Advisors - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs A word of spoilery advice: Be cautious with your councilor spot. I always play Lawful Evil sooo i dont know, but when i go to the high priest tab i only get Harim and Tristian as options. Be warned, many of their ideas cost huge amounts of BP, and can leave the kingdom in financial ruin if not properly budgeted. If Bulettes = 1, or Bulettes = 2 and Regongar isn't the Warden, the Event: Culling the Herd [General, Warden] triggers. I think she was even sympathetic to some bandints. Faith and piety: Stats (2) - Divine and Arcane. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Scouting the Dire Narlmarches. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. In other words, feel free to put there whoever you like more. Should it be my top priorty to recruit advisors that fit my Alignment, or should I prioritise story companions who seem to have better stats. -. (Military -3). Stability Rank 7B: If Defense < Prevention. The role can be filled by Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), or Kassil Aldori (LG) and is improved with Strength. For protecting your own Kingdom and the people within, you'll need a General. Do I just go ahead and pick the chaotic neutral harrim since he's already available? Pathfinder: Kingmaker Religious . But the two of them favor either Good or Evil actions, leaving Storyteller a good alternative if you want to have a morally balanced nation. Kingdom opportunities - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Hard work and perseverance: Stats (2) - Economy and Stability. Where do you want your spies? Relations Rank 9B: The Grand Diplomat asks for guidance on the future. FMK Tsanna :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Discussions - Steam Community Economy Rank 7: The Daggermark trading houses are requesting permission to trade in your lands. This is my favourite topic. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker there are multiple leader slots you can assign, they can give you unique bonuses, or other opportunities. She's your third option for the High Priest position, mainly to give Evil kingdoms a bone over Jhod or Harrim. Whats the priority here? They see first to the Loyalty of the kingdom but can also affect Community, Stability, and Military. [Pay 200 BP] I order the treasury to release the necessary funds. -. (NE moral choice) -, "I'd prefer a payment in the form of a magical artifact." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. If Concealment > Fear, Relations +5. Once you achieve Rank IV Community, the Regent will help unlock the Diplomat role and support it until it levels. This throne room event unlocks the Projects: a) Trade Agreement with Galt and b) Trade Agreement with Gralton. The wiki: The affected kingdom stats are based on the theme (or lack of a theme). You gain strong benefits on Success or Triumph and suffer harsh penalties on Failure or Disaster, so you may want to use Crisis Points as necessary. Here are the advisers, their alignment, and how to recruit them: As noted, you cant have every adviser at once. This throne room event unlocks the project: the Helping Hand (+2 to Councilors rolls to resolve Events). High Priest (Harrim, Jhod Kavken, Any Merc) Loyalty +4 Divine +7: Loyalty +3 Divine +6: No change: Economy -3 Divine -3: High Priest Community -1 Economy +4 Divine +8 . Economy Rank 3: A halfling wants to open a brewery. Execute the slanderers! Military Rank 5: A border patrol got buried under an avalanche. (Alchemist/Bard/Druid/Magus 3, 50 charges, sells for 4,500 gold), which appears in your Stash. Espionage Rank 4B: This event occurs if you reported the treachery to Gralton under the Rank 3 event. Everyone has an ideal way of dealing with something, and there's never going to be a way to make each of these people satisfied with the outcome. svensson1066. A General's primary stat is Military, although they can also affect Stability, Divine, and Relations. Let the guards watch those who arrived by the caravan. -, Tell the merchants that if they fail to hand over the stranger, well seize their gold and goods. -, Send her in the wrong direction and follow her. -, [Gain 2,000 gold] Sell the information in Daggermark. -, [Pay 50 BP] Let them be silenced forever. -, We shall openly honor the dead. (NG moral choice) -, Take care of their families without attracting undue attention. -, We have nothing to do with them. Possible Diplomats include Valerie (LN), Linzi (CG), or Bartholomew Delgado (LE) and gets a bonus for Charisma. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; -, We can do without a consulate in Brevoy. -, We need money and that means business. Double the guard in all the raided regions. ( I see what you did there btw ;) ) Warden = Kesten Curator = Originally it was linzi while also considering storyteller. This triggers the Event: Cult Sacrifice [Grand Diplomat, Minister]. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." For example, my high priest can either be Jhod or Harrim. Having these allies around means, you can get the extra hand in dire situations and earn rewards and respect through aiding your allies. A guild of river shipbuilders want to give you a gift. Should i have tsanna as a advisor? No spoilers : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Espionage Rank 8: The enemy is the Poisoners guild or Assassins guild in Daggermark. It was basically pure propaganda. (Linzi and the Storyteller disapprove). Explore. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. -, [Pay 250 BP] We have plenty of gold to hire mercenaries. -, Let us begin a period of mandatory military service. -, Lets just leave everything as it is. -, [Pay 3 BP each week] I trust Alkenstars engineers. The daughter of a well-known merchant has gone missing. Grand Diplomat: Linzi This throne room event unlocks the Building: Swordlord Academy (if Military Skill > Military Magic) or the Building: Nethys' Academy (If Military Skill < Military Magic) and you can build a free one of the buildings. Should i permanently kick any companions who i dont adventure with or plan on using as an advisor? The flowering season in Pathfinder Kingmaker is one of the most enigmatic missions and, if you like, a little confusing to do. For example, Kanerah gives some unique options as Treasurer, and Jaethal is the only Curator who gives you the options that can lead to the best results on the opera. The miscreant shall be fined." Nico is a List Writer for TheGamer. Should it be my top priorty to recruit advisors that fit my Alignment, or should I prioritise story companions who seem to have better stats. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. - unlocks the Project: Strength in Numbers (+1 to the Generals rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). As a backup, you can recruit mercenaries from your capital pub to fill any role (and have possibly better stats). Best ending + she is simply hillarious on her proposals Minister = Ekundayo. . As a raging Barbarian, Amiri is statically best for the job. Military Rank 3: The General asks you to appoint a Warden and asks you where to build barracks (60 exp). Nethys is the Neutral god of magic. Stability Rank 8: Kellid barbarians are trying to poison the land. 1 The First Step on the Road to Glory. - the, [Pay 100 BP] I will take the risk. The results depend on your choices during the throne room events for Ranks 4, 6, and 8. Relations Rank 8: Razmir is threatening its neighbors. - imposes the Kingdom trait: Butcher (Grand Diplomat and Minister make two rolls on Problems and pick the best result) (CE moral choice). Jhod Kavken is a Pathfinder: Kingmaker NPC that may serve your kingdom as an advisor in the capacity of High Priest. Divine Rank 1: The priests of the mainstream gods wish to demolish the idols of the ancient faiths. The Minister rarely conducts projects in the open, preferring to approach the lord in direct one-on-one meetings. Stability Rank 2: A group of fairies has started causing problems for a settlement, saying theyre pushing back invaders. This is a DC 27 Problem [General, Warden] that takes 10 days to resolve. and our Needless to say, these summaries have spoilers. Recruiting Lander also locks you out of having either Shandra or Kassil, both of whom may be more helpful for your kingdom structure. (Jaethal only) [Pay 100 BP] Spend the money on opening new pubs and inns. (Amiris and Regongars choice, Kassil disapproves). This throne room event unlocks the Event: Purge the Ranks [Treasurer, Grand Diplomat, High Priest]. If you rejected the trade agreement in the Rank 2 event, you dont get this portion of the event. This it the last of the decisions related to Larzio's opera. Turns out the answer is JAETHAL. Community Rank 6: Two clans are fighting over a marshland meadow. As expected he prefers Lawful actions, to the point of sometimes advocating for Lawful Evil instead of Chaotic Good. Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. Loyalty Rank 2: A trader was discovered to have previously sold goods for the Stag Lord. The Minister acts as spymaster and supplies the kingdom with forbidden knowledge. (NE moral choice) -, [Pay 100 BP] We shall build this library of magic. (The dialogue options for this event show +1 Stability; however, this appears to be the additional point in the kingdom stat that you always get from throne room events). Possible Councilors include Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (LN), or Tsanna (CE) and gains a bonus from Wisdom. The Magister is your Kingdom's court mage who can provide magical support for you and your people. -, Let them remember their less fortunate neighbors. Military Rank 7: Representatives of three military groups have come to offer their services, you must select one. The Generals projects tend to have moderate monthly or weekly BP costs, which can cause a small burden on income. NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Strength in Numbers. Relations Rank 6A: If you accepted the trade agreement in the Rank 2 event, Razmirans spies have gotten some of your powerful and influential subjects addicted to drugs. Espionage Rank 6: The problems with Galt and Gralton were a setup. Your kingdom lacks sufficient knowledge to combat it. Jaethal is a bit less desirable, mostly because her talents may be better as Curator instead of Minister. -. -, [Pay 3 BP each week] I am impressed with Arcanamiriums power. Stability Rank 4: The guards and a local hunting club wish to kill bulettes in a region, the scholarly community has objected. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Spell Resistance Discovery (the party gets spell resistance 16 while in claimed regions). This triggers the Event: Exodus to Kyonin [General, Warden, Curator]. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. - (Jhods choice, Harrim disapproves). You can allow tax evaders to continue to do so if you wish, though your people won't be all too thrilled with the idea. Most of the time, the results of your choices can be seen by mouseing over the text [Choice effects] when it appears by an option; however, that isnt always the case and the mouseover is occasionally slightly wrong (due to typos). My character is Lawful Neutral. Gralton has kidnapped your people and thrown them into prison. Harrim - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Thanks VolpeRosso, for the info and saves! Stability Rank 7A: If Defense > Prevention. The tasks of a Minister also follow along as what is essentially an extra-long side mission for you to unravel and solve. The Regent also helps renovate the size of the capital. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Divine Protection from Fear (immunity to fear in the claimed regions). And, of course, trying to spread the word about the beauty of The Witcher Universe. Maybe a change in the 1.1 beta? This occurs if you did not accept the tribute during the Rank 1 throne room event. Ekundayo will be the best choice for this position, if you intend to keep everything in order and all communities happy, as he has a Lawful Good alignment, but there are other choices if you so wish. However, her leadership will lead to a path of pure Chaos, making Kassil a suitable alternative. Religious Advisor, page 1 - Forum - For dealing with influential people like nobles and merchants, there comes the Councilor role; the choices for this role are Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (TN), and Tsanna (CE). Help the guards find and arrest the runaway elf. -, We arent going to interfere in this matter. -, [Gain 2 BP each week] Bring in our troops to keep peace in Novoboro. -, [Gain 2 BP each week] We will buy wares from those who bring them. Ability scores, alignment, classes, and other aspects should be very familiar to people who have experienced either role-playing game. This stands in contrast to the descriptions in the Gamerguide walkthrough, which are based on the Rank Up Project unlocked by the event. 1 Companions; 2 Quests; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. Maintaining a successful kingdom is important to completing Pathfinder Kingmaker. Also gain +1 BP/week per region and +3 BP/week per upgraded region). Throw the villain in jail." Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), For example, having Rank III in Military, Arcane, and Relations but Rank II Economy may reward 6 BP, while having them all at Rank III could give 9 BP. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Strong Nation (-10% to the cost of buildings with a static Community bonus). Arcane Rank 4: The people are complaining about experiments in the mage quarter. Military Rank 2: The General asks you to pick between hiring swordlords and spellcasters as officers. This guide will show how to recruit and use the kingdom advisers. This is a DC 30 Problem that can only be resolved by the Warden and that takes 10 days to resolve. Hey everyone. He only works with willingly donated bodies, but the spell requires use of a piece of the soul. Jhod and Harrim can both be High Priests. If you can't make Jhod your High Priest, make sure that you don't have Harrim already in the spot and working on an event or project. [LN god of law and wealth] (LN moral choice) - this is supposed to unlock the Building: Temple of Abadar; however, this appears to be bugged, and I dont believe you can actually build this buildingunlike with the other three temples. "From this day forth, the creation of undead is forbidden." -, " Any subject who has received a necromancer's license may carry on with their work as before." This throne room event unlocks the Building: Military Academy. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. As a gifted Bard, Linzis high Charisma makes her perfect for this role. When at your capitals throne room you can start assigning advisers to various positions. "Execute all of Razmir's servants in the country." you have to do jhods training to unlock him as an advisor i think, it was the same way with one of the other advisors you can get. Although the Choice effects for each option state that you gain a fixed amount of BP/region and BP/upgraded region with each choice, but you don't actually get those BP as best as I can tell, so I included them in brackets. If Globalism > Isolationism. The chode suggests that this choice has some effect. " - Divine +3. Relations Rank 7A: If you chose to support Sevenarches in the Rank 5 event, Kyonin denounces you. Once you achieve Rank IV Relations, the Diplomat will help unlock the Minister role and support it until it levels. For any advisor but Kanerah: if Clerks < Everyman, gain Loyalty +3, Relations +3. Community Rank 4a: A noble from Brevoy wants to open up tanneries. You will not be able to get the throne room event for Rank 6 for any stat (and the associated Rank Up Project) until after you complete the Quest: Coronation in Act 5. -, (Bartholomew Delgado only) " Set the fines as you see fit." Or do I just tough it out until I get to The Witch Hunt Quest and pick Tsanna? There are three possible treasurers in Pathfinder: Kingmaker: Jubilost Narthropple, Bartholomew Delgado and Maegar Varn. However, Pathfinder Kingmaker has some nuances and big differences compared to Pathfinder second edition or the fourth and fifth editions of Dungeons and Dragons. Possible Curators are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), or Storyteller (TN) and utilize Charisma. As well, if you kill her, the followers will give you some minor curse. I allow this preacher to profess his faith in my lands. -, I forbid this preacher to fill my subjects heads with his rubbish. Along with the ten stats, there are at least three advisor choices for every role, and which person you choose suits this role best is whatever you think is most consistent with your character's moral alignment. A great deal of the assignments you'll be working with revolve around taxes and potential tax evasion. The Minister role can be filled by Jaethal (NE), Jubilost (CN), and Ekundayo (LG), where they will be providing support through finding out forbidden knowledge that can support your nation. (Tsanna's choice). A Warden's duty is to the police, essentially making sure everything moves smoothly and is lawful. Community Rank 7: Rich bandits want to go straight and are asking for pardons. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Defenders of the Land (+1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls in claimed regions). That sucks all the fun out of it. They produce the Kingdoms Culture, but can also improve Relations, Stability, and Economy. The High Priest will complete tasks involving allowing people to build temples for their respective gods and deciding on the best way to let everyone believe in those gods without conflict. The General bolsters the army for possible conflict with rival countries. The High Priest acts as religious adviser. Possible Magisters include Octavia (CG), Storyteller (TN), or Vordakai (NE) and makes use of Intelligence. Ranadiel's reddit post:, Recommended Kingdom Stat Development Path. I wish to influence the minds of my subjects. - gain a, Leave the charm to the one who found it. -, [Pay 500 gold] Buy the charm and give it to the appraiser. -, Seize the charm by force and give it to the appraiser. -, I forbid this necromancer from practicing his dark arts in my realm. -, From now on there will be no more magical experiments within the city walls. (Kassils choice, Amiri disapproves). You gain strong benefits and the unrest state improves by 1 step on Success or Triumph and suffer harsh penalties on Failure or Disaster, so its worth spending Crisis Points if necessary or reloading if you fail. Divine Rank 3: The High Priest asks you to appoint a Magister and says that Nethys' worshippers want to build a magical library (60 exp). I liked valerie more because regent looks like he tries to uphold the laws which pretty much valerie incarnate. -, We will hold a luxurious dinner party for the merchants. Pathfinder: Kingmaker > General Discussions > Topic Details. 6 The Twice-Born Warlord. Plus, since she prefers Chaotic and Good selections, both Valerie and Bartholomew are suitable backups. and with high DC's it is always better to have companion advisor. The main character is just a single individual, and it takes a whole team to properly govern a nation. -, Send our citizens the message that the mercenaries are under our protection. -, Let the merchants know that their efforts are not required. Stats can also be increased by constructing buildings in each settlement. While the Divine stat is their main duty, they can also influence Arcane, Community, and Relations. It's one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Qnnit. Kingdom Building and Governance - Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki Loyalty Rank 4: A local merchant wants to avoid taxes in exchange for saying nice things about you. - (opera bonus is to Community and Loyalty). Arcane Rank 5A: A wizard has offered to create golems from rubbish. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. To put it on perspective, by the endgame my NPC (Tsanna) councilor had a +28 while Regongar as General with Dragon Disc dip for extra STR had 31. 2 Stolen Land. Each of the ten positions has at least three characters who are qualified to hold it. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. This happens when the stat Value reaches multiples of 20 (20 points to reach Rank 2, 40 points to reach Rank 3, etc). -. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Yeah curator are both kinda , thankfully I was LE so the first one made sense in a way. - unlocks the Project: Talented Recruits (+1 to the Generals rolls to solve Problems). The choice here determines which event you get at the Arcane Rank 5 throne room event. First, each adviser position gains bonuses from a particular ability score. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), The Warden sees to the Stolen Lands police and national security. Possible Warden candidates include Regongar (CE), Ekundayo (LG), or Kesten Garess (LN) and relies on Constitution. His magical surveillance system sounds most promising. - (. Community Rank 3: The Regent asks you to appoint a Grand Diplomat and also offers you the chance to establish a consulate in Brevoy (60 exp). Candidates include Jaethal (NE), Jubilost (CN), or Ekundayo (LG) and gains a bonus from Dexterity. Governing a nation was never intended to be a solo job, so it only makes sense to enlist help. These contain spoilers, so be warned. Jhod from what have researched is a Lawful character but Harrim has almost double his wisdom mod, which will only get higher as I level and gear him. 3 unit5421 3 yr. ago Jhod is not tolerant to other religions he deems evil. Cookie Notice The people are flooding the streets, upset about the government's intrusion on their freedoms. This is an absolutely fantastic post and appears to be the general source for this information (which also appears on the wiki). . Tsanna [If she survives the Witch Hunt quest.] Oddly, the Economy stat does not directly boost the monthly BP supply. Espionage Rank 3: The Minister has obtained a list of all of Graltons spies in Litran. -. If you denied support (no theme): Stats (6) - Community, Loyalty, Economy, Divine, Stability, and Espionage. We shall defend ourselves. -, Let our guardsmen enjoy the rest they so deserve. -, Every man and woman who shirks their duties will be shamefully discharged, and replaced with a mercenary. -, "[Pay 2 BP each week] We'll pacify the people by lowering the taxes." 7 War of the River Kings. The Speakers of the Depths are dualistic creator-gods of the protean race and a lot like the elder gods of the Cthulhu mythos. The Regent advises over the needs of the common people and day-to-day problems that they can help with; it's important to keep not only those who are influential happy but also everyone within your kingdom; no one should be more important than the other. You need to decide his punishment. Explore properties. Choosing advisors : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - reddit Despite being of the Cleric class, Harrim doesn't have remarkably high stats for the job. There's no doubt that war will appear through the entirety of Pathfinder since that's what you're introduced to in the very opening of the game. Divine Rank 8: The guards have arrested preachers of atheism from Touvette. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer.
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