florida board of directors gmail com

tim.holladay.gw4l@statefarm.com, Director, Membership Chair DATE AND TIME: January 26, 2023, 1:30 p.m. EST PLACE: Hotel Duval 415 N Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Call in number: 855-758-1310 Meeting ID: 627 763 6389 Passcode: 567768 GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: Continue reading "Space Florida Board of . Attorney applicants must be members of The Florida Bar and in good standing. The meetings are held in conjunction with the Day in the Legislature, Annual Summer Conference, Board of Directors Leadership Development Training, and Annual Joint Conference . (561) 386-0537 (407) 894-5431 Board/Council - Florida Certification Board With over 20 years of leadership experience, Jaime Holland is an Executive Director of Renewable Energy Origination at NextEra Energy Resources, an affiliate entity to Florida Power & Light Company. Email: tomgraver1437@gmail.com. He has also attended FT work parties in both the Ocala and Osceola National Forests. He specializes in residential brokerage. He couldnt believe that he found a job where he was paid to hike 40 hrs/wk, 52 wks/year. 2023 Call for Board Nominations; 2022-2023 President's Message; Leadership & History; Committees; Governance. Rick was raised in southwestern Ohio and has spent most of his life enjoying the outdoors. In Florida, an association's board of directors is initially appointed by the developer and then elected by homeowners. (305) 412-0800 As a lifetime Florida resident, James has a deep love and respect for its natural spaces and adheres religiously to the Leave No Trace (LNT) principles. She loves her two pups Boodle and Squirt. He received a BS in Accounting from Florida State University. She is a member of the Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, the National Avademy of Elder Law Attorneys, and the Lee County Bar Association. The Board of Directors oversees the operation of the Shriners Children's healthcare system. Email: captterryrealtor@gmail.com. She maintains a Professional Civil Engineering License in both Florida and California. RT @GovRonDeSantis: Happy Birthday Florida! EFI works closely with a statewide network of economic development partners, including DEO, to showcase Florida as the leading state for business. The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertising. That intimate experience has given her a deeper understanding and compassion for senior care needs and transition plans. The Florida lawmakers just made email a problem for both condo and homeowners' association boards and their managers. View her short video at https://tiny.cc/JanWallace. Former USF leader Brian Lamb elected to head Florida university board HOA Course download brochure . CONTACT US. console.log("form submitted 2"); melissakonkol@gmail.com. He joined the local chapter of the FTA in 2016, and has since become co-chair, chair (current), activity coordinator (current), and activity leader, and been certified as a sawyer. Boards, Councils and Committees | Florida Department of Health Jans always been driven. Teresa.haas10@gmail.com. Victoria Bryant Morrison. For example, attorney-client privileged correspondence; medical records; information obtained by an association in connection with the approval of the lease, sale, or other transfer of a unit; and social security numbers, just to name a few, are not subject to a members inspection request but still constitute a part of the associations official records. Ponte Vedra, FL 32081 She has been an attorney with Green Schoenfeld & Kyle LLP since 2019. Following a successful career as owner of an Indianapolis-based marketing company, Jan moved to sunny Florida with her husband Joe. In the past few months, she has hit the ground running showcasing Florida as the best place for business. Randall Alvord. Lois Kostroski has served as Florida Animal Friend's Executive Director since 2007, and was on the Board of Directors from 2005 to 2012. (727) 847-3838 Gourmet Breakfast is included in free seminar. However, that is a fairly debatable point. Tom Henry Course RSVP * Required fields. A career highlight was living in Germany, performing the integration manager duties. As the official records of condominium, homeowner, and cooperative associations are subject to member inspection with limited exception, the question often askedis whether e-mails, including e-mails between board members and between one or more board members and the associations manager, constitute part of the associations official records that are subject to inspection by the members. Board of Directors Leaders wanted!Applications are open for serving on the 2023 Board of Directors. I love helping people. The Board of Directors offer the program a diversified array of talent and credentials. E-Mail Addresses and Board Member E-mails. FCAP Member Advantage eNewsletter Patrick will also continue to communicate and share time with several local organizations he knows that share similar and overlapping interests. Kathryn Ballard has a long history of charitable and community work, including service on the Board of Directors of the Florida Special Olympics, the Florida State University College of Health and Human Sciences Board and the Board of Trustees of the Maclay School of Tallahassee. Brandon Moore-Johnson Director BHHS Florida Properties Grp brandon@enhanceliving.realestate. Click here to view all past presidents/chairs of PRO/CPRO and its previous associations. Mr. Cheek is a Florida Registered Professional Engineer with over 20 years of utility-related engineering experience. 3435 University Blvd N. Jacksonville, FL 32277 2022 BY FRIENDS OF THE JACKSONVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Please arrive 15-30 minutes early for registration.Gourmet Breakfast is included in free seminar. Simply stated, if one wasto rely on the guidance cited herein, e-mails solely between board members, even a board majority, are not part of the official records; e-mails between the board and the manager are part of the official records; and unit owner e-mail addresses are only subject to inspection where a unit owner has either consented to receive notice by e-mail or has consented in writing to the disclosure of his/her e-mail address. Board of Directors . Board of Directors - PRO/CPRO REALTORS 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A04. Shane RoopnarineUniversity of Central Florida, Douglas CraneDirectorPalm Beach County Library System, Marina MorganMetadata LibrarianFlorida Southern College, Roux Library, Nancy FredricksLibraries AdministratorPasco County Library System, Liaison to the Conference Planning Committee, Ray BakerDirectorMiami-Dade Public Library System, Liaison to the Advocacy & Legislative Committee, Sonya ChapaAssistant Coordinator / LibrarianOkeechobee County Public LibraryLiaison to the Professional Development Committee, Natalie HoustonYouth Service ManagerOrange County Library System, Amy HarrisInstruction and Assessment Librarian, Assistant ProfessorSaint Leo University, Liaison to the Intellectual Freedom Committee, Pamela MonroeLibrary DirectorLeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library System, Liaison to the Membership Development Committee, Phyllis GorsheLibrary DirectorDunedin Public Library, Amy Johnson, Division of Library & Information ServicesDirector, Heather SostromSJC-BOCCBranch Manager Anastasia Island Branch, Matt SelbyBranch ManagerPalm Beach County Library System, Audrey M. KokeSerials, E-Resources & Instructional LibrarianSaint Leo University, Leila Gibradze Florida State University, Goldstein LibraryAssociate Librarian, Representative from University of South Florida, Dr.VanessaReyes, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of InstructionSchool of InformationUniversity of South Florida, Florida Library Association545 E. Tennessee St. #100-DTallahassee, FL 32308United States850 - 270 - 9205, 2023 Friends, Foundations and Boards Awards, Serials, E-Resources & Instructional Librarian. Each board member is a county employee appointed by their local government. Dr. Jackie Dueas is an associate veterinarian at Sunset Animal Clinic in Miami, FL and has been with the practice since September of 2017. . 8548 N Dale Mabry Hwy Ste 2A Board of Directors Charitable Foundation of the Islands While in Boy Scouts he completed hi 50 mile hike in Ocala National Forest. FSBA Executive Officers - Florida School Boards Association After a long career of managing transfusion services at Florida hospitals, she now works part time as a validation specialist for a healthcare software company. Mr. Deese has served as a director of Flowers Foods since June 2004 and chairman of the board of directors since January 1, 2006. Executive Director. PO Box 2094 Fort Myers, FL, 33902. Board of Directors - Flowers Foods I look forward to keeping Florida free for future generations. Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine Board of Directors Sean Williams. Tom Cothron, LUTCF Chair Women's Leadership Committee. P.O. She became a Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist, a mark of global market prestige. Before you decide, contact us to receive free written information about our qualifications and experience. As an Activity / Crew Leader, Tom has organized and lead well over 100 Florida Trail maintenance and trail construction activities. His trail related schools include Trail Crew Leader Training at the University of North Georgia and participation in several American Hiking Society trail maintenance and construction Volunteer Vacations. (813) 933-7333 He received his MLIS from the University of South Florida in 2018. Created Date: Eric grew up in central Florida. Board of Directors - NAIFA-Florida That would be 15+ years ago. The Florida Keys Board of Realtors Board of Directors consists of 4 officers and 7 directors, each serving on a voluntary basis to guide the Association, uphold the Mission Statement and Realtors Code of Ethics, and fulfill the Strategic Plan. Elizabeth Andersen School Board Representative, District 2 Duval County Public Schools Jacksonville City Council President Hon. Patrick Brennan (Ph.D., Ed.D.) Matt Gonzales. Trinity, Florida 34655-5353 He's a certified professional in Human Resources and a Certified Public Manager. Interested in Taking the 2023 Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) Class? Case No. Only the e-mail addresses of unit owners who have either consented to receive association notice (s) by e-mail or have consented in writing to the disclosure of their e-mail addresses are subject to review during an official record inspection. Contact the Office of Executive Appointments. Mid-Florida SHRM - Board of Directors robert@therosenthalagency.com, NAIFA President Board of Directors - Palm Bay Chamber FLA 2022-2023 Board of Directors - flalib.org Board of Directors Vizcaya of Bradenton About History Mission & Vision President's Message Five Pillars of Service Board of Directors Committee's Careers Staff Events Upcoming Events Webinar Recordings Past Events Membership Membership Overview Membership Application Member Directory Member portal Gallery Services Technical Assistance Sponsorship Foundations Newsletters Social Recent . function submitForm() { Michael Bennett. The remaining board members can then appoint someone to fill . //alert("form submitted"); He began volunteering with the Florida Trail Association in 1998 and has held positions as Activity Leader, Trailmaster, Eglin Section Leader, Trail Coordinator, FTA Board member, VP Membership (3/2007 12/2009) and VP Trails (3/2011 3/2016). Notice of Meeting/Workshop Hearing Space Florida The Space Florida announces a public meeting to which all persons are invited. January 2021. in Civil / Structural Engineering, he began his career as a construction engineer, then design engineer with Dominion Resources / Virginia Power. Cheryl Canzanella-Lewis Jan is also well versed in VA benefits, the referral of elder law attorneys and an array of other services she gladly customizes in order to meet the specific needs of each client. . Menu Close. courtneylovejoy@gskattorneys.com239-936-7200 x 247, Title:Director of Nursing/Aging Life Care Professional, Credentials:Florida Licensed Registered Nurse, Graduate of Hutchinson Hospital School of Nursing Diploma, Bachelors in Health Science Wichita State University. RN since 1973, Home Health Nursing since 1982, Able HealthCare Services since 1993. enjoys and cares about our northwest Florida resources and is ready to play an active role in preservation, promotion, and education. 1) Assure Board's observance of parliamentary procedures/order at meetings using Robert's Rules of Order; 2) Complete familiarity with By-Laws and Standing Rules and assure Board observance of same; and. Teresa Halverson . Published February 11, 2021 in Leadership, The Power of Us. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Judith Clarke County Member Director Director of Engineering, Monroe County 1100 Simonton St., Ste. Board of Directors - Florida Pharmacy Association A member of the Florida Trail Association since 1991, he has backpacked and hiked many of the trails in central Florida. Close Pediatric Care Search by Specialty, Condition, Service, or Treatment. Secretary Courtney van Emmerik Lovejoy, Esq. Susan Harrison. I look forward to working with Secretary DiBella and sharing ideas for her vision to bring the best to Florida. Robert Rosenthal Lewis W. Fishman, P.A. This is the only appointed position. Board of Directors - Shriners Hospitals for Children NAIFA-Florida P.O. She has served on dozens of professional boards and attained numerous advanced real estate credentials. She has a Master of Healthcare Administration from Tulane University. . . Became a Professional Guardian in 2015. starguardianship@gmail.com. The FSBA Board of Directors is composed of the five Executive Officers, 27 Directors representing geographical districts in the state, and FSBA members who serve as an officer or member of the Board of Directors of the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA). He began volunteering with the Florida Trail Association in 1998 and has held positions as Activity Leader, Trailmaster, Eglin Section Leader, Trail Coordinator, FTA Board member, VP Membership (3/2007 - 12/2009) and VP Trails (3/2011 - 3/2016). Trustees | Board of Trustees - Florida State University Shawns focus is to strengthen communities by driving innovation and process optimization for high-level service delivery and strategic execution. 5800 SW 20th St She has served on numerous community nonprofit C103 boards in the Lee County area. Several categories of records, while still constituting a part of the official records, are not subject to a members inspection request. Managers Report eNewsletter. . DiBella will also serve as Floridas Secretary of Commerce, becoming the first female Secretary of Commerce in the states history. Change language. daniellem@rightathomeofswfl.com239-949-1070, Professional Guardian since January 2016 in Collier and Lee Counties, Married 45 yearsOne living daughter (she is amazing!! Even though board members are unpaid volunteers who serve their community, they still . tom.henry@synergywealthalliance.com, Director, Government Relations Chair-APIC PDF 2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS - My Jax Chamber Shawn has served in multiple leadership positions for children and family services including case management, residential group care, prevention programs, early childhood education, mental health programs, and community partnership schools. Mr. Parker began his career with Hendry County as its county engineer in 2006 after spending 11 years in the private sector, primarily in land development. As we embark on a new year together, we want to share a special thank you to our JDRF Community Board of Directors. Stay Updated. Elwood McElhaney is a retired Certified Public Accountant. The Junior Achievement of South Florida Board of Directors is composed of local community leaders with a strong and balanced blend of skills and experience, providing guidance and support to JA staff as we strive to uphold our mission. Site Owned & Operated by The Florida Keys Board of REALTORS (FKBOR) Copyright 2020 |, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Destinations. The unit owner alleged that she was improperly denied the e-mail addresses. Board of Directors. 50 my .com Tom Nasby Network Vice President Aetna Inc. Michelle Braun President & CEO United Way of Northeast Florida Brian Bucher Regional President . Scott, Ashley Enoch (a) 3627 SW 98th Blvd Gainesville, Fl 32608 (813) 465-8584 ashley.enoch@gmail.com Area 13 - Florida & Puerto Rico Area 8 - Virginia, Washington, D.C., & West . Rick is now semi-retired and resides in Gainesville. The mission of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents is to assist and support superintendents in providing leadership to ensure that every student in Florida acquires the skills, knowledge and attitude to be contributing members of our democratic society through leadership development programs focused on student achievement, building relationships with business and . Are e-mails sent between board members partof an associations official records? Get The Coast. tomcothron@gmail.com. The Association's Board of Directors for 2022-2024 is comprised of the following members: Benji Addison, Manulife Investment Management Forest Management, Inc. John Alter, Alter-Bevis Farms Jimmy Bielling, Bielling Site Prep & Reforestation Anthony Boggess, Pierce Timber Company, Inc. Paul Byrd, T. W. Byrd's Sons, Inc. Wesley Carter, Loncala, Incorporated Robert P. Cook, Jr., Callahan . I want to thank Governor DeSantis for this nomination, said Freddie Figgers, CEO of Figgers Communication and EFI Vice Chair nominee. Tamara Richardson, P.E. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Board of Directors Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce She has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, a Master of Science in Environmental Quality Engineering and Master of Public Administration. Josh Pacecar Johnson of Saint Augustine, FL is a long distance hiker and has joined the FTA Board of Directors for the first time. Mr. Chris Borg Professional Division Rep. Lakewood High School 1400 54th Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33705 727-893-2955 She also is a facilitator for the Its All About You programA Chronic Disease Self Management Course. 2022 Florida Realtor Directors: Virginia Wright. Shawn has had the honor to lead local, statewide, and federal advocacy efforts for childrens issues throughout Hillsborough, Pinellas, Duval, Clay, St. Johns, and Miami-Dade counties in addition to presenting at delegation hearings and legislative meetings in both Tallahassee, FL, and Washington D.C. Shawn currently serves as the CEO | Executive Director for Learning Independence For Tomorrow Inc. (LiFT), a private nonprofit educational organization specializing in the education of students with neurodiversity. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Today, the Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI) Board of Directors unanimously voted to approve Laura DiBella as the new President and CEO of Enterprise Florida. //submit(); A unique work highlight included underwater inspection activities as part of the civil engineering dive team. Board of Directors | SFWA Board of Directors, Vice Chair. Condo Course download brochure , May 17, 2023(Zoom) The Board of Directors includes the FICPA chair, chair-elect, nine directors, the Chair of the FICPA's Young CPAs Committee (non-voting) and the FICPA's President & CEO, who serves as the Secretary-Treasurer (also, non-voting). Joseph Padron currently works as the External Affairs Manager with Florida Power and Light. Craig Rodrigue He has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California. George.Royal@hubinternational.com, NAIFA-FL IFAPAC Chair His other interests include hiking/camping (he has done sections of the AT and FT, among others,), boating (American Sailing Association certifications: Basic Keelboat Sailing; Basic and Intermediate Coastal Cruising; Bareboat Chartering), and travel. . Scott Perry, Suddath Global Logistics. Board of Directors - VISIT FLORIDA FLORIDA BAR FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS VACANCIES - The Florida Bar 1025 South Samoran Blvd Ste 1083 He currently serves as Treasurer. She is proud to have a National Scenic Trail in Florida, and knows the importance of managing this resource. OMCAR Location. They are four elected public school representatives, four elected private school representatives, two elected district school superintendents, two elected district school board members, three representatives appointed by the Commissioner of Education, and the . She recently joined the law firm of Green Schoenfeld & Kyle LLP. Shellie Ferrara has over 30 years of experience working in the healthcare field. Their expertise in water and sewer utility management makes the board a very important part of the FGUA structure. Jamie Holland, Chair. Chairman Pensacola, Florida. James is a Florida licensed civil engineer who received his BS in Civil Engineering from UCF in 1987. He later was elected to public works director for the county, and directs Hendry County airports, special districts, Port LaBelle Utilities, GIS, engineering, and the road and bridge department. 1022 NW 2nd Street Gainesville, FL 32601 | Phone. Worked 33 years for the State of Florida, Dept. In this role, he oversees Babson's state-of-the-art investments lab . Im excited and look forward to championing and leading the outstanding efforts of the entire EFI team, in lockstep with our statewide partners, to really capitalize on this amazing snapshot of time., It has been an honor to work alongside Laura during her time at Enterprise Florida, said Holly Borgmann, Vice Chair of the EFI Board of Directors. JDRF Northern Florida Board of Directors Corner. Our Board of Directors. Courtney has her Masters of Law in Elder Law, is an accredited attorney with the Department of Veterans Affairs, and is a member of the Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and the Lee County Bar Association. Patrick Garrabrant His passion is to support FCS in keeping the main thing the main thing: bringing students and families who are lost to life in Christ while developing well-rounded students. Gregory Wilson - Carnegie Mellon University - Tampa, Florida - LinkedIn McGraw was 2011 president of the Orlando Regional Realtor Association and 2018 . Guardian (Individual Professional)Phone: 239-489-3441Email:lrholman1963@gmail.com. Beth was named as a Super Lawyer by Super Lawyers magazine in 2008-2022 and a Top 50 Women Super Lawyer for 2018. kellyscagliotti@gskattorneys.com239-208-3052. Our Board of Directors | Lakeland Board Of Realtors The Condominium Act, more specifically, Section 718.111(12), Florida Statutes, provides, with regard to unit owner e-mail addresses, that [t]he asso-ciation shall also maintain the electronic mailing addressesof unit owners consenting to receive notice by electronic transmission. Board of Directors - Florida Animal Friend Sign up for our weekly newsletter today. Prior to joining the Enterprise Florida team, DiBella served as the first full-time Executive Director of the Florida Harbor Pilots Association, where she ensured the uninterrupted flow of commerce through Floridas 14 operating deepwater seaports as the pandemic disrupted the supply chain worldwide. Ms. Keyes joined Lee County in 2011 as the Utilities Director. (904) 730-9654 Together, the Board implements the . Section 718.112 (2) (n) of the Florida Condominium Act states that a director or officer who is more than 90 days delinquent in the payment of any monetary obligation due to the association is considered to have abandoned his or her position. David is a graduate of USF with a BS in Engineering Technology and is employed by the Lake Wales Charter School District.

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