paulette metoyer washtenaw county treasurer

And at the root of all equity problems? Salaries and benefits for our staff is a large portion of our budget and will continue to be. But that doesnt mean that we here in Washtenaw County need to give up on it. We have an opportunity to used the $1Bn AAPS infrastructure bond to invest to invest in: improving building efficiency using LEED green standards; renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal; and to transition the transportation fleet to electric. Public school as an institution is under threat. I am surprised at how many people are eager to fight against keeping children safe, learning actual history, or reading diverse books because they personally find the safety plan or lessons uncomfortable. Per law, our budgets are audited and always available to the public. Brian Ebon Jones-Chance (independent write-in), Bradley Joseph Manley (independent write-in), More Local News to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 3/6/23. More information about me and my platform can be found here: Overcoming its own dysfunction. How long will it take to reduce tensions and increase trust amongst ourselves? Washtenaw County Treasurer unable to recoup funds in 2013 tax foreclosure auctions MLive, Dec. 17, 2013, Incumbent Washtenaw County sheriff, prosecutor, treasurer, clerk win, Nov. 7, 2012, McClary, Chockley Race for County Treasurer The Ann Arbor Chronicle, Oct. 9, 2012, Washtenaw County treasurer candidates sound off in friendly forum, Oct. 9, 2012, Washtenaw: Snyder Recall Wording Clear The Ann Arbor Chronicle, April 30, 2011, Washtenaw County Treasurer Catherine McClary: Pay what you can on property taxes, Nov. 7, 2009, Clerk balks at recognizing new commissioner Ann Arbor News, Feb. 6, 1975 (Ann Arbor District Library Old News archives), Prosecutor's Effort Fails To Halt Pot 'Giveaway' Ann Arbor News, Jan. 25, 1975(Ann Arbor District Library Old News archives), Prosecutor In Court To Halt Pot Contest Ann Arbor News, Jan. 24, 1975(Ann Arbor District Library Old News archives), County treasurer website: Do you agree with opening the Ann Arbor School system, or not? Baskett is the owner/operator of a licensed day care home, specializing in caring for children with special needs. For the 2020 election in Michigan, the primary is Aug. 4 and the general election is Nov. 3.Milt Klingensmith | We cant say we care about equity if we also choose to create an unsafe environment for our most at-risk families and staff. I will work with administrators and principle to increase access to our schools to civic organizations, leaders in business, education, labor, and parents to ensure high quality offerings to AAPSs students. WHEREAS Governors, mayors and county sheriffs across the nation are declaring states of emergency under the guise of protecting the public from the coronavirus, Additionally, it is crucial that we ensure equitable funding throughout the district schools.Some of my priorities include: 1. I would also engage the educators, parents, the business community students, and everyone with a stake in public education to collectively determine a plan for funding and implementing the strategies from the Launch Michigan Framework (; the National Center of Educational Excellence and the Economy (; Detroit Disability Power (; Center for Disability Justice ( and the Therapist Neurodiversity Collaborative ( policy proposals including how to develop Effective Teachers, Principles, and Administrators are available at: See a full list of all candidates in Washtenaw County, including candidates for uncontested races and other school board races, here. Paulette Metoyer ran for election for an at-large seat of the Ann Arbor Board of Education in Michigan. 1. These two goals will provide immediate improvements for both quality of education, and quality of life for our school community. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). She has spent time volunteering on school PTO boards, serving as vice president of the Scarlett Middle School PTO board for three years. But Id like to see more of a focus on our neuro-diverse and non-traditional learners, as well as a commitment to obliterate the opportunity gap also known as the achievement gap that exists for students in traditionally marginalized populations. Why should we continue to benefit from our white privilege, while so many brown and black children who live just outside our school district, remain trapped in failing schools? Aug. 6, 1996: Defeats Pam Byrnes in the Democratic primary for Washtenaw County treasurer. We have many experts in AAPS that know a lot about student achievement. In addition, I predict over the coming year the Board will become aware of challenges (some pandemic related, some not) that are currently hidden or havent been brought to the Boards attention. Giving each child access to a free high quality public education is a human endeavor. renting district land for UM parking and cell towers We also practice good stewardship by constantly reviewing how we may utilize the funds as we use them in alignment with our communitys values. Preparing AAPS students for a modern global workforce by engaging stakeholders to craft, high-quality, student-centered systems for AAPS. As a child of refugees whose family struggled, Mohammad said she has been dedicated to addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, including opportunity gaps and curriculum assessments. He is a scientist trained in biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics who has been working in health care research and development to discover new medicines for patients. She said her perspective as a refugee, person of color and growing up in poverty and her experience as a scientist, educator and healthcare worker qualifies her for the board. After salaries, energy is the second biggest expense for public K-12 schools. I want schools to stop teaching critical race theory, and start teaching kids how to critically think. The school board was hit with some unnecessary nastiness that should to be addressed before we can comfortably come together. The district needs to find ways to be more competitive, to retain the amazing teachers we have, and keep them from burning out or going elsewhere. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Literacy equity means that ALL children have the right to receive effective instruction grounded in educational research so they develop strong foundational skills in reading, writing and mathematics. All rights reserved (About Us). November 1974: Wins election to her first two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners representing District 15 in Ann Arbor. With board members Rebecca Lazarus, Jessica Kelly and Bryan Johnson opting not to run again, trustee Susan Baskett is the only incumbent with an expiring term to file for re-election for another four-year term. A Democrat and former county commissioner for 14 years, McClary has held the treasurer's office since Jan. 1, 1997. When one school isnt performing as well as others, all schools arent performing as well as they could, and at the root of many student achievement problems are inequities that are made worse by misallocation of resources and systematic segregation of students by race and socioeconomic status. The board will also be challenged to improve transparency and two-way communication with the entire community related to bond expenditures, policy decisions and issues that our learning community cares about. James is a child advocate and nurse, with two children who have gone through AAPS and another still attending. The League never supports or opposes any candidates or political parties. She was in her early 20s at the time, and served in that part-time role through 1988. I am not a one-issue candidate. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Even with greater funding for public schools this past year, we are hardly out of the woods. He is a graduate of Washtenaw Community College and Wayne State University, with two masters degrees from University of Michigan. Academics should be no different. She also has served on other nonprofit boards for the last nine years. My goals are to address these key areas: 1. Paulette Margaret Metoyer, MD is an internal medicine doctor and primary care doctor who practices at Richard J Foster D O P C located at 250 E Michigan Ave in Saline, MI 48176 (Washtenaw County). All rights reserved (About Us). Once assessed, a teacher needs to develop an individualized learning plan. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Together. What are your goals should you be elected and how will you work to accomplish them? I will push the school district to doing more to help all those students who have fallen behind in their learning due to zoom school. Predicting the future is tough. The AAPS general budget is balanced; I dont expect that to change and would not support moving to a deficit budget. For example, we are building new schools in an environmentally sustainable way. This was a consequence of each member of my family spending their entire work/school day in public schools. . The overview and 2022-2023 goals can be found here. Who's running in the November 2020 election in Washtenaw County Pandemic impacts aside, AAPS students are academically very successful. She grew up in Kentucky before earning a bachelors degree from Harvard University and a Juris Doctor degree from Duke University. This money could then be used to increase teacher and staff salaries, increase invest in university wide SEL curriculum and staff (e.g., social-workers and para professionals). Also my lived experiences have shown me that systemic racism is still harming Ann Arbor students. Wood is a former AAPS student and current AAPS parent. Aviva R Morady, Fred Morady, and two other persons spent some time in this place. Students succeed when they feel valued and important. Dr. Paulette M. Metoyer, MD | Ypsilanti, MI | Internist | US News Doctors We need to evaluate student learning and learning loss, teacher resources and development, student resources and support, and other factors such as the inequities, especially in people of color, refugees, students with disabilities and other underserved populations. ANN ARBOR, MI Voters across Washtenaw County have a long list of local and state-level races and ballot proposals to decide in the general election Tuesday, Nov. 8. PDF Preview Ballot - Paulette Metoyer. Should I be re-elected my goal is to continue the work already in progress. LaphamI would pursue a balanced approach that would include more equitably rethinking existing resources, identifying and eliminating structural inefficiencies, and securing and prioritizing equitable distribution of new revenue. Terms of Use | Re-establishing relationships with other key stakeholders in the community. Check out the leagues voter guide at to find information about candidates and issues on the ballot. Meet the 13 candidates vying for 4 Ann Arbor School Board seats Property Taxes | Washtenaw County, MI Home Your Government Departments I - Z Treasurer Property Taxes Property Taxes Property Tax Process Learn about the property tax process and timeline for delinquent taxes. Detroit, Michigan. The alteration in body chemistry from CO2 (the same CO2 that the environmentalists abhor) that results from these masks is extensive but the long term consequences are currently unknown, as this has never been done in the history of the world. Also, our top-notch educators need to be trusted to do their job in ways they know are best for students. Social-emotional learning needs to be a top priority for all grade levels, and mental health resources need to be more readily available to students, but especially for our younger students. It is amazing to see all the different representations of people, from refugees to people of color to various religious groups. McClary gets 1,031 votes compared to 395 votes for Faye. (1) Decreasing Teacher Morale Our teachers and staff arent getting the support they need to ensure that every student is thriving. This is a committed value that may initially cost more but in the long term, reduce some of our energy costs in the future. The district needs to find ways to retain the amazing teachers we have, and keep them from burning out or going elsewhere. Property Taxes | Washtenaw County, MI McClary had run unopposed in the Democratic primary. Per the AAPS Covid dashboard, Aug and Sept of 21/22 (with masking) reported 56 Covid cases; in only the first 3 weeks of 22/23 (no masking) there are already 516. Further progress for our district on reducing the number of days our students miss school for any reason. 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We have to give them every opportunity to succeed academically, and in life. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. An organizational budget is, effectively, a statement of values- we spend money on the things that are important to us. Its time our spending aligns with the districts stated values of equity and belonging. As I said in the last question, improving air quality and ensuring students are fed has been proven to show increases in positive educational outcomes. Meet the candidates running for the Dexter School Board in November, Ann Arbor Democrat faces Ypsilanti-area Republican in Michigan Senate race, Saline has 5 choices for 3 City Council seats. Metoyer is a physician with 20 years of formal classroom education. Nov. 2, 1982: Defeats Republican Karl J. Edelmann to win re-election to her another two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing District 9 in Ann Arbor. It takes a village and all of our voices are important in shaping our schools. Additionally, there is significant evidence that student who face discrimination at school struggle with both their mental health and academic achievement. 3. An unwillingness to be uncomfortable for change to occur. If we are serious about improving academic achievement, we must broaden our scope to include the ways we are inadvertently damaging student capacity for achievement through our inaction on social issues like racism, queerphobia and ableism. The board of education needs to get back to business at meetings, not promotional videos, and keep the community informed about progress on these challenges every step of the way. Aug. 10, 1982: Defeats Gerald Faye in the Democratic primary for District 9 on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing Ann Arbor. In-person quality public school is simply essential and cant be compromised. We are also trying to increase student achievement, to bring it back to pre-pandemic levels. Short and long term health consequences, and the financial stress of taking time off work to care for a sick child are disproportionately affecting BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and disabled communities and working class families. ask force on sustainable housing; the Adoptive and Foster Parents Support Group; the Government Finance Officers Association (former member of its executive board); the Michigan Government Finance Officer Association (former board member); and the Michigan Association of County Treasurers (former board member). The popularity rank for the name Paulette was 1497 . I and the district have suffered through several iterations of school boards. A students ability to learn is determined by a number of factors outside of the classroom (e.g., hunger, homelessness, poverty, violence, mental health, and unsafe environmental conditions); therefore we need a comprehensive approach to ensure that students have access to high-quality health care, financial support, and out-of school opportunities that support their success. The local interpretation of state law is up to us on that, and we need to take a closer look at the way we are implementing it here in AAPS, and think outside the box about ways of implementation that will actually *increase* equity between schools. Paulette Metoyer. She said she wants to ask hard questions and work collaboratively to make decisions as a board member. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Motto: If the mall is open, schools are open. 4. All cultures are not the same and the products of those cultures cannot be expected to be represented in equal numbers in all endeavors. Keeping our public schools in person will require continued investment in smart approaches to public health and addressing staffing shortages by truly listening to our AAPS employees about what they need. I know if we elect enough people brave enough to make the hard right choice, we can make a real difference this year. How do we make it better?- that aids in teaching ac-countably, Mental Health and Social Work support, Skill Trades, Teacher Autonomy to do the jobs they went to school to do, and teaching our children to respect and honor our environment. Ensure we optimize the opportunities provided by the 2019 bond that our community provided to our schools.I believe the above goals are backed by common sense and hard data proving their importance. We need to look at our budget in a way that prioritizes the social emotional well being of student; that is the balance that our budget needs to meet the needs of our children. However, technology is no cure-all and the board trustees need to be that oversight that ensures new programs and other changes in our schools are evidence-based, actually help our students in greatest need, and deliver results. How we choose to respond to this ongoing public health crisis is a clear representation of the districts commitment to equity (or lack thereof). I am motivated by the encroachment of the public school systems into the practice of medicine and psychiatry, and the failure of the current leaders to appreciate this. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Washtenaw County Critical Incident Stress Management Team Lisa Lewis, Treasurer Phone: 734-482-6099 Fax: 734-482-3842 Email: Office Hours - Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Paulette Metoyer's activity stream. yes, the mishandling of the school closing in the height of the COVID crisis. She has served on a variety of volunteer boards and commissioners, including the task force on sustainable housing; the Adoptive and Foster Parents Support Group; the Government Finance Officers Association (former member of its executive board); the Michigan Government Finance Officer Association (former board member); and the Michigan Association of County Treasurers (former board member). And who once said give me a child for 4 hours a day over 4 years, and I will have them believing anything I want them to? An efficient and effective way to deliver individualized learning is via digital technology. She has been a communications professional in health care for nearly two decades. Establish a merit based program and abandon the focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, which rewards those who have not achieved and punishes those who have by denying them the fruits of their labor. She had run unopposed in the Aug. 3, 2004 Democratic primary. Allowing uncontrolled spread will take us right back to classrooms without teachers, or school days and buses canceled from staff illness. Re-electing me will provide for proven leadership and institutional knowledge providing stability and continuity. First, it is crucial to get community input for our districts budget prior to finalizing and implementing a budget. Mott Childrens Hospital that are AAPS students. Teachers and Staff -I plan to assess and address burnout in our teachers and staff. I will accomplish this by being vocal about the needs of the most vulnerable and encouraging my fellow trustees to support my goals while engaging our Superintendent. PDF Washtenaw County Voter Guide November 3, 2020 My goals is to get a real equitable plan for AAPS, one that states /define the problem,has measurable outcomes, SMART Goals, and objectives with assigned accountability. Im an advocate for students of color, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and students with special education needs. Election results and vote counts for candidates for office, ballot questions, and party enrollment and voter registration and turnout statistics. County Treasurer Vote for not more than 1 Catherine McClary Democrat Paulette Metoyer Republican Water Resources Commissioner Vote for not more than 1 Evan N. Pratt . I also want to foster more transparency and stronger communication between the Community, Staff, Administrators and Board Trustees. Special education is also something we need to ensure is prioritized. Ann Arbor Public Schools has always been known for its robust arts programs and I will fight to preserve those programs.Yet another priority will be staffing and other resources for students with special needs. -Are we fairly compensating those that interface with our children to deliver services? We can do better. This is the one responsibility that they all share but are often unrecognized for. She had also run unopposed in the August Democratic primary. I also have a goal of advocating for an updated curriculum that includes Social Emotional Learning as well as Restorative Justice . Paulette Metoyer is on Facebook. (The county board had been reconfigured into new districts following the 1980 census.). As the school board is changing so is the leadership at the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor City Council. Retain our top professional teachers, and make sure they feel good about their futures. 3. One issue I particularly care about is literacy equity. Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor It is the perfect place to build community, compassion and empathy for ourselves and each other. 10 Ann Arbor-area races, ballot proposals to watch in 2022 election Ann Arbor MI 48105 By virtue of her role as treasurer, McClary also serves on the county's election commission. Just as important is making sure all students have strong foundational literacy and math skills. Meeting with people impacted by virtual-only school and hearing their stories has made it clear that we need to improve how our board of education operates. The challenges that will face the Board of Education, then, are challenges of building the future while shoring up the present. 9 members of Washtenaw County school boards not seeking re-election - Mlive Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). What are your priorities in balancing the budget? It means that we properly screen and support learners that struggle or learn differently. I will prioritize teacher and staff salaries. Paulette Metoyer | Facebook

Marcy Walker Doug Smith, Articles P