highland high school athletic director

Please ensure you have all necessary paperwork and documentation/records available to expedite this process. New families and transfer students --- please note that your previous schools DO NOT forward aphysical/medicalformas part of any record transfers. 801.481.4893. I am very excited and feel very fortunate to be joining the RHS family and community as the newest member of the administration team. Our mission and our obligation under the law is to ensure that our schools are safe spaces for learning, where all students regardless of immigration status, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, nationality, gender, gender identity, or any other protected classification are respected and have access to a quality education. He earned his BA in Business Education (with a Coaching Emphasis) at Concordia College, an MEd in Applied Kinesiology (Sport Management) at the University of Minnesota, and a 6th Year Administration Certificate from St. Fax: (573) 209-3370. Highland Park Senior High School / Homepage - Highland Park High School Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.. Overcast. Boscolo spent ten years as the Head Girls Track and Field coach and was a class sponsor for eight years at UHS. District Athletic Secretary. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. Highland High School 208 West First Street, Ault, Colorado 80610 (970) 834-2816 (970) 834-2858 fax Inspire Success Daily We are currently vetting out-of-district students for enrollment. Sports Page Athletics Links Additional links for our parents and athletes listed below. 20 Bryce Phillips (Mt. Please reach out if you need assistance. Athletics | Highland High School Athletic Director / Athletic Director - Gaston County Schools The subscription also is a contribution to the Athletic Department and goes to fund varsity letters and certificates. Highland High School 9135 Erie Street Highland, Indiana 46322 Phone: (219) 922-5610 Fax: (219) 922-5636 All incoming ninth-graders are immediately eligible in high school for the first semester. He was also the Activities Director at Zimmerman High School during the 2007-08 school year before returning to Rogers High School, where he has been the Activities Director . Highland's Jessica Porvasnik: Signed to Play Golf for Buckeyes! To my core, I love to help people set, work toward, and achieve their goals and celebrate their success and I am blessed to do this as part of the RHS community. Staff Directory. The district is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. Send Us A Message. Phone: (573) 209-3215 Email-chouchins@highlandcusd5.orgAttendance, Student Discipline for 10th and 12th grade, School Safety/Disaster Drills, Supervision, School Leadership, School Detentions Program, S.T.O.P. I look forward to seeing all of you at the many athletic events that are scheduled for our Cougar teams this year. *Note: The high school cannot list CCP courses on the high school approved course lists and the high school does not have control over which CCP courses NCAA will approve. Mr. Caleb Houchins begins his fifth year as Associate Principal at High Highland High School and 22nd in education. [email protected], and/or Title II and Section 504 Coordinator, Jim Bennett, SELPA Director, 5801 Sundale Ave, (661) 827-3100, . 84106. Personally, I enjoy being as active as possible, and competing in the sport of triathlon is one of my main focuses. -this guide provides everything needed to ensure you are meeting the requirements for NCAA eligibility including a timeline to follow. 8th Graders that participate on a team will sign an NMAA 8th Grader Athletic Participation contract waiving the "Open Enrollment Choice.". Mr. Houchins began his teaching career at Pleasant Hill High School in 2001 and moved to HHS in 2004. $('span#sw-emailmask-2966').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); Mr. Houchins enjoys playing golf, reading and spending time with his family. Johnny Ringo to Serve As New HPISD Athletic Director We expect our athletes to compete with the highest degree of sportsmanship as well as recognize that their responsibilities in the classroom come first. Drug Testing Policy. Director of AthleticsBen Buening573-209-3215bbuening@lewis.k12.mo.us, David Degarmo573-209-3215ddegarmo@lewis.k12.mo.us. Student(s): (needs to be completed prior to starting EACH season). The department promotes individual and team development, intellectually, educationally, and athletically. The fine and performing arts programs in our three divisions are dynamic, vibrant, and brought to life by our talented students and faculty. Please dont hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions. Bio: Mr. Caleb Houchins begins his fifth year as Associate Principal at High Highland High School and 22nd in education. Prior Lake High School Activities Director Russ Reetz said there were only a few jobs he would be willing to leave his great job for, and Eden Prairie was one of them. Some events require a subscription to watch live and some do not require the subscription. AIAOnline Highland Passports Student Travel Opportunities, Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), Registration for Incoming 9th Graders 2020-2021, Principal/School Name | 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102, Crossroads Elementary Science + Montessori Schools, Dayton's Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary, Johnson Aerospace & Engineering High School, RiverEast Elementary and Secondary School, International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Require study across a broad range of subjects, Place special emphasis on learning world languages, Focus on developing the skills of learning, Provide opportunities for planning and research, Center on a strong written curriculum framework, Assess students in an age-appropriate manner, Deliver an academically challenging and balanced curriculum. High 47F. Highland Park Senior is an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, consisting of an IB Middle Years Program (9th and 10th grades) leading into the IB Diploma Program (11th and 12th grades). All rights reserved. Welcome back to school, students and parents! Upperclassmen will be using Spring Semester grades. The 2022-23 school year marks our 20th year providing education to the Rogers, Otsego, Albertville, Dayton, and St. Michael communities. Amy's educational background includes a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Eastern Illinois University, a teaching certificate from North Central College, and a Bachelor's Degree in Athletic Training and Exercise Science from Illinois State University. Athletic Director In this newly created position, Ringo will provide leadership and management oversight of the athletic program for boys and girls in grades 7-12, athletic facilities, budget, event management and personnel. I am excited to bring my positive energy to the Highland Schools and motivate students and coaches to excel to their greatest ability, said Bailey. Today, this means that we challenge our students with a rigorous curriculum focused on preparing our students for college and beyond. This is also REQUIRED for any students who will be a "team manager". Facebook (opens in new window/tab) These athletic events will be available live on our NFHS Highland High School web channel. Welcome parents and students! We recorded five top-five finishes, and senior Kevin Obochi became the first Highland Park state champion in swimming in 37 years with his victory in the 50 free! According to Highland Schools Superintendent Catherine Aukerman, Bailey comes to the district as an accomplished leader. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved. BRUNSWICK Holztrager Accepts Scholarship to Malone, BRUNSWICK Highland's Horvath Accepts Scholarship to UC, BRUNSWICK Highland's Chad Sedio signs with Miami U. Prevention and Safety - Resources for Mental health, wellness and equity, 2022 Academic Achievement Awards Gr 9-10-11, inactive - RHS 9th Grade Parent Orientation - Class of 2022, Inactive - Concurrent Enrollment ACCUPLACER Retest Request Form, Inactive - 2020 Grades 9-10-11 Awards Presentation, Parent & Family Resources/Prevention & Safety, I can be reached at 763-274-3142 or via email at, Welcome parents and students! THAT'S IT --- thank you for your assistance!! 1015 Snelling Ave S, Saint Paul, MN 55116. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code, including scouting groups. 8th Graders will need an Athletic Physical to participate in Tryouts or workouts. Highland School of Technology Athletic Director flblair@gaston.k12.nc.us. The Board of Education welcomed Bailey during their May 16 regular meeting. servicecenter@aps.edu, 1958 Wrestling State Champions Charlton.jpg (JPG), 1956 Wrestling State Champions Charlton.jpg (JPG), 1957 State Champions Wrestling Charlton.jpg (JPG), 1958 Wrestling State Champs program picture.jpg (JPG), 1953 1952City Championship Football Team Coaches, Clem Charlton, Hugh Hackett, Mickey Miller.jpg (JPG), Thanksgiving game Fall 1950 Thanksgiving Trophy ahs vs hhs milne giving trophy.jpg (JPG), 1959 Track State Champions Sanchez.jpg (JPG), Buddy Robertson Baseball Pict 1956.jpg (JPG), 1959 Baseball State Champions Miller.jpg (JPG), 1951 Baseball state champion Team miller.jpg (JPG), 1957 Baseball miller better pict.jpg (JPG), 1951 Basketball after the game Miller.jpg (JPG), 1954 basketball District Champs over Gallup Miller.jpg (JPG), 1957 Tennis State Champs Kaplan.jpg (JPG), 1953 state champion tennis Kaplan - Copy.jpg (JPG), Student Accident Insurance page 2.pdf (PDF), Student Accident Insurance page 3.pdf (PDF), NMAA COVID-19 MEDICAL CLEARANCE FORM 20-21.pdf (PDF), NMAA_COVID-19_PARTICIPATION_GUIDELINES.pdf (PDF), Athletic - Activity Code of Conduct -revised Aug 2021 Highland.pdf (PDF), Guide For the Collegebound Athlete 20-21.pdf (PDF), Complete Physical & Participation Form 21-22.pdf (PDF), Click Here forHornet Sports Camp Registration Information, Highland Athlete Online Registration: All Athletes at Highland must complete He was an Assistant Football Coach on the first team and RHS Head Softball Coach. He taught American History, Health, Physical Education and Government. Athletes will only need to complete the registration once for the entire year even if they participate in multiple sports. 2019-2020 NCAA Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete-this guide provides everything needed to ensure you are meeting the requirements for NCAA eligibility including a timeline to follow. Athletic DIrector Wes Caldwell. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the website at www.gorogersroyals.com and/or follow the Activities Department on Twitter @geauxroyals. In addition to teaching Grades 6-8, he is the . Sports Schedules & Tournament Bracket. MEDINA, OHIO (5/16/22) - Jonathan Bailey will join the Highland Local School District as its new Athletic Director/Assistant Principal at Highland High School, effective August 1, 2022. Are you ready? Becker previously served 5 years as an Associate Principal at HHS and 8 years in Ball-Chatham CUSD #5 as an Associate Principal, Assistant Principal, and Athletic Director. My number one goal is deeply tied to creating meaningful relationships with students and families in an effort to support them in becoming the best version of themselves. Mr. Bailey resides in Brunswick with his wife and children. Quick Links. Bannock County Elections Office $('span#sw-emailmask-2965').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); }); BA in Secondary Social Studies Education, St. Thomas University MA in Teaching and Learning, St. Mary's University MS in International and European Politics, University of Edinburgh K-12 Principal Licensure from Hamline University. Overseen by Artistic Director Michael Hughes, the arts show our students capabilities they didn't know they had. Prior to becoming principal at Highland Park I was principal at Murray Junior High School for nine years. Mr. Houchins began his teaching career at Pleasant Hill High School in 2001 and moved to HHS in 2004. Welcome parents and students! He began as an administrator at HHS as the Assistant Principal/Athletic Director from 2015-2018. He earned hisEd.D. Eli Makel (Waynesburg, PA) moves into the top 25 because he owns a win over . P.O. Albuquerque, NM 87125-0704, Student Service Center: (505) 855-9040 Since 2000, Highand teams have won 11 state titles in six different sports. $('span#sw-emailmask-2962').replaceWith('' + encodedEmail + ''); For the most up-to-date information, please visit the website at, and/or follow the Activities Department on Twitter. Phone: 952-767-0645. Athletics & Activities Administrative Assistant / Transportation / Information & Websites, 2022-2023BSM Athletics/Activities Eligibility and Registration Online forms. I enjoy traveling, spending time at our cabin up north, exercising, and watching my kids participate in a million activities. While we believe that it is important to encourage as many students as possible to participate in these extracurricular activities it is important to know that those choosing to participate in these activities will be held to a higher standard of conduct in all aspects of their lives. He was also the Activities Director at Zimmerman High School during the 2007-08 school year before returning to Rogers High School, where he has been the Activities Director since 2012. 140 S. Gilbert Rd. Reminder that student managers are considered "team members". Support the Hornet Teams. District Athletic Director. Athletic Office Assistant Crissy Shwam christina.shwam@slcschools.org . Student-Athletes at Highland High School must have a complete Physical on file with the Athletic Trainer: "Complete Physical & Participation Form 21-22". Lewis Co. C-121504 State Highway 6Lewistown, MO 63452Phone: 573-209-3217, Highland High School completed form(s) can be faxedat 952-926-5764 or emailed at, New families and transfer students --- please note that your previous schools, Please direct any questions regarding physicals to, Click on the "Subscribe Here" button (right side). Find Us . Highland's administration is led by Dr. Brad Wallace, Principal; Dr. Steve Morton, Assistant Principal; Mrs. Jena Wilcox, Assistant Principal; and Mr. Travis Bell, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director.

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