what size lionel transformer do i need

I talk more in depth about the 1033 here. To amplify CTvalley's very valid instructions: A forum community dedicated to model train owners and enthusiasts. And of course, Lionel also makes lots of figures to populate your town. If your going to run anything more that what came with the set then you should probably upgrade to something a little bigger. Below weve listed these transformers in numerical order in the Numerical Index. Turn on the throttle, then short the A and U posts (in the case of Lionel) or variable and base posts (in the case of Flyer) with a screwdriver or a piece of wire for a maximum of five seconds. Make your Christmas complete with a Lionel HO Train under your. The first Lionel electric trains were powered by wet-cell batteries, which were, of course, dangerous. For most layouts, and most scales, Number14 stranded wire will work best for your bus. Lionel 1033 Transformer Renovation Part I Peter Fenzel 306 subscribers Subscribe 11K views 3 years ago Lionel 1033 Transformer gets cleaned up, a new power cord, a new whistle rectifier. I've read that it is good practice to add feeders every 10 sections of track or sothat seems like a lot but I suppose that beats having "dead" spots in the track. You should always, always test your transformer for safetybefore you set it up, andunplug it when youre not using it. How to correctly size a transformer | Consulting - Specifying Engineer Multi-conductor wires with many strands of finer wire are more common for telecommunications and electronics. Extending the Reach of Your Power (NEW/LIKE NEW), running TMCC And DCS engines with DCS handheld, terrible crash in Greece, multiple fatalities, Its.Public Delivery Track ..NEWSpecial run corner, Improving Appearance of 0-gauge Tubular Track. Used a 1033 for accessories and lights. Best bang for the buck for command are the Lionel 180W Powerhouse bricks IMO. Here are some guidelines for the most common wiring jobs you'll find. But a 12-gauge solid wire is one strand, while a 12-gauge stranded wire may be made up of more than a dozen much smaller individual strands spun together. --Build a Better Toy Train Layout, by John Grams and Dick Christianson. Digital command control systems (DCC) uses digital information to control the electrical power to the train. If the transformer fails, you most likely have a short or overload somewhere in the control circuit. In the middle range, Lionel made a lot of other transformers. Lionel makes two expansion sets for this purpose. Been there, done that. This is where the Lionel transformer comparisons should begin. Mint-in-box examples of vintage Lionel trains are still valuable and will continue to appreciate in value over time, because there are so few of them. Fortunately, in the early 21st century it is easier to expand your starter set than ever before. What do I need to do that with? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. "What size wire should I use?" For instance, a 100 kilovolt-ampere transformer with 8.32 kilovolts (or less) on the high side has a typical value of 2.6% impedance. (using 4 of the 180 watt Lionel bricks) That's 10 amps per channel on all 4 channels. These small power supplies are designed to supply a few amps of power. The motor takes electricity through a small wire attached to a metal wheel that rests on the middle rail underneath. The 110-wattLionel RW is a cheap option, and the 125-watt LW, while a bit more expensive, gives a bit more power. A while back, approximately 2 weeks ago while running two very lengthy loops of fast track an old transformer nearly fried (50 years old) one of my wires that I was running to my Fastrac. If you have to ask,your needs are a lot more modest than that. Which Lionel transformer do I need? you ask? Lionel Model Railroad and Train Transformers for sale | eBay Dave: That certainly qualifies, don't forget the anti-gun lobbyist with the picket sign's. The choice of a control system is somewhat, but not necessarily, dependent on which manufacturers engines you prefer or have the most of. Power the odd blocks with the other transformer. All power supplies will be rated for volts, amps, and watts. I have since wired the new transformer to my layout along with the old ZW. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. www.spankybird.shutterfly.com, God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of theNRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified. Apparently there is a difference between old conventional and new conventional power. The Lionel 1033 is a great choice for small or medium-sized layouts. Of all the questions fielded by the staff of Classic Toy Trains, inquiries regarding layout wiring top the list.While you might expect numerous questions regarding complex techniques or new technologies, CTT. We feature Lionel, American Flyer, MTH, Atlas O, Williams Trains, K-Line, Weaver Models, and more. With the ever-increasing amount of small electronics in today's sophisticated models, this protection is more important than ever. We use a ZW 275 and a KW on this, so 405 watts. Forgot about light bulbs since I don't got some yet. Because the runs are short and power demands so low, this fine wire poses no safety threat. And both of them give more wattage per handle than a KW or ZW. Although not necessarily a mandated standard, white, black and or red are used for track power on most layouts - if for no other reason than these colors are easiest to find. Lionel Vintage Model Railroad & Train Transformers - eBay It will require a minimum of 108' of track just to do a basic rectangle before I add any switches, etc. The smallest wire you can work with will be more than sufficient. For Lionel power the 45 watts is good for a 4 by 8 as a rule of thumb to compensate poor track you just use more feeders. Faq No: 1029 --I wish I had some more cars to put behind the engine. Any of the below transformers from M.T.H. Kind Regards Steve, QUOTE: by Dave Has anyone here ever blown a transformer from hauling a double-headed Allegheny coal drag up a 2 percent grade?. The greatest transformer Lionel made in the postwar era was the 270 watt Lionel ZW. These bus wires are often more important than the size of the power supply itself in getting good results. Click here to learn about the Unlimited Membership. At fifteen volts which is about as much as I can put to it without jumping the track, it pulls an average of 2.5 amps, or 37.5 watts--less than one tenth of the transformer capacity of 400. Electric Trains make great power supplies, depending on usage, on a DCS controlled layout. Another classic is the Automatic Gateman. It can run four tracks at one time, so you layout can grow. The polarities can be reversed to change the direction of the train. The typ miniature incandecents we use average about 100 ma of current each. For a transformer less or equal to 500 kilovolt-amperes, a typical %Z impedance may vary between 2.3% and 5.2% based on the voltage level. JavaScript is disabled. Just get a Lionel #12053 Accessory wire set and enough extra wire to connect from the wire set back to your transformer [speaker wire works well]. Most power supplies will perform very well for years if used within their limits. Its a good transformer. Understanding Electrical Supplies and Controls. A locomotive on a mile-long loop will draw as many amps as it does on a 4x8 platform. Problem with Rail King Protocol Sounds reversing unit, My D-190 Back in Action After Move to to NC, Caboose Identification - late era vintage, Continuing Saga Newtown Hardwrare House WIP. All Lionel transformer comparisons should start here. --I need a station for the train to stop at. Lionel Model Railroad and Train Transformers Lionel Model Railroad and Train Transformers Best Selling Lionel 1908080 O Gauge CW80 Transformers - Black (4) $147.85 New $110.00 Used Lionel Legacy Powermaster Lnl637146 (13) $134.99 New $90.00 Used Lionel 634120 TMCC Direct Lock-On Transformer - Silver (21) $58.99 New $49.99 Used If you're experiencing problems with your wiring due to humidity, for example, you are going to face even greater issues with the trains and tracks themselves. Over the years I have collected boxed (mostly liquor boxes) sets from attics.So I have a variety of transformers on hand. View More! These systems still require a power supply but it only needs to supply a constant voltage to the rails. Reading & Northern, Reading Company, Reading Lines, Philadelphia & Reading. Lionel made a lot of other transformers over the years. For many first-time train buyers, once the initial excitement of setting up the train and watching it run has passed, the desire to make it do more usually begins. You should take care, however, to replace worn cords and wires. They do not include a track or power supply, so you will need to buy both separately. They give a great deal of power in a single handled transformer, and if you run trains along with another person, it can be more convenient for you to both have a smaller transformer than for two people to huddle around a larger KW or ZW transformer and share its handles. The 1044 is just a 1033 in a different case. All about the Lionel ZW - The Silicon Underground Price Received. I run an MTH 4-6-2 PS-1 pulling five Madisons on about fifty feet of track and the transformer I am using (Z-4000) has a digital amp readout. Make sure you are getting the right type of power supply for your layout. Getting Started - 3 RAIL TRAINS IF the Engineer is the guy that drives the locomotive then theTechnician must be the fireman is this correct? http://www.lccuk.org.uk/lccuk Regards Nick Save Reply Quote N Nick12DMC Registered And again regardless of scale or manufacturer, switch machines of these two types will have similar needs and performance. How do you choose the right power supply for your model trains? Pretty much suffered the same fate, too. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Actually it was a train show with varied trains of all different eras being run I have mostly MTH trains though and they wouldn't run because the transformer that was running wasn't powerful enough to cycle through my MTH trainsounds. The house's current is reduced to the required low voltage by Trainmaster Transformers. The Lionel RW also happens to be a great transformer for Marx or American Flyer trains too, when you connect the track leads to the B and U posts instead of the A and U posts youd normally use for most Lionel setups. Ryan Kunkle is a nationally recognized professional model train expert and writer with over 25 years of experience. I don't want to buy a lot more track, but then find out the transformer is too weak, if that make sense. As the motor takes in more electricity, the arm turns faster and faster. Well Mike what I am about to suggest may be a little pricy or at least it was for me but I have managed to buy a new Lionel ZW. Check out my O scale layout progress at MTF, does track consume power? Find 500+ popular train rides, museums, and railroad vacation destinations in the U.S and Canada! Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. I justhave a very basic 027 set (guessin' mid 80's?). Older transformers I had this issue with are RW, 1033, KW, ZW.newer transformers were all made by MTH. Our community is FREE to join. It is best to use at least two different colors for your track wiring (one for each rail). If youre looking for Lionel transformer comparisons, youve come to the right place. For a passenger train with lighted cars, getting a little more power isnt a bad idea. I went to mth Z1000, jason's train shop has the best price's I have seen for these. Lionel makes two expansion sets for this purpose. Although I am an electrical engineer, I just add stuff until the transformer gets too warm and then I branch off and add another. Here are some simple definitions for these electrical terms: Most power supplies will be labeled as to the scales they are meant to handle. It is 5" long. This works for command control layouts too, since those parked trains are still drawing some current. In most cases, stranded wire is preferred because the multiple threads provide more conductivity and flexibility. Should it be a Lionel or should it be an MTH with command control? These can all have uses for your layout. American Flyer Trains Basic Operating Information Adding more freight or passenger cars [also known as rolling stock] to your set is another way to quickly expand your railroad. * NOTE: We do not recommend loading a transformer above 80% of its KVA rating. DCC decoders are one good example where the wire colors are critical. Finally, you'll never receive email notifications about content they create or likes they designate for your content. Come join the discussion about brands, various scales, repairs, storage, displays, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Calculating transformer size for layout size - Classic Toy - Trains Sell Your Trains Yourself At Train Shows. DCC is less common in starter sets, but some are available. Many manufacturers assemble cases with special screws to prevent access to the inside and accidental shock. It does run on conventional power but not great and no whistle or bell. The article you suggest would be a daunting task, as you'd have to gather virtually every known locomotive and transformer! Never Enough Room, Time or Money for all the Trains! Antique Train Sets - FAQs for Lionel Collectors Club of America Also, you wont be able to take advantage of independent control of multiple engines on the same track without a digital controller. But a 12-gauge solid wire is one strand, while a 12-gauge stranded wire may be made up of more than a dozen much smaller individual strands spun together. However, if you begin adding more than 1 or 2 cars, be sure to get some extra track, or your longer train will be chasing its tail very quickly. properly wired transformer can handle any amount of track. With two switches, you can create an alternative route for your trains. Lionel makes a seemingly infinite number of cars to in a variety of colors, types, and road names. It also has an optional bell sound that can be turned on and off. That transformer will only prolly handle 1 engine and depending on how long it is will depend on how many extra feeders you will need around the layout. Lionel Trains|MTH Train|Lionel Train Sets| HO model Trains| G Scale|Dept 56 American Flyer Trains were made in several gauges. A Passenger consist can easily use more power than the engine. If you like fixing things, fixing an old transformer is rewarding. Lionel, LLC continued to manufacture and market trains and accessories in O scale under the Lionel brand and S gauge under the American Flyer brand. Stop it with your hand to full stall, and it goes up to four amps--sixty watts--trying to pull. That could also be the reason the other transformers don't work. Now, I diconnected that old dinosaur and connected two separate smaller ones which weren't powerful enough to run my Amtrack MTH trains. its the amount of engines you need to worry about, I'm currently running my entire layout on a single DC power supply that came with an Athearn engine/track set. LGB FAQs : Power Early issues used a Bakelite case while later releases had a case made out of plastic. Lionel is also introducing a new 180 watt transformer to accompany the 80 watt CW 80. They are known as HO train sets because they are half the size of O-guage. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. What size Lionel transformer do I need? - Tracks-movie.com It would be advantageous if OGR magazine would put an article together comparing the major manufacturers transformers output waveform compatibility/ incompatibilitywith the various manufacturer's locomotives - Atlas O, Weaver, 3rd Rail, MTH , Lionel etc and conventional , DCS , TMCC, Legacy command control. THE BASICS "O", "S", "HO". Because of this, like with lighting and accessories, your power supply and wiring for switch machines do not need to be as robust. All members here are welcome to drop in and visit. But it is important to take a close look at the cars to make sure that they are a good match for your set. But after a little while, you will likely want your train to do more, and youll start thinking along these lines: --It sure would be neat if it did more than run in a circle. Thus an appliance with a 15-ampere plug (the usual kind with parallel blades) must draw no more than 12 amperes. I had 3 lionel cw80's and two quit working. If mixing both non-command as well as command engines, both by the way will run without any thing other than the appropriate transformer, it really depends on the budget. Our community is FREE to join. Its a bargain at that price. If you are wiring with a common rail for your blocks, then keeping the common rail the same color all the time while changing the color for the other rail in each block is also an option. It can be a great secondary power supply for lighted buildings, signals, and other accessories. Access to this requires an OGR Forum Supporting Membership. The KW used to be really expensive, but since Lionel started making big transformers again, you can get a KW for what a 1033 used to cost, which makes it a very nice bargain today on a rugged and powerful transformer with an impressive presence. All Lionel transformer comparisons should start here. You can also minimize voltage drop at the rail joints by soldering the rails together. Price Received. If the system's train transformer is run in Europe with a step-down transformer alone (converting only voltage from 230V to 115V AC at a 50 Hz), it may not operate as intended. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The fraction of your transformer's power lost in the track will therefore be well under 10 percent, since it is proportional to the voltage drop. UpBright 18V AC/DC Adapter Compatible with Lionel O Gauge Fastrack 10" Remote Control Terminal Straight LionChief System Track 6-1923100 HKYF45-180230T-US DC18V 2300mA 18VDC Power Supply Cord Charger. Lionel Fastrack Track System O Scale Trains | Lionel Fastrack for Sale The higher powered units would not meet todays safety standards as issued by Underwriters Laboratories. Three conductor wire is common for household use. But were talking the trains that are in the absolute best condition and might not have ever run on the track. If they do, follow their recommendations. Although it will not have any impact on the performance of the wire within, choosing multiple colors of wire, and standardizing on a specific color for each function, will go a long way in making your wiring easier to install and easier to detect flaws later on. Everyone wanted the two-handled, football-shaped, 275-watt powerhouse that was the ZW. This means that they are not exact 1:48 replicas of the real thing but instead are selectively compressed to negotiate the tight turns of regular Lionel track. The transition section (#12040) allows you to connect conventional O Gauge track to FasTrack. To determine the maximum transformer current, divide the transformer VA by transformer secondary voltage. You don't want to try to solder even Number 16 gauge wire right to your rails, however. What does a Lionel transformer do? Transformer sizing for new systems ransformers were issued by Lionel thoughout the Post War period. And if the power supply does fail, it is best not to repair it on your own. Starter sets almost always include a power supply along with the track and train. Mike, The size of the transformer is dictated by what you want to run, the more you run the more power you will need. The good news is, Lionel made a lot of good transformers over the years. Note: if you proceed, you will no longer be following, $12.00 per 12 Months (plus tax if applicable). If you plan to just run MTH go with their DCS system if you plan to have a number of different engines or the MTH DCS Remote Commander which is limited to running only one engine at a time.

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