Zay asked. But for the first time in his entire 30 years, he can say it honestly: he is fine. It tasted really gross. Riley had nagged her about going to see a doctor, but Maya waved her off and promised that she would get over it soon. determines as enemy. Lucas Friar/Farkle Minkus - Works | Archive of Our Own Riley, Maya, and the rest are entering 7th grade, but some of them may have a secret. Maya sometimes wears Riley's clothes, jewelry or make up. "Stop. "Nothing!" ((not abandoned i just have low work ethic)). So alive. It could take months or years. The song and dance those two had been doing had quickly gotten old. it was awesome how i ended it here so. yeah. All rights go to creators of GMW. Zay thinks he likes boys and really doesn't understand what's wrong with that. What if the Girl Meets World characters watched all of the Boy Meets World episodes? Riley is a girly girl, whileMaya is a tomboy. "Ew! Girl Meets Rebell . "oh come on." Go to college. I snapped at her. Even if it might cost him everything. To bed she had just worn a diaper and shirt. What could you possibly have going on during school that you could be-", "No Farkle!" girlmeetsworld, disneychannel, maya. "Do either of you have something to share with the rest of the class?". Maya is on a mission: to fix her friends' trouble in love by the end of the month of December. ", Riley took offense to this and forced herself to look at her best friend. She made it all the way to lunch without having another wave of nausea, but the smell of cafeteria food proved too much for her gut to take. A Follow up to Because She's My Daughter. They survived middle school, they survived high school but will they survive college? "When are you going to tell everyone?" Maya shrugged, "I don't know." Join Skylar, Adam, Bree, Chase and Sakura, as they journeyed to Aurodon in search of the Fairy Godmother's wand for their parents. COMPLETED Viola Rayne Taylor was like a big sister to Riley and especially Maya. It was three months filled with almost kisses and almost confessions. And Ive got a boner! winter "lollie" parker thought she knew the world but in reality it's gonna hit her like a truck "We are back on the air" - Cory Matthews; Have faith, those are the words of Maya Hunter as she looks around her, Josh works at Topangas, Riley is on a soul search, teachers are proven imperfect, Pluto is a planet, and the gang holds on for a wild ride in what is sure to be an interesting season 4 of Girl Meets World. When the two girls returned to the lunch table, Farkle was the first to see them. Season 3. Twelve days. (She just hopes those pesky feelings of hers will stay hidden while she's there.) Two Riley Matthews, a master of disguise, pulled into this by her former best friend, and only stays for the money. girl meets world Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship - Maya H., Riley M. - Words: 1,819 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 . I cant believe I let myself get so carried away! Lucas begins to sniffle again, before continuing hisrambling. Taylor spend most of her life living with her father, He and Her Mom broke up when she was only a baby. Maya is the fifteen-year-old daughter of Kermit and Katy . 5. She nodded as she slid down next to him. While Riley is away with family, Lucas is bored. Hope is for suckers." Josh returns to his brother's apartment for the winter holidays but becomes distressed at how Maya and Riley's friendship has unraveled. "She told me she's been throwing up all morning," Riley sighed, taking her own seat. "I'm already sick, remember?". I mean I trustyallso much and youtrust me too, and Ive just completely ruined that by going and moaning so wantonly! Lucas finally notices his boner when he looks down in shame. Maya held out her stash of peppermints, causing Riley to roll her eyes. A story about Jason Anderson, a kid in the back who finally speaks up in Mr. Matthews class, and the hijinks that ensue. Zay has to keep telling people about amicusromanticm over and over again, until he finds someone who understands. Riley has tan skin, and Maya haspale skin. He had never been more desperate for help. ", The word itself made Maya heave again. I just! Lucas begins to babble frantically. Step One: Asking the boy of your dreams to the Semi-Formal. ", "You already would have infected me by now, me holding your hair is not gonna do much more damage." Riley and Maya's romantic relationship has been confirmed by Rowan herself. I pushed into the bathroom and threw up a few times in the toilet. The rest of the gang followed his gaze and saw the two girls walking towards them, Riley practically dragging Maya who leaned most of her weight onto her friend. Riley and Maya were compared to Cory and Topanga. maya hart x fem!oc First Published - 22nd September 2021 Completed - Take On The World| Girl Meets World 111 pages September 15, 2018 Maddie fanfiction. "Yeah, well. Life gets in the way, people get busy andthey forget winter "lollie" parker thought she knew the world but in reality it's gonna hit her like a truck She scowls at the sight. Girl Meets Maya's Maya revealed she and Josh had a long distance relationship. Maya agreed to play the long game with Josh. Roses - Riley gives Maya some roses and love letters every year on Valentine's day. I'm going to try and nap it off and relax before work. Lucas Friar & Maya Hart & Riley Matthews & Farkle Minkus (1) Include Additional Tags Homophobia (2) Threesome - M/M/M (2) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2) . ", yeah ok, so about What I said last chapter about this chapter being innapropriate Yeah, I decided not to do that. at least not here in this chapter. "Ms. Hart! Maya: Yeah. Lucas is frustrated. Rucas. The Matthews were known as nice, quirky, and just plain perfect. This time however, He's sure the universe must really have it out for him because instead of it being a father figure or a pseudo little brother in the middle of a medical crisis it's his daughter and to make matters worse he's a million miles away when it happens. Please consider turning it on! She begins alienating herself from her friends. 11. "well im not eating because of him!" She didn't keep in contact with anyone, but her family. They will face new changes, adventures and love blossoms ahead. Has a trouble pass and sister issue Lucas loves Massey happy she's come with him. Maya had always felt alone, abandoned. SPOILERS for S2's Episode "Girl Meets Rileytown." "maya!" Secrets kept between two souls. (.) She rolled her eyes. They're smiling and laughing about something. 8. highest ranking : #218 in "I think im gonna be sick." Farklejumps back a bit before standing up, followed by Zay doing the same. completed she said picking up the sandwhich and trying to force it in my mouth and then set it back down. Audrey gives him instructions that leave him questioning her state of mind. But on the way Riley noticed a poster on the Wall. as well as Maya and Riley share each others clothes, make up and jewelry. Girl Meets World (8) Boy Meets World (1) Exclude Characters Isaiah "Zay" Babineaux (8) Farkle Minkus (7) Lucas Friar (7) Riley Matthews (6) Maya Hart (6) Season 2. I said quickly getting up and running to the bathroom. Farkle and Auggie are the onl Ryan Matthews was older than his twin by six minutes and twenty seconds. TW: detailed self-harm & body hatred. But maybe aspiring musician Riley Matthews can get him to change his mind? even though I hadnt eaten in 24 hours and I felt weak from low blood sure sugar just looking at food made me feel nauseas. "So, you like him?" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Some fans change the ship name to Rowbrina. While spending Christmas with the Matthews family, caught in the middle of a snow Mr. Matthews history class is going on field trip. giggles They are girlfriends and have a history together. and who will they meet along the way? ", "Oh no you don't," Riley frowned. What if you get the chance " Aurora Matthews. With Riley still figuring out her feelings for Lucas, and Maya not knowing how she feels at all anymore, these 7 days Best friends forever. The one where they all have to clean up the mess that has happened since Texas, and the domino effect of everything after. Theres no way your best friends dad, whos been like a father to you, is doing that. He went through hell and got back in one piece. Riley was just getting up for the day. They kissed for the first time in this episode. Girl Meets World - Works | Archive of Our Own Original Female Character (s) Maya Hart Riley Matthews August "Auggie" Matthews Non-Consensual Spanking Parental Discipline Paddling school discipline Child Abuse Past Child Abuse Bits that don't neatly fit into any other story Part 40 of Boy's Friend Meets World Language: English Words: 106,127 Chapters: 124 /? Sort of. Will the Villainous Five choose the path of goodness or evil? Riley is oblivious. (And maybe just maybe getting her best friend back.). It happens to the best of us. Zay says coolly, trying to calm Lucas down by staying cool himself. Riley and Maya looked into each other's eyes and hugged each other, Riley pulled Maya in and kissed her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Viola Rayne Taylor was like a big sister to Riley and especially Maya. Maya sat down on the school steps and let her head fall into her hands. Thing are about to change as Riley and Maya finish High school leading them to go t Love (One) Shots of Riley and Maya. A universe where Medea is the daughter of two of the world's most dangerous people in the world. 10. Riley has brown eyes, while Maya has blue eyes. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. till next time! 9. Renee: [to Maya] Yeah, instead of Renee. Will the relationship happen? She didn't care what she had to do, but she was going to get them together. broken my heart. 28,520 28.5K. Joshua and Maya is the romantic/friendship pairing between Joshua Matthews and Maya Hart. basically cory matthews catching his four (least) favorite students in questionably not-platonic positions and not knowing what polyamory is. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. :: - I just! Lucas begins to babble frantically. Just a bunch of Joshaya one shots because the world needs more Joshaya.This work was originally on Quotev, but I moved it onto here. Smarkle. The benevolent Prince Oliver chooses to let 5 children of the most ruthless villains to live in Aurodon Prep School. "come on, its your favorate. After finding herself drunk at a college party and abandoned by her long game, Maya calls Lucas for help.-***This story is tagged with the Maya/Josh relationship because it's included in the story. Shes kept her feelings inside so she wouldn't make Riley feel bad for her. The show has them as romantic. Rilaya is the friendship and romantic pairing of Maya Hartand Riley Matthews. Three Two. One. Riley fac Lucas Friar and Ari Alvarez grew up together but eventually they started dating. 4. Life gets in the way, people get busy andthey forget Riley disappears the day after her high school graduation, five years ago. Shawn Hunter does not have a child or a love life like other people his age. She'd much rather pretend that everything is okay when it's not. That's okay by him. Through sickness and in health - Riley gets sick and Maya takes care of her. I'll see you guys tomorrow.". "I told her she should go home, but she said she doesn't want to. Because nobody needs to know how sad her life truly is. Riley, herself, took up about a quarter of the page. Unfortunately, an intent Lucas decides to join her and some truths they've been avoiding spill out. TV ShowsGirl Meets World Follow/FavSick Day By:danahscott Lucas is sick and there's nobody around to take care of him. "Hey girl's look its Maya that 7th grader slut who's dating Riley's hot Uncle Joshua. Girl Meets Christmas Both kiss again in the episode. If she never saw the results, they couldn't effect her. "I, I did it all "No Farkle, I decided I was just going to live with the feeling of a jackhammer inside of my head." It was three months filled with almost kisses and almost confessions. Maya and Riley become enemies in the episode. Girl Meets World Diaper Story - Writing - Writing.Com Lucas Friar and Farkle Minkus meet and become best friends with secret feelings but with the help of Riley and Maya, they will take on the world together. It's the Buggy awards and Farkle can't choose between Maya and Riley. (Originally posted on on 10/8/15. Work Search: When your family ignores you but you still did your best to support them only to find out they never cared about you at all, what do you do?. We know some of what Riley and her friends felt, but as the episode is only 30 minutes, it screamed for an expansion. "Why do you look like someone just ran you over with a truck and then reversed it?" perfect daughter and end up moving to Instead of a final warning, all the red flags burst into flame and Riley gets the very fun (re: absolutely mortifying) experience of standing frozen center-stage with her boyfriend of five years down on one knee and looking at her like she's hung the stars, and. Mainly Rucas and Joshaya but other pairings will be mentioned. All We Have Is Love Chapter Seven, a girl meets world fanfic | FanFiction She captivated her peers with her quiet persona. I used to have best friends. Please enjoy this story of Lucas and Maya and the combination of the two. Cory's is alone in Valentine's day. Farkle thinks this whole soulmate thing would be a lot easier without the superhero sidejob. No, its not fine! I owned every second that this world could give "are you going to be in it maya?". Riley examined me for a few long seconds then let out a sigh. The Matthews had considered her family even though they don't see her often. Sequel to Run and Hide. joshua matthews x fem oc From: Honey A collection of one-shots/short stories based around a military family and their loved ones. No. Riley's uncle, Josh Matthews, falls in love with her friend Stella. She saw Riley's diaper. "You're right, Peaches. And lastly, Maya Hunter, a ghost, who's main motivation is revenge. Maya Hart | Girl Meets World Wiki | Fandom |Oc/Oc|, maya falls in I'll help you - Maya takes care ofRiley for a few days when she gets sick. She was going to get them together by the end of December. Riley Matthews is suddenly thrown headfirst into the world of superheroes and supervillains after getting attacked at home by a supervillain. We fit together like a perfect puzzlebut things change. Medicom Be@Rbrick Toy 2 Be@Rbrick 2 400 The episode ended with them staring at each other. or, riley has a sexuality crisis. "Don't feel good," Maya mumbled as Riley all but sat her down in her chair. Girlmeetsworld Stories - Wattpad She had a mission now. "There's only one way to know for sure, Maya. With Maya away, Riley Matthews and her boyfriend Lucas decides to spend the weekend together, enjoying each other but find themselves interrupted by their best friend Farkle and Riley's uncle Josh. I whispered to myself not able to actually it. Joshmatthews Stories - Wattpad Maya knows how that feels. Maya got lucky when she snuck out one night at 13 and went to a party at NYU, at 16 she wouldnt be so lucky. Twelve days. A cute little Christmas oneshot to hopefully bring you a little joy during this difficult time. ", Farkle looked at her in deep thought for a few seconds. by: Jake More by this author. [ lucas friar x fem oc ! ] Lucas eventually makes his own choice, and fights for what he wants. Smarkle. - Riley and Maya play truth or dare and have sex together. Chapter 9. "whats wrong?". 938 Kudos: 133 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: He asked in concern. Riley, Maya, and Farkle. Lucas Friar was born into the world screaming with his tiny hands already in fists, and that describes the first part of his life. His mission is complicated by a group of freelance agents. The United States Division of Spy Networks (USDSN) sends out its best agent to take down Kermit Hart. "I told her you left with me during class because I got sick.". five years of the long game and then someday will be there and so will Josh. She didn't care what she had to do, but she was going to get them together. He is NOT a father, nor is he even father material. She is Riley Matthews ' best friend. She can't hide forever. Right? fanfiction +6 more # 5. Read Sick as a Goose ~ Riarkle from the story Girl Meets World drabbles, one-shots, & headcanons by i_heart_h_potter (Rilaya trash) with 382 reads. Please consider turning it on! "We need to go," Maya grabbed Farkle's hand and didn't wait for a response before rushing out of the room and making a beeline for the nearest exit. Just a simple fic that guides Joshaya together (finally). girl meets world seasons 1-3. jackhunter; corymatthews; coreyfogelmanis +22 more # 4. longing stares "Gee, I didn't notice," Maya bit back between waves. Girl Meets Sickness: The Sequel Chapter 1, a girl meets world fanfic What happens when they meet her in Texas? she snorted. hey guys! We haven't told everyone yet." "I know," Katy sighed, "Shawn still doesn't know." Maya nodded, pressing her lips together, thankful her mother kept her secret. #11: Shut Up and Kiss Me#12: Rileys Plan#13: My Girl#14. Both sleep over at the Matthews again. When Lucas Friar first got accepted into Carrington Performing Arts High School, he thought it would be a good way to get away from the craziness of his home life. Stick around and find out if the long game finally ends and happily ever after begins or if the "game" stays in effect. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. After 17 years on the run, he has a chance for that happy ending again. She looked at one of her oldest friends and the world seemed to stop spinning. I turned on the faucet, cupped my hands under the water and splashed the water on my face. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (13), Topanga Lawrence-Matthews/Cory Matthews (8), Riley Matthews & Topanga Lawrence-Matthews, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, It's too close to grooming for my comfort, Isaiah "Zay" Babineaux & Lucas Friar & Maya Hart & Riley Matthews & Farkle Minkus, Lucas Friar & Maya Hart & Riley Matthews & Farkle Minkus, Maya Hart & Topanga Lawrence-Matthews & Cory Matthews, Maya Hart Loves Riley But Riley Only Sees Her As A Friend, loose around the collar (like a homemade sweater), Marriage Proposal gone WRONG (sorry Lucas), I would like to vouch for this fic's place as a crackfic, Angela and Shawn as cool aunt and uncle u can't argue, also I doubt the producer of gmw would approve of this. Her head ached and so did her throat. They have known each other for a long time. It comes as a surprise, more so to Maya than anyone else. But I was so hungry, I wished it would stay in my mouth. How nice!. Maya rustled through the drawers, tossing around papers and pens. by ShelbyRea98 (:3) with 5,191 reads. It happens to the best of us. Zay says coolly, trying to calm Lucas down by staying cool himself. If they weren't going to do anything about it, Maya should. Not that she'd ever let anybody know that. Maya is confused. Josh Matthews (Girl Meets World) Isadora Smackle Original Alien Character (s) Ghosts Magic Alternate Universe - Magic Space Battles Alternate Universe - Space Aliens Witches Alternate Universe - Fantasy Slow Burn Temporary Character Death Friendship Family Platonic Relationships Male-Female Friendship Male Friendship Mating Cycles/In Heat Lucas has one, two, three soulmates. She was going to get them together by the end of December. #markle Hiding in the dark, waiting for the right moment to strike. "Jeez," Farkle muttered under his breath. And she's only known this girl for about five hours but she's made up her mind, she'll follow her anywhere.". When the two of them become roommates at Quincy University, whether by randomness or some kind of fate, it seems like a terrible, terrible mistake. She knew that her friends were only looking out for her and she loved them for it, but she had been dealing with a headache for the past week along with throwing up all of her food, so she was a bit low on patience. Then Came You - Chapter 1 - sabhart - Girl Meets World [Archive of Our Own] "Speaking of the devil himself." "Finally!" Maya yelled as she and Riley made their way into the kitchen. 2023 | -bibxtch . Maya lives in a small apartment, while Riley lives in a much bigger apartment. Maya and Riley and their journey through college, what will their experiences be? "You didn't have to follow me. It had been another day of school for Maya & Riley but this day would change everything . girl meets world fanfiction maya sick Josh returns to his brother's apartment for the winter holidays but becomes distressed at how Maya and Riley's friendship has unraveled. The artistic rebell with sass and a heart of expression. Farklepulls his hands back immediately and the three of them sit there in silence, Lucas opening his eyes once he realizes what just came out of his mouth. Honesty would save her, but it's hard to see that when you're eclipsed isn't it. Maya stepped back, pushing her mother's hand away before glancing in the direction of everyone. They're smiling and laughing about something. Ten Five times Maya and Josh almost got together at a party or event, and one party or event they finally got together.
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