262 vs 240: Leica Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review The beauty of the Leica M262 is what they took away.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'35mmc_com-box-4','ezslot_16',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-4-0'); That being said, even with major Leica models the upgrade path involves such small incremental changes. In short, I generally find myself not needing to tweak the colours at all from the M262, which is something I quite appreciate. With some apprehension, I took the memory card out of the camera and put it into the computer. The number of megapixels determines the resolution of the images captured with the main camera. Leica M Typ 240. I was even contemplating selling my Leica lenses and the M3 as well, but I love using that film M system (and film photography) so much that I could not do it (at least not yet)! I did the same thing Hamish, never having handled the M10. It was that feeling that having less kit would do me good This became the excuse I needed to change up to the M10. This is the reason I was so keen not to be without one for a few months so when the M240 didnt initially seem all that different to the M262 I was really pleased!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_12',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0'); This relief quickly turned to intrigue. I did find a custom LR preset that helps a lot, but it would be nice to have natural skin tones straight from the camera. It is the successor to the world's first full-frame mirrorless camera, the LEICA M9 of 2009.. Every other brand talks about new improved this, and added or increased that. I posted this as a person of experience. (they really have me suckered in dont they?!). Display as a link instead, The last four images you posted are the best images Ive seen from an M240. Ha!Have you ever read my Fuji X100f review I think you might enjoy it.https://www.35mmc.com/14/10/2017/fuji-x100f-fuji-lost-sight-elegant-original-concept/. Ive read all too often from M10 owners how much they miss an M9 or M8 variant because of the simplicity and CCD image quality. It does make me wonder if they could have slimmed down this body like the M10, were they to have released this camera as a major upgrade rather than a stripped-back sidestep from the M240. Interesting article as I picked up a used m240 at Christmas at a good price. Basically, Im sold on live-view these days but, despite this fact, I didnt think it would appeal to me on a Leica. Weight savings from the M10 may be there, but with a Thumbs Up in the hot shoe, the M240 feels good and substantial in the hand.ISO setting. Edit: Since writing this I have been made aware that pressing and holding the ISO button is the quickest way to change ISO. Clear editor. This page contains all hands-on, detailed Camera Reviews that have been published at Photography Life. The device is dustproof and water-resistant. Yes, it adds a Wi-Fi connectivity, which is something completely new in my workflow, but the overall experience is so much simpler. Now, Im writing this after my M262 has come back from Germany (it only took a couple of months!! It offered a more stripped back feature set than the M240, but it does still have live view. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Its back to the basics. I wish I could afford him moreI often find myself agreeing with him too. The body is pretty well weather sealed. My guess is that many of the Leica purists won't be bothered at all by this decision. Thank you for it. Some cards are woefully slow. Good thing, I don't need to upgrade further, as those are plenty enough for many years to come. I typically use a 75mm lens on my M 262. I hadnt noticed that it focused closer though. I like them nice and simple, low tech, etc. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows you to easily transfer data between different devices, such as smartphones, tablets and computers. I am very pleased to be in a forum withso many helpful people. This is exiting news in so many ways that I will now test your patience for a few minutes in trying to explain it. Thanks a lot for all your helpful comments. With less than full coverage, you may have to crop your photos afterward to get them looking perfect. Paste as plain text instead, It was the third major iteration of colour digital Leica M rangefinder, and the first to use a CMOS type sensor. A timelapse shows a long passage of time sped up. May be different sensor calibration? Here is a quickreview and comparison for the Leica M Typ 262 vs M Typ 240 rangefinder cameras. The use of a CMOS sensor allowed Leica to include two key features that the previous M9 didnt have. In case youre confused, the M240 was the camera that followed the Leica M9. This has become a bit of a trend now, I buy a digital Leica, shoot with it for a while, decide to sell it for one reason or another, and then scramble to write about it in the final few days of owning it. I remember initially thinking that the colours coming out of the M10 files seemed thin when compared to those of the M240 and the photos in your review of the M262 have reminded me of that. It might be a step backwards in volume of features, but it was a step in the right direction in terms what I think a Leica camera should stand for. Epson RD1 style I loved my RD1! These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both the speed and focus to capture fast action and offer professional-level image quality. With ACR, my standard daylight setting for the M240 is 5300/10, while with the M262, it is 5000/0, both with embedded profile. Ive had it for a month now. Given my choice to upgrade to the M10, possibly the most pertinent issue with the ISO settings is the inability to set or see the chosen ISO without pressing a button and looking at the back of the camera. I use along the two M240/262/etc. All of a sudden, the M10 held a lot of appeal. As such, it felt like itd be the perfect camera for me. Very nice work. Because I only shoot raw, I dont need the white balance settings. . Hello. Its been that camera that I know is there and just crack out when it feels right. The resolution is given as a compound value, comprised of horizontal and vertical pixels. In the run up to buying an M10 Ive been reading a lot of reviews, and have found the M262 is rarely mentioned in them. All photographs and text appearing on 35mmc.com are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. Its marquee features are omissions rather than additions: the M-D doesn't . Unknown. I think it is a very cool and stripped down digital M camera that I purchased used to compliment my M3 (I use the M3 with a 50mm and 90mm lens). I have gotten perfectly good images with the M-240 at ISO 2000 and at 3200 the images are still manageable with a small amount of noise reduction in LR. This really piqued my interest. The sensor is still not what I would consider great (or even competitive) in regards to dynamic range and high ISO quality, perhaps I was just spoiled by the incredible capabilities of the Nikon Df. I remember having an unexpected opportunity to fondle the M10, when it was first promoted, when a Leica rep. happened to visit my favorite camera shop. I cant tell you how relieved I was about this I know that probably sounds daft, but my Leica rangefinders are default cameras that I rely on when I want to shoot without any thought to the camera. All photographs and text appearing on 35mmc.com are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. You and Roger Hicks. I was once very happy with my M9. The battery can be recharged and used over again. The wider width of the M240 has never bothered me but the new M10 does look good a little slimmed down. In the real world, I was making the M9 work for me in terms of low light shooting, as such, I have literally never found a single issue with high ISO noise from the M262. Limited to 75 - 35/28mm. Camera Reviews - Photography Life In-depth review of the Leica M262 - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net I think, at least, Ive not tried one either . BECOME A MEMBER to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMbqwh98qO5wWowtQjIK8ig/joinEXCLUSIVE PRESETS FOR IMAGES CAPTURED WITH LEICA CAMERAS:. Phase-detection autofocus is much faster than a contrast detection autofocus, allowing for sharper images. It only having felt right once in 6 months felt wrong. Very interesting. What's the best camera for shooting sports and action? The EOS R6 II arrives in one of the most competitive parts of the market, facing off against some very capable competition. I decided that I wanted to keep the one camera that can do close to everything I need in the digital world (and for me, this includes personal and occasional professional work, mostly product still photography, but also videography). The top plate of the M262 feels slightly more hollow than the M240 not it a way that you can feel it, but you can sort of hear it if you tap it, and even sometimes when the strap rattles on it. p.s. Leica M [typ 240] Review - A brief relationship - 35mmc More microphones result in better sound quality and enable the device to filter out background noise. Indeed, I am an m10 owner who misses my m9. I should say though, this is probably because none of my other digital cameras work like this if this was my only digital camera, I would likely have gotten used to a lot quicker. Family moments are precious and sometimes you want to capture that time spent with loved ones or friends in better quality than your phone can manage. Your link has been automatically embedded. M240 v. M246 v. M262 v. Monochrom 246. I didnt discover this, despite that being how the M9 works. In a world where newer camera models are expected to have more features not less, the Leica M262 doesnt really fit into the normal upgrade path camera manufacturers offer. There are no 'Landscape', 'Sport', or 'Smile Detection' modes. This means the image will be stabilised regardless of what lens is being used. I am looking to get into the Leica M systemhave been on various of the Leica Fora, discussing the merits of an M9 / M9P. With the M9, just going out for a day I would take two batteries. By It was the same shape as the M262 I was used to, maybe a touch heavier, but not really noticeably in the hand. : Leica M240 - Famefix 'S Blog I would say a hidden gem at 2/3 of the price for a used M-10. I remember when live-view first started appearing on interchangeable lens digital cameras. I just dont shoot it at that high ISO for it to be a problem, and often wonder what on earth people are doing with their cameras to need the sorts of high ISOs that get spoken about it reviews. This might be the better screen, or it might be residual live-view-denial telling me that the more simple M262 is a better camera for me. (Free 3-day trial)Subscribe here. Ill have to dig out an online manual , I got an 262 you have to press SET after choosing- only with 3 button possiblewith latest software (2021). It is the first position on the menu, and setting WB on a grey card or to a preset is a matter of 3 or 4 clicks.Colors. As I mentioned in my recent post about the M240, the stripped-back interface was exactly reason I went for the M262 instead of the M240 when I was looking to replace my M9. The M240 shot..more DR it seems. If not, get the 262. Can you let me know where you heard that the sensor uses different technology? The maximum resolution available for videos shot with the main camera. I've always wanted a Leica and was thinking of picking up a used M262 or M240 to replace my Fuji. With the ISO being menu driven, its also very possible to accidentally leave it on a too-high setting. 20% better video recording quality (main camera), Has continuous autofocus when recording movies, has continuous autofocus when recording movies. The Leica M (Typ 262) has a pared-down feature set, an extra quiet shutter unit and a lower price than the M Typ 240. Im still getting used to it, but for me a 2 issues, weight with a big 50mm lens and editing the files you really bring out the image quality as it seems a bit flat to me. Live-view with any lens I liked was fun. "MM-P""" Leica M Typ240MM-P Typ240 This screen has very good focus peaking and an exposure waveform overlay that I find invaluable! I have had good luck with Sonys latest fast SD cards, improving this condition quite well. I will investigate that. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Never came to me idea to compare them side by side, sorry. Raw files are so named because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor. The M240 is a great camera that produces gorgeous images but you are undoubtedly going to love the M10. We case our eye over the options costing more than $2500 but less than $4000, to find the best all-rounder. If you like aluminium choose the M262, if you prefer brass go for the M240. At which point I bought a stand-in M240 and I discovered the joys of live view on an m-mount Leica. I appreciate your thoughts on the 262 v the 240 as I am thinking about setting an MD body. M9 is magic, even SOOC jpgs. But the M9 for me has so many characteristics, beyond specs, iso performance or touchscreen blah blah blah. Opinions, recommendations: M10 v. M240 v. M246 v. M262 v. Monochrom 246 I took the M240 because it offeres live view. That being said, this is pretty much everything I want from a digital camera or any sort of camera for that matter. How important do you think live view will be for you? I upgrade cameras, selling them and adding a little bit of funds from what disposable income I do have, also relying on credit a bit too much. Quite possibly because my camera at the time didnt have it as a feature, I denied that I would ever find it useful. Leica M262 M-P M10 M262 Leica M-E . LEICA M10 CAMERA VS. LEICA M240 - IMAGE QUALITY - YouTube It is great way to capture things like the setting sun, or clouds moving across the sky. They also give the image sensor a better probability in identifying the right area of the scene to focus on in more automatic modes. GEAR - Leica M Typ 262 - Long term review - Vogelius I just picked up a Leica M-P Typ 240 to compliment my new M9-P I bought a couple weeks ago. If you want video and live view, get the 240. Cant quite stretch to the Summicron or Summilux at the moment All the best and, no doubt, I will be on here again soon with myriad questions! It happened with the M8,M9, more recently the M240 and now the M262. Overall, I really enjoyed the simplicity of using the 262 which comes very close to the M3 experience in my opinion. I so rarely hit the menu button on this camera, it practically doesnt need to be there for my purposes, and Id imagine most users find the same. Paste as plain text instead, The Leica M10 's physical controls are logical, simple, and offer the right amount of resistance. The ideas with Leica is identities. The Leica M [typ 240] (or M240 for short) was the first Leica to adopt the odd naming convention that broke away from the M# convention of yore. Thanks, James. In my view the lens in use IS much more important than a bit colour differences M240/M262/other Ms. Completely agree I really thought thats what they were going to do. Using it in this factory, a space where I needed to be aware of the timing of things that were happening around me, it just clicked for me. The battery is removable and can be replaced by the user if broken. Im not going to go into details here to be honest. I really enjoyed the m60 when I shot it a few years back, but for practical day-to-day photography, I think a screen suits my digital shooting desires better.And besides, the little flip out thumb-rest?!
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