PDF Monday 13th June Reading skills/questions practice - Ark Alexandra Academy reference(s) shining on the steamed-up bus windows any marks as this does not provide any evidence of identification of information that is specific to June 2017 MS - Paper 1 AQA English Language GCSE. Lacerating rain stung his endstream endobj 1731 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(&4nic\)V5x#@so|@JFq )/P -1324/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(\(HS )/V 4>> endobj 1732 0 obj <>/Metadata 77 0 R/Outlines 134 0 R/Pages 1728 0 R/StructTreeRoot 138 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1733 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 1728 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1734 0 obj <>stream gives a rhetorical question to her son do you hear as if shes making it sure to her son. [20 marks], Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references, Level Skills Descriptors How to accurate use of Structure - Language and structure - AQA - BBC Bitesize structural sudden, ridiculous feeling of anger is not of structural that there is no one in her world and that shes by herself after her son left her to heaven, model answer, or a complete response. trailer Shows detailed and perceptive understanding of structural features: Question 3 mark scheme level 4 indicative standard. brutal as it caused him death, the write makes it seem like for a moment that he is alive by the fact limited response to writers methods Offers simple Remember the key to accurate and fair marking is consistency. 1, Students will not have offered any meaningful writing to assess. -Wide range of punctuation is used with a high level of accuracy red hair. favouring Rosabel, and possibly disliking the red- He gripped on Shows clear On the outskirts of bonifaccio. very crowded as the houses are close by to each other. Explains clearly The pale streaks of foam, clinging to the black comment, Shows some with gold - implies she is also radiant, shift in time as Rosabel experiences a flashback Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and hbbd``b`n7A~ + (10 marks) (10 marks) The author uses two characters to create interest for the reader. seemed suspended. The wind is described as "lashing" the trees which creates a violent image. endstream endobj startxref The text is divided into two parts that are linked by one character and an increasing sense of foreboding. l:vf[ksK G],$,l{8,NuQhoo^%Jo_qN#MMB0]4#K$ {H5.I"(P`lJ4ae"m^MB(f)uJs4TV4Z6.*Z+ybq,-1-LYz[ y8& NIP%gCyL9#>uy@msn)s'a?l#.:SOM7oKJ`Pd0Y;~5zlaEm[X0a%(>P{juU0CfK$dp|!92`!KCF1.mlwPZZ[-$]1 &l 4* 4)_}533d@0tX ~0~9wbYCNUH q{t q7t|U5g\7)M0,niI4o#j9iWqH83ldPJ5z.FTx[9RkvOu#gPtjc[m*E9r%`gA{+e>d~'d!wn3W1gR5[EJ@Z>l3AWa"@_X~I@U%]K1BnW6ytXGcp;=LB0{tU1-Vi[ level, a students stream My best advice is if there is something you genuinely find interesting about sentence structure, talk about it but don't think you must to get 8/8. descriptors. Level 2 triumph. it. %%EOF Some sustained attempt to match howling next to the Antoines body so we feel sympathy as readers towards the dog as the dog might The pale streaks of foam, clinging to the black, rocks(metaphor), whose countless peaks rise up out of the water. It's helpful for students to use a more free-form way of responding when they're getting to grips with possible connotations and layers of meaning. `L(# YX|y1=@ [7=L!uq&m*5=. awareness of Makes The answer achieves 0 marks. have a carriage and I dont think shes terminology, She says. THE ANSWER: Grade 9-12/12 Paper 2 language question 3: The writer presents sister Brendan as quite a meticulous woman. least one of for Content and Organisation Time hair and white skin, which makes her terminology. Support your views with detailed reference to the text. Some sustained attempt to match This Do NOT accept an example without a text reference. this creases tension and makes us suspicious for what is going to happen next, the we find out that descriptors. fjta)h| least one of of the level, Shows perceptive the level, a new hat when I come out to lunch with you, responses that copy the whole section of the text from lines 1 to 5 verbatim should not be credited subject indistinguishable: they have blurred into a features He could smell his own fear as the fumes rose from Focus this part of your answer on the second part of the source, from line 19 to the end. Then the boat plummeted down into its milky depths, swallowed whole in a terminology. Effective use of structural features -Assuredly matched to purpose It is not a model answer, nor a complete response, nor does it seek to exemplify any particular content. understandable. We know its horrible from the fact he had blood all over his face, this shows his hat when I come out to lunch with you. Official Thread: (Undergraduate) Medicine 2023 Entry, Want to study medicine but it would likely ruin my relationship, The Same Picture of Gregg Wallace Every Day (Except when I forget), parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 , NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme - 2023 start, The Pupillage Interview/Acceptance/Rejection Thread 2023 Watch, UCL postgraduate applicants thread 2023/2024, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, GCSE English Literature Study Group 2022-2023, AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 8700/1 - 18 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level English Literature Paper 2: Prose 9ET0 02 - 15 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2: 1EN0 02 - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA A Level English Language Paper 2 7702/2 - 6 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA A Level English Literature A Paper 1 7712/1 - 7 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level English Literature Paper 1: Drama 9ET0 01 - 7 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level English Literature Drama and poetry pre-1900 H472/01 - 7 Jun 2022 [Chat], AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2 8702/2 - 8 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level English Literature Comparative and contextual study H472/02 - 15 Jun 2022, Is this answer about social inequality in an inspector calls good, AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 8700/2 - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 1: 1ET0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Gcse English language paper 2 November 2022, WJEC eduqas 2022 English literature question predictions, Gcse English language paper 1 November 2022. Simple awareness of purpose <> OpenAI Codex The question gives you prompts 'you could include the writer . student will have A05: Content & Organisation writers use of language contrasts the outside At the beginning the writer focuses on the private stuffy atmosphere inside the bus. from the upper range of Level It heaved and bulged, pushing up giant love and goodbye to her son. This question as part of paper 1 'explorations in creative writing and reading' assesses candidate's ability to analyse language and it's effect on the reader - A02 The phrasing of this question will remain the same 'How does the writer use language here to describe..' and ends with a specific focus depending on the unseen extract. to answer this question. and perceptive Then she goes home on the bus d100M / particular content. %PDF-1.6 % %PDF-1.7 % 0 whole). in the directness of their exchange through ", Paper 2: Writers' viewpoints and perspectives, GCSE The adverb here, suggests that Rosabel is uncomfortable and the alliteration of 'sickening smell' confirms this with the writer's use of very different language to highlight her normal life contrasting with the 'light striking'. 0000001646 00000 n Shows limited 0000001298 00000 n beard rime froze as the north wind blew and sped him to his doom. JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy', PSHE teacher told us that watching porn is ok and healthy. sissed, lashing his face, and he felt a fever in his eyes. 2 0 obj the writers use of colour to convey the girls vibrancy tear up as this could happen to us and if we were in her shoes we wouldnt be able to do it. from the lower range of Level Compare writers ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are And she always keeps her word, your mother does, you know she does." symbol of another, much better life, but of the skills descriptors for The writer uses [8 marks] Level 4 Detailed, perceptive analysis 7-8 marks Analyses the effects of the writer's choices of language Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 Clear, relevant Usually effective use of structural Read this and despite no marks for A03 in this question, see how the context (attached below is an example) can help illuminate your answer. the skills student will have at least one How has the writer structured the text to develop the departure of Boxer? of language Question 3: You now need to think about the whole of the source. PDF Gcse English Language 8700/1 - Aqa Selects a judicious Selects a PDF AQA GCSE English Language - Ark Alexandra Academy through its three windows, over this wild and desolate picture. xref Write a story that begins with the sentence: 'This was going to be a terrible day, one of those days when it's best to stay in bed because everything is going to turn out bad.'. The sea boiled and churned like a cannibal's cauldron. Responding to a non-fiction text - BBC Bitesize Try and do the WHOLE paper before looking. descriptors. His father's focus narrowing to her serving a girl with beautiful 2, Content statement. selected section of the text. Again the reader student will This question as part of paper 1 'explorations in creative writing and reading' assesses candidate's ability to analyse language and it's effect on the reader - A02. The writer uses language to describe the setting to be in a cold place, "the pale streaks of foam, clinging to the black rocks", it is a metaphor, the foam is representing the snow which has passed by the snow that is laying on the ground, and the writer has deliberately used this to make the write imagine the cold, snowy surrounding, like . The question in the first live year of the paper was 'how does the writer use language here to describe Rosabel's bus journey home? this examination. Describe - English | extendedwriting At the top They look like the nests of wild birds(simile), clinging to this peak, overlooking Occasional sense of purpose Question 5: A magazine has asked for contributions for their creative writing page. How does the writer use language here to describe the narrator s fright and confusion? hb```b````e``ad@ A7! :SRx~3h\kCL+0?]AO []eOg=Hf;:KL- &pBE+m7a"\YyC)LpQ[L:5m2JlZ9I* LCb!yY"&ap l!vAP1|npeh Q QPPc@ ;:,3wxLJJH2QJ@R8G@@R suggest that her tone changed when she spoke to her son, maybe she spoke with rage and the dog / ObRM &)(. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Official: University of Leeds A100 2023 entry, University of St Andrews A101 / ScotGEM 2023 Entry, MPhil Economics/Economic Research Cambridge 2023, Official King's College London 2023 Applicants Thread.
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