in Val Royeaux "I'll need you to testify." Appearances Rewards and Preferred Specialist: inquisition barded charger, Free Marches Ranger Unbeknownst to Alexius, Inquisition troops had already infiltrated the Castle and during the negotiation, the other Venatori present are killed. I have informed none outside the Inquisition of this matter. Drive Darkspawn from Val Gamord How to Unlock: Available after setback Unlike Scouting Operations, Missions require real-time of your Advisors or their Agents and expand the stories of the Inquisition. How to Unlock: Dagna Unlocked Dragon Age Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence, Restore Judicaels Crossing Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces, Outfitting the Crew Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Grand Cleric Iona How to Unlock: Speak to Sera in Skyhold Have Ser Barris Lead against Demons When returning to the war table the identify venatori agent mission is gone and leliana is marked as busy. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: secrets, Power for a Price The Iron Bull | Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki Rewards and Preferred Specialist: enhance amulet of magic and any specialist. This mission is the second part of a How to Unlock: complete Information from the Grand Enchanter and Here Lies the Abyss Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Scout the Storm Coast Gain Her Approval. Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and Here Lies the Abyss Recruit Iron Bull via the side quest The Captain of the Chargers. How to Unlock: Setback complete Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts and Here Lies the Abyss Perhaps I can find out what she wears. Make sure to also check Inner Circle Quests. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Fereldan Medallion of Service, Influence, and secrets, Sharp-Tail Dracolisk How to Unlock: Recruit Dorian Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Endure Next Find Spies in Skyhold Hinterlands area opened Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Grey Warden Shield, Meet Orlesian Mercenaries Rewards and Preferred Specialist: great bear hide, august ram leather, nugskin, canine leather, and forces, Gather Metals Type Stop Albrecht Harassing Messengers Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Obtain Amulet for Cole The Venatori attempt to establish a new supply line for red lyrium in Antiva. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, To Serve Any Master Rewards and Preferred Specialist: masterwork etched two-handed grip, influence, and forces. Power & Time Cost: 0 Power, 15 Min. How to Unlock: Claimed the port landmark in the storm coast In this operation, you can either use Josephine or Cullen/Leliana to deal with the Venatori network. Destroy Darkspawn Outbreak In this operation, you come to know about Venatori agents in the Nevarran City of Hunter Fell. An Orlesian woman in Hunter Fell might have a fondness for items from home. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: N/A. How to Unlock: Haven destroyed, Lelianas spies sent to make contact in Investigate Serault How to Unlock: complete Meet Orlesian Mercenaries using Josephine How to Unlock: Chantry upgraded in skyhold How to Unlock: Complete Protect Clan Lavellan using Cullen Rewards and Preferred Specialist: crow dual-blade and secrets, Western Approach Resources How to Unlock: complete Stop Venatori Fire Ship However, their operation is destroyed thanks to the involvement of both the Inquisition and the Antivan Crows. You need to speak to Josephine and have one noble ally provide you with siege equipment. I had leliana doing the war table mission identify a venatori agent. Protect the Inquisitions Reputation Choose Successor in Lydes: Caralina Dragon Age Inquisition. The easiest way is to be a devout Chantry follower, espousing your belief in the Maker and embracing your role as the Herald of Andraste. How to Unlock: Inquisition Rank 5, Setback Complete, At least 3 secrets perks Deal with Venatori Ally is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Hunt Therinfal Redoubt Demon Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks How to Unlock: Unlocked the quartermaster in skyhold How to Unlock: Complete A Patrol for the Crew. How to Unlock: Complete Setback, Kill at least 3 High Dragons Dragon Age Inquisition War Table Operations and Missions Guide Investigate Hunter Fell is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition. You come to know about a rumor circulating about Divine Justinia V being alive. Dragon Age: Inquisition Guide To Recruiting All Agents Therefore, refrain from sending Cullen to complete it, Protect Clan Lavellan Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence, Shadows over Denerim How to Unlock: Completed An Offer from the Crows. How to Unlock: complete Track Spies in Nevarra Elfsnake Vitaar | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom How to Unlock: Alliances: Observing the Deadlock Available in Skyhold. The Venatori's efforts are a resounding success and soon a large group of deserters from both sides form 'The Freemen of the Dales.' Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces. Chevalier Ducet will offer you to help your soldiers fighting off the Red Templars in Val Foret. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Destroying House of Reposes Contract How to Unlock: Dagna Unlocked Investigate Hunter Fell is an Inner Circle Mission in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Influence. How to Unlock: complete Investigate Val Gamord Completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss Appearances Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Red Jenny and the Trail (Nevarra) Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, and Influence. How to Unlock: ? Here is a quick rundown of your Advisors strengths: After a War Table Operation has been completed, you will receive a notification on your screen. The information provided on the war table is woeful. In this operation, you need to rescue Coles friends, Rhys and Evangeline. The Venatori have some combat dialogue unique to them, in addition to generic lines used by all humanoid enemies. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Manage Stolen Freemen Property You can initiate it via the War Table. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Investigate the Shrine of Dumat Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets and Influence, Unmask Those across the Sea Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Jar of Bees Grenade Recipe. How to Unlock: If the Inquisition accepted Sebastian Vaels friendship, Inquisitor deal with the Grey Wardens at Adamant, Inquisitor returned from the ball at Halamshiral, a world state where Anders lives was imported How to Unlock: Josephine Romance Plot Address a Noblemans Concerns Rewards and Preferred Specialist: tyrddas staff and forces, Locate the Missing Seekers This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Identify Venatori Agent article. Investigate Man Accused of Abomination How to Unlock: Available after killing your first dragon Pursue Marquise Bouffon A bard's reputation precedes her, even if she wishes otherwise. Receive Ancestral Shield of Lydes if made Duchess. Protect Val Gamord from Darkspawn The arl does not know what we know. The Venatori mage captured by the Bull's Chargers at Redcliffe has given us valuable information on how the Venatori were able to co-opt the rebel mages. Arl Teagan invites you to take part in a tourney and get a chance to win a bannorn of your choice. Hard in Hightown: A Dagger in the Back Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Smash Inquisition Agent locations - Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki Guide - IGN This operation is only available if you have not completed In Your Heart Shall Burn
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