ford fusion sunroof drain location

Not. 2014 Limited: Ruby Red/White Suede Vista Roof. Technical How-To Articles. If available one could also try an electrician's steel fish line wire. Diagnosis: I parked the car in the usual inclined position. Water was draining fast so I it is either unclogged or I have another problem. We will see next time it rains. There are after market sensors available to close sun roofs when the rain water closes the circuit. AFTER MARKET sun roofs do NOT have gutters formed into the roof to collect rain, since the fitter simply cuts a hole into roof and installs a grommet that has as built in channel to drain rain via a tube down via the "A" pillar. First, I read other related posts here to familiarize myself with known issues. It runs well and the bells and whistles are great. If the car is parked "flat" there is no obvious water accumulation. Posted by Anonymous on Nov 05, 2012. In some cases the drain tubes may be clogged and require a clean-out. The drain channel collects water and drains it through the front drain hose(s) located in the A-pillar and the rear drain hose(s) located in the C-pillar. Just noticed that I typed 3/6" I.D. A MAJOR FLAW HOWEVER, IN THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF MOONROOF. Reply Like 12-26-2011, 02:58 PM # 5 minnemike Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: maplewood, MN Posts: 360 Honestly I never would have even expected that. When it rains my headliner specifically all the way at the bottom where the windshield and the drivers door meet is wet. It seamed to drain ok with some water but I ran some grass trimmer string down through it and flushed it about 3 time more with water. Clear editor. The moisture is then drained out of the vehicle through the sunroof drains, which run from inside the roof area and exit somewhere else. Contact your local Ford, Lincoln or Mercury dealer for details and a copy of the limited warranty. by TwoTone Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:29 am, Post by Unobtainium Wed Mar 11, 2020 6:17 pm, You need to be a member in order to post a reply, Not a member? '17 fusion leaking sunroof? : r/Ford - reddit I have managed to clear the front pipes but cant see the rear pipes. My 2017 F-350 developed a leak with the last set of storms that rolled through Austin yesterday. Privacy Statement - Ford 2018-2020 Expedition 2018-2020 F-150 2018-2020 F-Super Duty Lincoln . So the majority of people are fine. Is it an easy fix? I had a similar problem in my 2015 Super Duty. leaking moonroof gasket 2015 Taurus | Ford Forums 4 years ago When a sunroof drain does become plugged, the common signs are either a wet headliner, water dripping from the headliner, wet roof pillar, a damp carpet or water pooling in the foot wells. My 2012 Fusion has a water leak when it rains, leaving standing water in both sides of the back seat floorboard. Finally, confirm if the glass is tightly sealed to the body. Ok, Ive never uploaded a picture before, so hopefully it works for me. With no luck rooting out the drain on mine I dropped the front of the headliner on the curbside and found the drain tube had slipped off the fitting on the moonroof frame allowing water directly into the A pillar. Powered by Invision Community, Ford Fusion Modifications and Technical Discussion. William Zane has been a freelance writer and photographer for over six years and specializes primarily in automotive-related subject matter among many other topics. Weirdly, a bottle of water poured into the gutter drains well and this problem also does not occur at the car wash. I'm not sure how to get closer to it without taking out at least part of the dash. Sunroof for 2019 Ford Fusion | Sunroof Drain Cleaning (Sunroof Exits) - 2013 Ford Taurus Good luck. Snake out a really stubborn clog with a speedometer cable. At first they told me they couldn't work on it per Ford Council due to my BBB claim. If you shop at (for anything), use this link to support! Anyone know what the problem is or how to fix? Consult a workshop manual for your specific model. If you pull the driver side inner wheel well you should see a rubber grommet on the firewall that has most likely deteriorated. Dealer service dept. This information has been great and has help me identify the front drainage tubes. at first i thought the sunroof drains were clogged causing it to leak. by WithinU Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:18 pm, Post Some photos from yesterdays drying out session. Using the fuse pullers provided, remove the sunroof fuse from the fuse box. On all the "moon roof" systems I have seen, the panel seals to the interior of the car - not to the exterior - this makes. Clearly, the water is supposed to drain from this area into yet another inaccessible sheet metal cavity below, but it was not happening. register to join our community Its free and only takes a minute, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. I had to move the corner of the pop-up wind deflector that is clipped down to see it. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. I do not have a sunroof/moonroof. Help Clearing Moonroof Drain Lines on '16 Explorer With Dead Motor Another instance for light reading: My Parents bought an '85 New Yorker 4cyl turbo new off the lot. Who's idea was it to fit these valves? by Unobtainium Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:24 pm, Post The #1 Ford Explorer enthusiast resource for over 25 years! 2017 Ford Fusion Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) - TrueDelta "Jeff" wrote in message "Fred" wrote in message news:4a9f8f21$0$22526$ Now you can take my word for it - my source of information is section 501-17 Roof Opening Panel in the 2008 factory WSM or you can part with a few bucks a for your very own WSM. I have a 2008 Ford F250 Ranch quad cab truck. There is - JustAnswer SPRAY TEST WAS NEGATIVE FOR LEAKS. An expensive and very involved repair. I assume a sunroof drain is clogged. No sooner had I done that - then it rained for 3 days straight. Re: Cleaning out the Sunroof/Vista Roof drains . Luckily I've never had any leaks though and I would have thought that Moonroofs are pretty dependable and solid today. I was told some times the tube running down the A Pillar can have a kink or slight bend in it. Your previous content has been restored. Clear The Drains On A Sunroof | Ford Automobiles Forum This car was put away for the winters and it was like new. This I did with little success because it happened again. There are a fair number of Youtube videos out there on sunroof drain tube cleaning. by Adria719 Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:42 pm, Post Where Are Ford F150 Sunroof Drains Located? - Just bought an 06 expedition ,so new to this forum. Test the flow of each drain by pouring a small amount of water (about cup) down the openings of the drain where they are located near the sunroof. to. Moral: Dont buy Chrysler or Keep your car garaged if you can. Fuse Box Diagram Ford Fusion (2010-2012) I tried clearing all the drains in my car but that didnt work. ARGGGH. What I found is that I never or seldom use it except as a window to the sky. If you experience water leaks during rain storms in your Ford Fusion thru your headliner, sunvisor base plate or overhead light panel- it is due to. I would recommend it for sure. It is flexible enough to follow a gentle curve, but stiff enough to push through a bad clog. i think it is from the sunroof not draining properly so I'm . By Genuine Ford Accessories will be warranted for whichever provides you the greatest benefit: 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever occurs first) or the remainder of your Bumper-to-Bumper 3-year/36,000-mile New Vehicles Warranty. For those of you who are also having the mysterious origin moonroof leaks, if it doesn't get resolved second time round you should be asking for a replacement vehicle. LEAKING THRU SUNVISOR. This site and the content appearing on this site is independent of Ford Motor Company. Knock on wood. I've done this today as i suspected blocked sunroof drains. 2010 Ford Explorer Sunroof Drain Termination Location To shop for a Fusion with sunroof / moonroof: check prices and deals of cars with moonroof for sale, and find a dealership near you in the US You can post now and register later. On my old carlton , I manage to "rod" it using a net curtain wire, Thanks again to Chris. CAR WAS, RETURNED TO US. THIRD SERVICE - REPLACED HEADLINER. I hope this helps and stay dry.. Your link has been automatically embedded. After it was fixed, I wrecked it. It is most likely clogged with debris, you can air blast it if you have a compressor, of use a coil plunger line, shove it down ther and push all of that until it comes out the end and of the bottom of the . & 303A. Man I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. I do like the Fusion. A forum community dedicated to all Ford owners and enthusiasts. 2008 Ford Fusion 48,000 mi, Visitor. Location: Land of Oz Vehicle: 2012 Flex SE FWD. had lied about doing work on the car when they didn't even have the car at the time. Have had 6 cars with sunroofs, never a leakage issue. I ran weed trimmer line 3 or so feet into the tube from the top, then hit a hard stop and tube is still clogged. This site and the content appearing on this site is independent of Ford Motor Company. I like the rest of the car so far but my family owned a ford once before and that wasn't that great of an experience so I'm a bit leary. Ford - 2012 ford escape problems with sunroof repair warranty . Close the sunroof and pour water over the top again. Anyone have any expierience with doing this. The Ford Fusion Forumis not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed, licensed or approved by Ford Motor Company. Search and buy used Ford Fusion with sunroof. Slowly insert the wire, trimmer cord is also great for this if you have a roll laying around. FORD ENGINEER WAS CALLED IN. Let it dry following the liquid tape manufacturer's directions. The rears may drain under the rear bumper or the top of the rear hatch jamb area. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community., Suspension/Wheels/Brakes/Steering (Mk3 Mondeo). My 2017 F-350 developed a leak with the last set of storms that rolled through Austin yesterday A pillar on the driver's side is wet with a small puddle of water on the floor mat. I have the same issue but no idea how the water gets from the cowl drain into the vehicle. Its been 100% reliable and not a single issue. All they do to fix the problem is get a can of compressed air & blow the tube out. . Depending on your vehicle, the location of these may vary, though the front drain holes in most cars exit in the doorjamb or under the car. When broken, it does not pull the drain to the proper location, allowing the water to drain in the car. Want . Pour another small amount of water down the drain once it is unclogged to rinse it out. carpet and headliner etc. The difference is important! I would check it also for cracks in the sealant. That seemed to clear the pipe so i tried to feed the pipe cleaner all the way up to the top but it wouldn't go any further than about 12" up the pipe, leading me to beleive there is more further up, appx mid-A pillar area. Members can start their own topics & subscribe to topics Location UNION DALE PA. Sunroofs add an element of fun to your everyday drive, but sometimes they break. You have to drill out these rivets and power the glass back and forward to get the guides and rods out. Eventually I opened up a seam gap and the water drained out. A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! Terms of Service - If you live in a treed area, it can happen more often as there is larger particles floating around in the air which would eventually plug the drains. So I don't know if it ever had that problem again, but I have not had a problem with the 08. If an item is subject to sales tax at the location where the sale takes place, tax is generally calculated on . When I poured water, the leak got bad , fast. Water that gets under the rubber on AFTER MARKET sun roofswill run inside the vehicle. Photo credit to Nick. Are there sun roof drains on '08 fusion? - Google Groups We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. 2014 Fusion Nightmare water leak drivers floor : r/fordfusion - reddit 2014 front driver side front sunroof drain tube exit location? - Ford It is normal to have water drip in the the tracks when it rains. This photo gives you an idea of the drain pipe exit point location,its just behind the mini glove box,where you can see the disturbed insulation felt. How to Clean Out the Sunroof Drain Holes | It Still Runs Howdy Super Duty Fans! Twist the cable as you feed . DEALER CHECKED FOR LEAKS AND CLOGGED DRAINS. If the water still does not drain out, use a piece of flexible wire to snake it down the drain hole to dislodge the debris. Will study it more tomorrow, when I can stand it. Aug 17, 2018. Hi, from what I know the rear drains don't have a one way valve. Locate the drain holes. On all the, That's the way my Escape moonroof works. 10-minute sunroof leak fix - Ford F150 Forum - Community of Ford Truck Fans While a faulty seal could be the reason for your leak, the most common cause of a leaky sunroof is a clog in the drainage system that carries water away. If you stand up through the sunroof and look in the corner (you may have to push down the wind guard) you should see a hole in the side. They also had Olds at this dealership and he got a Cutlass. Mine is 2006 Fusion. Return Policy When I drain the water seperator should I? Where do these front tubes exit the vehicle? Where I park the back is downhill and the water has collecting in the track until it overflows. The Fusion is equipped with a moonroof but I've had the drains cleaned and even went as far as pouring water down the drain tube that runs along that part of the car and it stayed dry inside, I thought it might have been the corner of the windshield but after using some heaving duty caulking along the top of the windshield it's still getting wet Step 2 Right in the corners there is a 1/4" hole on both sides. Rear tubes don't have that valve, so shouldn't get blocked. by Adria719 Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:16 am, Post Location; Windshield: Feb 2023: Malta, NY: Windshield: Feb 2023: HEMPSTEAD, NY . In that case the water drains out from seams between the fender sheetmetal just behind the front wheel well. After WEEKS at the dealership, they found that the drain holes punched in the body werent punched. I really think their final push was what brought resolution to my situation. Paste as plain text instead, Problem solved. Any photos would be greatly appreciated. I don't think so and I hope not. Only wet around the A pillar handle and just below it on the floor mat. Nevertheless she still had a strong case. JavaScript is disabled. down the drain apertures where they are positioned near the sunroof to test the flow of each drain. You cannot effectively do a visual inspect of the pocket area, even with a mirror, but I was able to feel around with my fingers in search of a drain hole. First you will need to open the sunroof as this is the easiest way to access the drains. The sunroof was not used for years, and it started to leak a bit after I opened it recently. Car sunroof repair: Insert a snake. Cleaning out the Sunroof/Vista Roof drains - Ford Flex Forum Ordered up the new guides with the metal rods, and a pair of drain tubes for the front. Water leaking into car - Maintenance, Recalls and TSB (Technical After arbitration Ford had to buy back the car! Stick with it. 4. There may be a TSB on this. I had to do some cleanup. Stay up to date with my latest tutorials, don't forget to FOLLOW my profile and be sure to check out my YOUTUBE page as well for all your DIY needs. Answering your final question: moonroof glass can be replaced separately from the entire assembly in the roof. NOTE: Complete the following within 5 seconds: A. They tried everything from cleaning out the moonroof drains. Ultimately, if anyone else has this problem it may be a great help. Will study it more tomorrow, when I can stand it. All site content Copyright 2006-var year=new Date(); year=year.getYear(); if (year<1900) year+=1900; document.write(year); We are in no way affiliated with Ford Motor Company, Items relating to recalls, technical service bulletins, maintenance, and care go here. Stupid stupid Mr Ford for fitting a daft valve at the pipe exit. The techs were somewhat sloppy putting the car back together. Weed whacker string from the bottom up. Post If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Finally they got Ford to agree to replace the moonroof. See if . I have a leak under my passenger seat and think that might be the issue. I've always used compressed air in a can like for computers/electronics. Be sur. If the air compressor does not work or you do not have access to one, use a wire. i noticed the headliner getting wet around the A pillars The only problem is that the water will splash into the car if thereis a heavy rain. 2019 Ford Fusion - Sunroof leaks - Car Talk Community Subject: 2012 Ford Escape premium care warranty for Sunroof. I was getting a shower and wet seat in my 1999 Subaru Outback Ltd.

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