revolution radio podcast scott mckay

You create your child, youre in control. And let me give you a real quick just to help you understand. 20.8K. 627. Thats what our system is all about is what American system is all about, from the free market all the way across to your natural rights and your rights. Aside from the fact that theres all kinds of other reasons. He cant. She wont wear a mask, you wont endanger herself. 1:45:01 Trevor Griffith was a 1999 graduate of Ridgewood High School and the evening announcer for WTNS AM/FM radio stations. And then I approached me again, sir, you have to step out. These people continue to morph. WTNS-FM radio station broadcasting an adult contemporary format. a charlatan actually is with Anthony Fauci promoting people take this vaccine. I you know, short of short of a manager now coming to talk to me, which Ive asked them to bring a manager over, right? Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. Next point, Dr. Tara Kirk cell, a senior scholar at Bloomberg School of Healths Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, worries that pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines. Hey, what made your ad fly or I saw you You went in there and you did her blah, blah, blah. Following a career that spans three decades in print and broadcast journalism,WTNSs Ken Smailes is transitioning from the News Director position he has held atWTNS for 25 years. You know the places now youve got it down. Now theyre taking into their lives as they think they want. I do have a right to pursue it. Now look, Im not gonna Im not gonna tell all the people that you just have to, you know, put up a completely, you know, defensive front. Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. I want to see it on the ticket. He blames riots on anti vaccine activists and predicts that Twitter and Facebook will cooperate in identifying and deleting a disturbing number of accounts dedicating dedicated to spreading misinformation about the outbreak and to implement internet shut internet shutdowns to quell panic. Before people have enough its inevitable. But this Tomahawk is one of two choices for the Cabal powers, which end we use is fully up to them. This is revolution radio every Monday at 10pm. I never regretted a mask. This is what frustrates frustrates me. Let them assess the risk to make the decision for themselves. And Im like, thats my church. Every Saturday and the title of the show is well appropriate, appropriately enough. Some of us this new regulations are come in place. When it comes to finding a reliable plumber in Springfield, TN, then hiring our company is the right choice for you. There are two options here. You can get your patriot Street Fighter gear, Ive got my favorite shirt on tonight. Its truly startling. Major cabal murder power. Either mine never havent been. Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins, biosecurity expert adviser to National Institutes of Health, the Pentagon, and Homeland Security. And the people that I always gravitate to, because I always respect I respect intelligence, I love to hang around. First of all, and when it comes to these facial armbands, or as my friend Courtney Williams, like likes calling facial condoms, I, when it comes to these things, theres nothing in the constitution or state constitutions or in any law, that gives government the authority to dictate that you were a specified piece of clothing, first of all, second of all, the reason for it is because its were looking at individualism versus collectivism here, thats ultimately what this is all about. They want the money. You know, theres no theres no other side. And theyre going to deal with prosecution under the color of law. Reminds me of Eddie Murphy stand up. The very first book is the most recommended one by my readers. 1:20:31 He goes, What me? They will not stand there like that. This time at Costco. 1:49:19 Not being facetious here, folks. Coshocton, Ohio. You look at these people back then. With every opportunity. Shes right there. Patriot Streefighter, Scott McKay - Mobile Quick Connect And then I was told when I brought that up one time in a particular group, well, the legislature California gave governor Newsome legislative authority so that he couldnt do it. I have seven books Im working on a few more right now. We didnt simulate this. Imagine that this is what we want to offer the enemy. Because here in Texas, I cant tell you if that needle move much at all. 1:11:35 Its illegal and unconstitutional. Against tyrannical governments. for a reason. Like the Rockefeller Foundation has done for over 100 years? Im talking about fighting with your voice and standing up letting these people know that you are done with this bullshit you are done. You want me just to acquiesce. 24. No kidding. Thats what these people do. This incident made him quite famous and earned him Youtube Stardom. The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling disinformation and misinformation by flooding the media with propaganda, quote, good information, imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti vaccination movement. Oh, you found it. Were gonna say what needs to be said. One of the things that we have got, and you and I always get applause for this, when I talked to groups, is we filed a lawsuit against Kamala Harris for being ineligible for office on December 7. I know what restaurants I can go to. I said here, you can have your shield back. And you can of course just send some snail mail, make a checkout to revolution radio. Theres nothing they can. Jay Parker. Who could possibly imagine that big pharma would do any such thing? 45:09 And they all had same kind of hairdo, they always, you know, come to her back lot of more glasses. 1:14:28 COA and Hemp Information. In California, for example, California Health and Safety Code sections 101029110 30 110 40 110 80 and gives the countys health emergencies in health emergency certain powers and gives the county health officer have the authority to order quarantines, but none of the authorities listed includes quarantine healthy people. 1:49:25 Because I refuse to take my finger off the trigger of information coming out of a Gatling gun pointed right at the scumbags to try to overwhelm these people with enough truth that it recruits enough soldiers behind me to join the fight. And they checked her out. 1:49:37 What else would there be? So also, youre going to assault me physically? They dont they can see opportunity every day, they cant recognize it after a while get fat, lazy, stupid. There is no such thing as a former CIA officer, vaccine maker Johnson and Johnson, surprise, surprise the finance and biosecurity industries, and Edelman, the worlds leading corporate PR firm, why do you need a corporate PR firm? You know whats harsh. Scott McKay Interviews Vaxx Injured Commercial Pilots - Vimeo I mean I think you probably saw in the movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson in the opening battle. You mean like the money laundering operation of the Red Cross? These people are tyrants angles, FBI, Director of Bloomberg Johns Hopkins Center for Health security concerns, what do they call these titles that are this long? Well, in the Republican Party, at least, I dont think we can even debate that you see the democrat what the Democratic Party draws. I told you I was going to be bringing down the thunder tonight man and here. Shipping Policy The people that do believe somewhere you got to get into fight. Go ahead and push it and push it and push it you will lose money. Hes going through this stand up of His girlfriend catching him coming out of another girls house that he was there having a relationship with. Not even the very few few people with a positive PCR test and people werent even sick folks. But somebody that I know, was contacted to try to reach me. Shes in a bank. And there are some businesses saying they still require I dont give a shit who requires it. Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman public relations, agrees that social media must fall in line to promote government policy. | There are no air no protests. I said a few things. Well, we can get you on. And, you know, theres fears on some people, they said, Well, we know what the left is about, you know, they wouldnt hesitate to bring on the blue helmets or the Chinese soldiers. TuneIn Logo TuneIn Logo Home Search Local Radio Recents Trending Music Sports News & Talk Podcasts By Location By Language Sign In Sign Up Mario. You know, I picked my church because I didnt have a church in the area for the longest time. It is absolutely stunning and startling how he ties biblical prophecy and revelations right into the evidence that theyre showing us. 4CM says: TIME WILL REVEAL THE VERACITY; SO WE KEEP OUR EYE ON THE BALL. sector correlation matrix 2021; hamilton, ohio police department; german name generator fantasy. So yeah, because you guys dont want to hear a police record of this confrontation. The Mackay in the Morning Show - 95.9 The River For assistance accessing the WTNS FM Online Public File, please contact: Bruce Wallace at (740) 622-1560, For assistance accessing the WTNS AM Online Public File, please contact: Bruce Wallace at (740) 622-1560, Jeremy Scott will become News Director at. Everything that we know is misinformation they call information and everything we know is information they call misinformation. Our professional plumbing services include drain, sewer, and septic tank cleaning, tankless and gas/electric water heaters installation, remodeling, and much more. Now the scumbag Steven read, the Admiral of the Public Health Service has a sinister notion that government should mind social media data to identify people with negative please. They all had the, you know, they all had the same color suits. Famous says the risk, and theyre scared out online, so theyre gonna wear the mask, even though after about 10 minutes from the breathing in that theyre gonna start shooting outside anyway, that does no good. The checker says dont check her out. The government centralizing control, usurping it, taking it from the States, unconstitutionally, were going to talk about that in the next hour. The mandates are gone. Lets not lose it. When you dont have the time to handle your plumbing installation issues, you can always rely on our team of expert plumbers for doing the job right in a way that will spare you the trouble of doing it on your own. multinational corporations Rothschild Rockefeller, controlling central banking families, monarchies around the world are going or theyre being dealt with and theyre going to come down. Donald is registered to vote . But its as stupid as you can. They were gaming this thing now, and global economic collapse lasting up to a decade compared to the gate simulation. Because I realize that some of you folks dont know the things that I take for granted that I know. Learn What NESARA/GESARA is HERE. 1:10:08 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio with Scott McKay The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Scott McKay on -The Tipping Point- on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B Were done with this tyrannical bullshit. And we waited for about 20 minutes. Welcome To Revolution Radio. Thats why they push socialist ideas. Bank of America injuring her putting her on the ground he showed up with his badge and he was going to use it I assure you if I would have walked over and talk to that lady as a police officer, I assure you I would have talked her peacefully right out of the bank and she would have thought this guys I really liked this guy. Real thinking individuals, people who actually use their intellect, who research study, look at the landscape of society as it exists. No going backwards. A Journey Down The Rabbit Hole. 1:31:15 Because you havent woken up yet. I have a friend of mine. I think it was two weekends ago, I was in Under Armour. He says, so I come out on the porch. The anti vaccine movement was very strong. 1:04:02 What does that mean? This would have never gotten one inch attraction. These frickin criminals. By the way. They were the Bolsheviks at one time, which they still are. 47:21 3,056 Views. Scott Mckay | Patriot Streetfighter We talk about all those people that are in the process of being taken down by our alliance powers and partners around the world, the United States military military intelligence, the behind the scenes POTUS, President Trump, who still exists in the greatest position of influence, where somebody who doesnt appear to be the president of the most powerful nation in the world. I saw you standing there coming out of her house. 1:24 Ladies and gentlemen my name is Scott McKay it is March 22 2021 you are listening to the tipping point on revolution radio Welcome to the show folks if you're brand new here you are in for the high octane full throttle truth hammer on all the deep state scumbag criminals all around the world. These are people that are self serving, theyll take the money I guarantee you, youre going to find I cant imagine you finding one out of 100 of these smaller businesses that are going to stand out and say you know what? They make you aware, when you get up and walk around, I go to the bathroom, I walk out with it. Well, you know, whats your general personal sense of what youre seeing? These people will just keep lying even though its on the internet. as well. And I believe we are patriots this country that will do the same thing. Quote, I think just to build a little bit on what Admiral said, I think as in previous conversations, where weve talked about a centralization around management information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach. I also have a link to it on my blog, political Everything is inverted everything including the cross that they were the upside down cross, which is the satanic symbol. And youre gonna ask me on some of the stuff I do, and weve kind of gone off the track. And so when I went in there, I got the same thing. Because this end happens to be the bottom end happens to be the mouthpiece end of a peace pipe. Schedules - 1:46:38 I know that the american revolution happened when Americans were under the most persecution. So were going to dictate it to you, by the way that comes from john Jacques Rousseau and, 1:30:37 No surrender is different. And I just wont put one on period. They said Well, I said, Im not going to be using it. I always have been. Thats kind of stupid. She doesnt wear a mask most of time. And I was unwilling to bend certainly was gonna break, I was gonna do things on my own terms. But he businesses werent forced to shut down. The Hammer side is obviously a hollowed out little bolt, and you can put in your piece pipe whatever you want. With this murderous faction, we now just learned that the president of Tanzania who publicly outed these tests, these PCP tests of which theyve made trillions of dollars, the same test that they now are saying, openly, the corporates that they dont work, that they have to revise their numbers dont that dont work. Brian Ruhe (603) 635-4946 . View background report for Donald W Mckay from Coshocton, Oh. And those police officers over there, started putting their buttons in their shields down and stepping across the line say You know what? Isnt the Creator, the one that should be in control period? The top notch tools and professional grade products, parts, and materials we use, combined with our substantial experience in the business, guarantees the quality work and results you deserve. There will be no white flag coming up is different. And by the time I was 15, I was pretty well rounded about the US Constitution didnt really do much of it my whole life. thats a broad stroke. Im partially disabled vet, and I call up the Veterans Administration and explain Hey, you know, I cant wear the face covering heres what happened and they so they set me up for an appointment because your VA so quick. Well say, hey, maybe maybe they didnt, if theyre so if theyre denying that so vehemently. They eventually say well, maybe maybe they didnt do that. For some of you Its gonna take a little bit longer for you to realize this and know exactly this is what these people do. To mention this, I believe a week or two ago. Background Report. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. That men 1688 led to the 1689 English Declaration of Rights. We cant achieve it. If you have not watched that video from Friday, which I believe was the 18th or the 19th. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. Not surprising, JFK was assassinated just the following year. Trevor was the favorite engineer of anyone who called games of athletic events over the radio. And this was really the home folks of where it all started here on revolution radio. Oh, no, we dont care about that here. course they dont believe in this garbage anyway. in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/113983/domains/ . 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. Mckenzie is registered to vote in Coshocton County, Ohio. I started laughing. You look familiar with high school geotools. do. Again, law enforcement is going to get a wake up call. Because what Ive noticed in society in the last couple decades, the least qualified people are the ones that want to run for office of any sort, get into a position of power, and be the boss. And when they start dictating to you, and saying, Oh, well, we know youre the will of people better than you do. So since some of these stores give a curbside, technically, according the ADA, they can discriminate against you for any disability reason, if they are willing to give you an alternative accommodation. There are 45 other people named Brian McKay on AllPeople. The deaths attributed to COVID in the real life situation are highly questionable, as we know and must be seen in the context of a global population of 7.8 billion, with about 59 natural deaths expected annually. nevermind, thatll be a beating in a rabbit hole I dont have time for anyways, oddly, gates now claims that the simulation didnt occur. So this is the thing. Share. The strategies are a number of strategies that you can employ one of them that we are two of them that we are deploying here in Southern California, one of them is, is no mass clash mobs where, you know 40 people walk in a store without a mask where they get into, through all 40 out. Im wondering, sometime in the future, I start seeing people dropping dead from the vaccines. But that should be everybodys individual decision. So anyways, if youve been following this, this show in this movement, this is the show where we ended up launching patriot Street Fighter on YouTube channel. Show more. These people operating under the color of law theyre carrying out fog orders bug iidx, which puts them in the crosshairs of both criminal and civil prosecution. 1:31:07 I got my be here, that screeching noise I got the arm of my chair rubbing on my desk because I move around and squirm a lot. Thats what the thinking now. But were invested means they cant give it away. What are what are some of the books. Bear with me. And guess what? Now they want to centralize it. an edict is something that does not hold the force of law, because they cant make law. 1:48:00 So if you been on the show before, you know at revolution dot radio, you can always support this network. Have you noticed that the legislators arent passing laws regarding this? And I just kept on walking. Went to my favorite barbecue place. This is a huge problem thats going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments, as we saw in the Arab Spring, if the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think its the right choice. It looks like that bar scene in Star Wars, like literally like, What in the hell? you assess the risk, you make your decision. Contact: 310.421.4053 Website: Email: Stations Revolution Radio Studio B Where Information Never Sleeps UP NEXT: 7pm Matrix Warriors: Jay Charles Parker 9pm Counterspeech 10pm The Decompression Hour 11pm Carrying Stones and Digging Holes: Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff See More Shows

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