inservice presentation physical therapy

Demo/In-Service Presentation - Comber Physical Therapy Fusion Chiropractic We invite contributions of presentations to this page. Proper Body Mechanics Techniques for Patient Transfers, and Bed Mobility Athens-Limestone Hospital Kevin Steen General Safety Rules Plan the activity Maintain neutral spine Brace abdominals, keep head and shoulders up Get as close to patient as possible Get help or assistive equipment whenever possible General Safety Rules Pivot or side step-Do Not Twist Make sure path is clear Properly . Educate your colleagues on form, common errors, injuries and surgeries resulting from your sport. Are you a yoga instructor? With so many people working from home these days, well likely see an increased need for in-home ergonomic assessments. In-service Presentation & Topic Ideas for PT - Strength Resurgence Your enthusiasm can make or break a presentation . What is an inservice in physical therapy? - They would then take X-rays, which would show where the radioactive compound migrated to within the disc showing a presence or absence of a disc bulge/herniation. Describe how a student project can provide value to the clinic. Physical therapy charges may range from $85 to more than $200 per visit, with an initial evaluation more than $300. Categories. What it is:Just as if you were to experience a swarm of bees fleeing a tranquil beehive if you were to disturb their hive, the beehive theory in traumatic brain injury postulates that a blow to the head can disrupt and release various microorganisms and microbiota in the brain and throughout the body. PT Solutions Physical Therapy Tyrone, GA. Posted: November 23, 2022 Full-Time Overview. This is a video about the benefits of aquatic therapy and various exercises that can be used. I give my consent to Physiopedia to be in touch with me via email using the information I have provided in this form for the purpose of news, updates and marketing. Medical disclaimer: While Strength Resurgence aims to provide accurate and factual information, any and all material presented on this website is for informational and educational purposes only; it does not constitute direct medical advice. Its hard to justify bringing an expensive device into our facilities when we dont really understand how to convey its value. Putting the PT in Hospital: Direct Access in Acute Care | WebPT Physical therapy is a relatively new professionalthough its origins can be traced back to Hippocrates in 460 BC. Join the CMG community and let us help you manage your travel nursing, travel allied, Locum Tenens, and permanent placement opportunities. Inservice on Treatment-Based Classification Systems "You evaluate a patient, and then based on the findings, you assign the patient a treatment based on a classification," he says. Any presentation based on a sport, rather than a body part, is automatically more engaging. We've updated our privacy policy. Physical therapy of the low back Siu Nhn Chn Vt. . Rotator cuff surgery was one of his specialties. With the rising cost of continuing education for PTs, peers and colleagues appreciate honest opinions about the course to help decide if they should take it. Allows the student to share their knowledge with the staff & develop presentation skills in some instances. Speaking of technology, there are many other tech-related inservice topics to consider. . Note: cervical disc referral patterns are not the same thing as cervical zygophophesyal (facet joint) referral patterns. Whether its something common (like plantar fasciitis), or more unusual (like a torn A2 pulley), the audience will love learning new specialized techniques and advancements in treatment. Search our healthcare job database to find the. Since approximately 25% of the population above the age of 60 are said to have at least one partial rotator cuff tear, its a good idea to be well informed on various rotator cuff strengthening protocols along with different rehabilitative devices. Its used by many an athlete around the world, ranging from amateur to professional. Dolar recommends an inservice that focuses on how to effectively communicate with someone with aphasiaperhaps hosted with an SLP co-presenter. Having a systematic approach during patient evaluations can be incredibly beneficial for the practitioner. Its unique design allows for quick detection of irritable or injured trigger points, indicating a diagnostic presence of acute or chronic nerve irritation. Physical Therapy Overview for High School and Early College Students - APTA Typical intervention added to PT services in acute care to encourage early motion The number ofTKR surgeries will rise to 3.5 million in the United States by year 2030 creating a larger demand for rehabilitation services (Herbold et al., 2014;The Hospital for Sick Children, 2010) 3. Treatments are usually charged per procedure. Things have changed quite a bit, and marketing to busy MD practices isnt the only way to generate new patient volume. So, she encourages therapists to present inservices on edema identification and treatment, saying, Edema management can significantly improve many peoples outcomes.. Especially with neurological conditions, there is no substitution for seeing or practicing on a patient with that condition. Since eToims markets itself as a modality that can help treat chronic pain due to conditions such as spinal arthrosis, gathering some information on this modality and giving an in-service to others regarding its uses could indeed make for a great presentation. Additionally, it can serve a wide variety of clinical populations and doesnt take extensive or highly advanced training in order to safely and successfully implement on patients. Hot flashes, low libido, and back fat: Singling the If you ask any expecting parent, its a lot. The first step to gaining our managers acceptance of these hot new pieces of technology is shedding light on them. What it is:EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a form of psychotherapy that is often used for the treatment of psychologically troublesome or disturbing memories, such as for those dealing with symptoms of PTSD. Hopefully this article has given you ideas for how to make yours more creative. It is (in my humble opinion) going to become much more prominent technology that PTs will be involved with down the road in the not-so-distant future. Like other SSE, the Scroth method lengthens muscles and ligaments to increase mobility, activates and strengthens muscles, improves resting posture and teaches how to perform daily movements in improved posture. The entry-level degree for a PT these days is a . 13 Physical Therapy Inservice Ideas (2022) - At physical therapy, individuals can learn effective ways to stretch their affected muscles. The Effects of Cervico-thoracic Stiffness on the Good luck! Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. The belief is that this form of stimulation can help with enabling neuroplasticity within the brain, which can be therapeutic and beneficial to patients in a myriad of ways. Benefits of Schroth method include: Presenting research can be a great way to spark discussion and debate among colleagues, and bring new ideas to light. Thats why surgical techniquesor surgery-related hardware and implantscan make such great topics for inservices. Most ideal clinical setting:General outpatient, orthopedicsWebsite: Tailored home exercise program. When using the board for mobility-based purposes, the orientation of motion produced by the board forces the subtalar joint to move in ways that can help with mobilization. Congestive heart failure education. Or, consider applying your interest as an avenue to address other impairments. 24 Hours to Improving Inservice Presentation Physical Therapy. But, when youre the one on the hook to actually present an inservice, it can be a little stressful! Ankle Impingement Syndromes: Diagnosis and Treatment / View the presentation, Get Top Tips Tuesday and The Latest Physiopedia updates, The content on or accessible through Physiopedia is for informational purposes only. Share with them why you enjoy it and encourage them to join. A case study can be a great way to spark discussion, providing your colleagues the opportunity to provide insight, experience, and treatment techniques you may not have considered. Presenting an inservice can be a stressful experience for many physical therapistseven the most knowledgeable and outgoing. Fulfill every rehab therapy business need within one platform. It takes less than a minute! The general premise behind it is through the use of bilateral stimulation (most often visual, but can also be auditory or movement-based as well). Effective presenters know the importance of injecting humor into their presentations. Pose these findings and any related research to the group. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Additionally, many of these adapted sports organizations depend on volunteers, and are very grateful for rehabilitation professionals and their expertise. Conversely, a case study can be a great way to get insights and ideas from other therapists about how to improve your plan of care, change up stagnant treatments or set new goals. Sometimes because they don't have access to them, some topics you can consider include: The musculoskeletal system and physiological responses Knowing which populations an organization serves, facility accessibility, and the cost of participating helps PTs recommend appropriate resources, as well as educate patients about the programs. Boldness, Brass, and Stilettos, Climbing the Most ideal clinical setting:OrthopedicsWebsite: James Heafner DPT, Chris Fox DPT, and Brian Schwabe DPT, CSCS are recent graduates of Saint Louis University's Program in Physical Therapy. I created in order to help others become stronger and healthier. Women's Health Section Presentations Role of PT in Postpatum Patient The When, What, Who, and How of Pain Science Hot flashes, low libido, and back . Once discharged from physical therapy, patients often chose to . Chronic Pain After Surgery (Chronic Post Surgical Pain=CPSP)How to prevent Student centered literacy inservice presentation, Summer 2015 in service training (inset) for, Inservice education for nursing administrators by raj kumar mehta, NHPC Calgary 2013 Stretching for chronic conditions, Focus on women's Health: the Pelvic floor and bladder2001, La riabilitazione perineale nella donna di benedetto, Edy Raharjo 2012 Makassar - Anesthesiologists Competence for Pain Management, Fetal pain do we know enough to do the right thing, Physiotherapyinantenatalpostnatalcare 170916144302-converted (1), Podcast 124 The Logistics of Proning for ARDS, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Physical Therapy Research Topics for College Students College students always get worried about choosing research topics. TGR is a leading resource for the healthcare professional practicing in the area of geriatric rehabilitation. You can take the initiative to present an inservice on how to streamline your EMR workflow to improve efficiency. Type: Full-time. Thank you. . Learn how WebPT enables all rehab therapy providers. Rotator cuff issues are going to be one of the more common issues youll evaluate and treat if you plan on working in an orthopedic or general-practice outpatient-based setting. Ive realized that both my blog and my Instagram account are great ways to fight burnout, she explains, adding that the experience of building these platforms has provided a much-needed balance to her clinical work. Stretches. While downloading, if for some reason you are not able to . Mindfulness has been a huge focus in the healthcare community recently, and there are all sorts of inservice ideas stemming from this concept. Career Ladder How They Got Started Hope this helps! This presentation includes what physical therapists and physical therapist assistants do, provides an overview of physical therapy education curricula and requirements, and career opportunities. Many physical therapists work closely or even directly with orthopedic surgeons and radiologists, so knowing all about the potential impacts of this technology in the world of physical rehabilitation isnt a bad idea as you move forward into your career. It will also be necessary to choose appropriate exercises and environment to avoid these symptoms from occurring Falls prevention training. Read more, Physiopedia 2023 | Physiopedia is a registered charity in the UK, no. For most of us, the hardest part is picking the right topic. Medical device companies that sell braces, splints, traction, TENS, and NMES units will come and present on new devices, often bringing samples for patients and staff to trial and sometimes providing loaner units for the clinic. Here are 100 Best Physical Therapy Blogs you should follow in 2023. jjs6067 New Member Joined Sep 12, 2014 Messages 6 Reaction score 5 Dec 2, 2017 #1 10 Secrets of Successful Inservice Presentations. Specific orthopedic precaution handouts with images. Providing an in-service on a system such as P-DTR, which aims to identify, treat and resolve sensory-based pain issues could be enlightening for those whom youre presenting to. Informative videos can reinforce the material covered in the presentation, as well as reduce speaking time. Strength Resurgence is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Physical Therapy Aide Elite Spine and Sports Care Apr 2019 - Aug . PPT - Physical Therapy PowerPoint Presentation, free download - SlideServe If youre looking for a clinically-based PT inservice idea, youre not alone. Presenting an inservice can be a stressful experience for many physical therapistseven the most knowledgeable and outgoing. Speech Language Inservice Teaching Resources | TPT - TeachersPayTeachers Very early mobilization in stroke patients treated with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Most ideal clinical setting:General outpatientWebsite: The responsibilities of a physical therapist include: Diagnosing movement dysfunction and developing a treatment plan. LLLT is also proven effective against a number of very serious conditions. For example, many PTs work with patients who have dementia, but were not always confident in managing the challenges that arise when working with this population. Access PowerPoint Presentation | Access Talking Points, Date:March 1, 2021 You can read the details below. Heres How To Recover WAY Faster After Leg Day (Science-Backed), FREE Beginners Program to Bodyweight Exercise (Three Month Program), 6 MonkeyFeet Exercises for Hips, Glutes & Legs that Youre NOT Doing, The Iron Neck: The ULTIMATE Review From A Physical Therapist, Six benefits of using a glute-ham roller (heres why you need one), The BEST PT Student In-service Topics of 2022 | Check THESE Out, In-service Presentation & Topic Ideas for PT Students: Ten Great Ideas, The Shoulder Sphere for treatment of rotator cuff issues, The beehive theory in traumatic brain injury/concussion/CTE, P-DTR for the treatment of neuromuscular pain, The SFMA for clinical evaluation of orthopedic conditions, Cloward point referrals for the implication of cervical disc issues, eToims treatment for neuromuscular-based injuries, EMDR as a treatment for phantom limb pain, Treatment of chronic phantom limb pain using a trauma-based psychological approach, The Beehive Theory: Role of microorganisms in late sequale of traumatic brain injury and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, The Functional Movement Screen: Why New PT Grads Should Know it. yet experience ambivalence with making their changes. Talking points are also provided to help guide the conversation. Im Jim Wittstrom, PT, DPT, CSCS, Pn1. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, (TGR) is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication that presents clinical, basic, and applied research, as well as theoretic information, consolidated into a clinically relevant form. It is the product of Functional Movement Systems and the brainchild of Gray Cook and Gary Gray. Being able to classify movement disorders into particular categories along with having strategies for how to best correct each one can help to identify the root cause of a movement issue much more quickly and accurately while also ensuring better outcomes for the patient. The SFMA is a pretty well-known and often implemented system in the world of orthopedic physical therapy, so shining some light on this system to clinicians who may not be aware of its widespread use and its subsequent efficacy could make for a great presentation topic. Uses Performance Improvement Plan to improve patient safety. neuro physical therapy inservice topics - HAZ Rental Center Additionally, tell your colleagues why you took the course, what you did or did not like about it, and if you would recommend it. Careers - Physical Therapy Consultants, Inc. Sitting position B. Semi-fowler position C. Standing D. Supine, A therapist is assisting a . What types of inservices have you presented or enjoyed attending? Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Best 60 Physical Therapy Research Topics | Dissertation Team Poster presentation at 2011 American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD: American Physical Therapy Association; 2011. And, if you havent already done so, be sure to check out my other in-service articles: The BEST PT Student In-service Topics of 2022 | Check THESE Out In-service Presentation & Topic Ideas for PT Students: Ten Great Ideas. Ive had plenty of people come to me after having their shoulder-blade region extensively treated by others, with no relief of symptoms (because, in fact, the pain wasnt coming from the shoulders or thoracic spine). eToims offers a rather different style of approach when attempting to stimulate peripheral nerves and their respective muscles. When refering to evidence in academic writing, you should always try to reference the primary (original) source. Have a specific location in mind? To work against this bias and to focus on DEI, the physical therapy industry will stress the importance of inclusion. Stay current on all things rehab therapy. Lumbopelvic Control Carol Grgi, PT, OCS, CSCS, of The Video PT, has enjoyed working at a facility that promotes monthly show what you know inservices. I personally know a few P-DTR practitioners and Ive seen them have some amazing treatment sessions and outcomes on their patients. How did you address them? Choosing Hot Topics in Physical Therapy Research PDF Patient Transfers and Body Mechanics Certain disc levels had very strong correlations with the intrascapular areas in which the referral pain was felt. [8] This presentation was created by Shane McClinton as part of the Manual Therapy Fellowship at Regis University. Kristen Bingaman, PT, RYT, NBC-HWC, of The Resilient Rehab Mama, says, I think a great inservice topic would be breathe to build core stability. She points out that many practitioners teach the concept of core stability without cueing breath or considering the diaphragm, diastasis recti, transverse abdominal (TVA) muscle, or intra-abdominal pressure. What it is: eToims (Electrical Twitch Obtaining Intramuscular Stimulation) therapy is the brainchild of Dr. Jennifer Chu, M.D. Nonetheless, a neuro-rehab device that could help with balance and/or gait retraining could be well worth learning more about. Inservice Powerpoint - [PPTX Powerpoint] - VDOCUMENTS Consider breaking into groups and creating a competition. Balance and Falls | APTA All rights reserved. Stroke prevention. Evidence in Motion. Physical Therapy Communities (DPT) Physical Therapy Acute Care Inservice Ideas jjs6067 Dec 2, 2017 acute care inservice physical therapy topic This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. What it is: EOS imaging is a remarkable new form of X-ray technology, offering super low dose radiation when compared to traditional plain-film X-rays. 2023 CoreMedical Group. It may not seem like something that a physical therapist would directly be involved in, but having an understanding of this technology, its use and its potential impacts on advancing the world of musculoskeletal rehab is pretty critical. Most ideal clinical setting:Orthopedics, general outpatientWebsite: Who are the players in the process? Physical Therapy Treatment for Scoliosis - Scottish Rite for Children Inservice topics : r/physicaltherapy - reddit Guaranteed that no matter how much your CIs or other clinicians may know about concussion rehab, there is still plenty for them (and everyone else) to continually learn. I also love helping aspiring students and therapists fulfill their dreams of becoming successful in school and within their clinical PT practice. Inservice Presentation: Nutrition in physical therapy . And it has quite the interesting history. A note of warning, though: make sure the video will play in your presentation and have backupseither links to the website or a saved copy. Are you a skier, dancer, golfer or swimmer? To find out more visit our privacy policy. It can be a great addition to clinics since its cost is relatively low while also taking up practically no space within the clinic environment. This is done by simply taking the two bottom rockers and placing them in one of two different orientations underneath the boards surface. PPT PowerPoint Presentation Orthostatic Hypotension - Physiopedia Learners should, therefore, choose topics that enable them to explore the latest developments in making this possible. Attends inservice presentations and completes all mandatory education requirements. I'm a Physical Therapy student at the University of Puget Sound. Mairead O'Sullivan on LinkedIn: Association of Physical Therapy Caregiver education for transfer techniques. I always learn a lot, and its also so fun and engaging! You can take this concept in countless directions. I was never briefed or trained on Cloward points during my days of PT school. Click here to review the details. It is the big brother version of Functional MovementsFunctional Movement Screen (FMS). I first became introduced to eToims when signing on to work with my current employer, Tower Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, here in Calgary. What Every PT Needs to Know Before Narrowing In, Request a Free Demo As you can see, there are all sorts of creative ways to hone your presentation skills and share your knowledge with your coworkers. Was the evidentiary support substantial? Informing other clinicians of the existence of this device and its purported therapeutic and rehabilitative benefits could make for a great and enlightening in-service presentation. Contact Us! 1173185. They often cost a pretty penny, but they can be transformative for our patients. Sitrin Health Care Center Physical Therapist Job in New Hartford, NY 27 Inservice ideas | occupational therapy, pediatric occupational therapy, therapy Inservice 27 Pins 8y C Collection by Nicole Maxwell Similar ideas popular now Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Hand Therapy Balance Exercises Pediatrics Teaching Literacy Kindergarten Literacy Early Literacy Teaching Reading Teaching Tools Fun Learning Five Physical Therapy Current Issues in 2023 In this article, we will discuss the following five current issues physical therapists should be aware of in 2023: In-home Physical Therapy Patient Retention Practice Management Career Development and Growth Physical Therapist Self-Care 1. Interested in submitting content? Just a few years ago, barely anyone was talking about telehealth PT. ), present it to your colleagues. This should be a site identified need and will result in a usable product Topic and Format Shanshan Feng - Columbia University in the City of New York - New York These specific movements are known as breakouts and help the clinician to determine the exact cause of pain/dysfunction categorize it as either a mobility issue, a joint stability issue or a motor control issue. Jul 2021 - Jul 20211 month. A related topic is breathing. As well, the Shoulder Sphere website is chock-full of all sorts of information pertaining to their device, so it should be pretty darn easy to put together a presentation based on all of the information on their site! The defining feature when looking at it is that theres no place to rest your toes when standing on the board. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Pregnancy and Parenting in Women Fax: 866-225-0057, Using Ads on Google Maps to Market Your Physical Therapy Clinic. I've been casually studying it for the past year or so. Physiotherapy During a PT session, it will be important to monitor a patient's BP before, during, and after exercise. Interventions to improve physical function for children and young ShoulderSphere for Rotator Cuff Repair Treatment and Training runnerd23 5 yr. ago These days, it seems that everyone has ideas on how telehealth fits into PT care. Physical therapy practices also market to insurance companies and directly to prospective patients. Wed love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below! We have travel nursing, travel allied, Locum Tenens, and permanent healthcare career opportunities in all 50 states. The awareness of Cloward point referral patterns is critical for appropriate treatment of those complaining of intrascapular-region pain. I am to present an inservice in front of the whole company in 2 months. Inviting colleagues from other disciplines (i.e., Speech-language pathology, Occupational Therapy, Neuropsych, Recreational Therapy) to present an inservice can be a great way to solidify the team approach that rehabilitation was built on. . Orthopedic Physical Therapy: What Is It, How Does It Help? - Healthline 10 Creative Physical Therapy Inservice Ideas (2022) Aphasia affects communication, not intellect, and just a few tweaks and strategies will help the PT and the client with aphasia understand each other, she says. Watch on. Not many physical therapists are overly aware of this promising and exciting new technology as of yet, and theyre likely going to need to know all about it if they plan on working for a good length of time into the future. Focusing on a common patient population means your fellow therapists will find immediate value in your presentation. 6. The inservice topics above are just a few of the many ways you can enrich your facility and build transferable presentation skills. PDF tPA and Early Mobilization in Acute Stroke Rehabilitation Lumbopelivic & Pelvic Floor Region Inservice Presentation pdf 1. Throughout 2020, there was a spike in mental health concerns. You could even invite the rep to co-present with you. While I have particular ideas as to thespecificmechanisms behind its physically pain-relieving phenomenon (my various theories are beyond the scope of this article), I have seen it first-hand within my clinic; having my patients perform lateral eye movements (not for treating psychological issues) have dramatically knocked down dural whole-body tension in many of my patients when they present with global dural tension.

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