where the mountain meets the moon character traits
where the mountain meets the moon character traits
PDF Plot Outline. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - NEH-Edsitement Students will provide detailed information regarding how the characters interact with the main characters, as well as challenges the characters face. Meanwhile, as Dragon waits outside of the city, he receives a string of destiny from one of the Guardians of the City. Tell students that they are going to read the book and keep a reading journal; explain how you would like them to proceed, i.e., how many pages or chapters to read and which journal questions to answer. Students will provide
While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. Those eye-opening visits made the folk tales and fairy tales her mother had shared with her as a child seem more alive. Determine the Age of the Dragon (using peach math) He is tied up with some ropes, so Minli cuts him free. It is late at night when Minli tiptoes into her familys hut and crawls into bed. "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary". The rock that Minli removed from Dragons head turns out to be the coveted Dragon Pearl. Give them time to legibly recopy (and edit!) However, she is still not sure if the film will be made or if it will not be made. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Characters - www.BookRags.com Where the Mountain Meets the Moon begins with a description of a small girl, Minli, and her parents, who live in a poor village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. My mom and I first read it as part of my Sonlight curriculum and we loved it. Still following the goldfishs instructions, Minli sets out for the City of Bright Moonlight. I read it when I was around 7, and I thought it is AWESOME! Have students explain how they grew or changed because of this experience. She does so, and immediately Dragon can fly. They learn the new concept of a frame story and explore how the embedded stories enrich and amplify and reflect the main story. Tell students about Grace Lin, using information from the Background section. 2023 . Give students time to reread and analyze their stories and fill in the results on Worksheet 2 as you circulate to answer questions and give assistance. (for grades 3-6), 2010 Newbery Honor NY Times Bestseller (Feb 4th, March 14th 2010) IndieBound Bestseller 2010 Bank Street College of Education Josette Frank Award 2010 Indies Choice Book Awards Finalist For Middle Reader Book of the Year Al Rokers TODAY Show Kids Book Club Pick, December 2009 2010 Mythopeic Fantasy Award for Childrens Literature Starred Kirkus Review Starred School & Library Journal Review Starred Booklist Review Booklist Top 10 SF/Fantasy for Youth:2009 2009 Parents Choice Gold Winner 2010 CCBC Choices List 2010 EB White Read-Aloud Honor Book 2010 Massachusetts Book Award for Childrens/Young Adult Literature, I dont think that, in the fourteen years I have worked as a childrens bookseller and the 16 years I have been a mother buying books for her children, I have ever seen such a magnificently illustrated, beautiful gem of a book hit the shelves. Tanya from Books4yourkids.com, This is a flawless little gem of a book, written in a straightforward, warm tone that always has a hint of a smile in itThere is a lovely sense of satisfaction as one link after another is connected, until the entire shape of the book is revealed like a Chinese knot seemingly complicated yet pleasing and harmonious. Eva from Evas Book Addiction, Booklist*Starred Review* In this enchanted and enchanting adventure, Minli, whose name means quick thinking, lives with her desperately poor parents at the confluence of Fruitless Mountain and the Jade River. He says they bring good fortune, so Minli buys one using one of only two copper coins she owns. Have them write three sentences about this challenge in answer to these questions: What qualities did you have to show to meet this challenge? 1. Bitter and resentful, Minlis mother complains when her husband fills Minlis imagination with enchanting tales of Never-Ending Mountain and the Old Man of the Moon. Ask them what qualities she showed as she overcame these challenges (for example: courage, cleverness, persistence). 3. This allows him to fly, and he takes Minli back to Fruitless Mountain. However, what she especially enjoys are her father Ba's stories, which are often told at the dinner table. The single line of text upon it is usually unreadable, but sometimes during historically important moments, the words are intelligibleand they always say something different. Ba, however, seems glad that Minli is so hopeful. The new book was published on October 4, 2016. Ma and Ba camp in the forest, and Ba tells the story of a greedy magistrate who tried to steal the secret of happiness from a poor but otherwise perfect family. He warns her that he only has time to answer one question. Then photocopy the sheet to have students keep in their binders. What is the setting of "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai? New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009. . [10], According to Journal of Education, Grace Lin is the "best-selling author of The Year of the Dog and The Year of the Rat". If you read Where The Mountain Meets The Moon, you wouldn't be disappointed because it is an incredible book. Mountain Meets the Moon . The second date is today's Using a classroom map, show students the location of China and ask them what they know about it.
Along the way, Minli meets a special friend. What details do you notice that show that this story is not taking place in the United States? What is the setting of "Games at Twilight"? Tell students that before they write the story, they are going to practice the skill of using vivid language. She realizes that she cannot ask Dragons questionunless she chooses not to ask her own. Use vivid language to construct their own personal narrative. This Study Guide consists of approximately 29pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - Symbols & Motifs. Stories, drawn from a rich history of Chinese folktales, weave throughout her narrative, deepening the sense of both the characters and the setting and smoothly furthering the plot. Unlisted storyboards can be shared via a link, but otherwise will remain hidden. The goldfish man says that Minli, too, may be able to change her fortune. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. There, he meets the first dragon he has ever seen, a female dragon with bright orange skin. Inspired by her fathers stories and dedicated to her family, Minli decides to leave and seek a more prosperous future for them all. The author of where the Mountain Meets the moon is Grace Lin. Ba tells the first such story. Have you described the characters in the story with enough vivid detail so that the reader can picture them and understand their actions? Minli realizes she has to go on alone, but before she leaves, she promises to ask Dragons question for him. Illustrate this character3. One day I thought I would surprise my friends. Ba smiles and says that Minlis return is the best fortune of all. The twins befriend Minli and want to help her. young girlflowing black haircaringadventurousgenerous. Anonymous "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Characters". thissection. Along the way, Minli meets a special friend. Order our Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Lesson Plans, teaching or studying Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Each figure tied to the next with the fine red thread of fate. At the end of the story, Ba says that he thinks nobody is meant to find Minli, just as the magistrate was not meant to find the paper that explained the secret of happiness. Are all your sentences complete and correctly written? Minli rescues Dragon and includes him in her quest to find the Old Man of the Moon. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary, Read the Study Guide for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, View Wikipedia Entries for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Frightened for her new-found friend, Minli goes for help and finds two twins: A-Fu and Da-Fu. But her ingenuity helps her to survive as she meets and befriends a dragon, sees through the tricks of the King of the City of Bright Moonlight, finds a cure for Dragon's poison, and figures out how to communicate with the Old Man of the Moon. Get Started Minli's mother is very dissatisfied with the family's situation. I bolted to get the book and started to read. How Do I Protect My Young Child from Cyberbullying? Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Character Map Character map is unfinished and/or disorganized. In moments, he disappeared from view into the shadow of Fruitless Mountain, and if it wasn't for the goldfish Minli had in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon study guide contains a biography of Grace Lin, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Think back on some of your favorite characters from past novels you have Word Count: 2124. It turns out the goldfish can talk when people want to hear it. Minli is restless and never content with her lot in life. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. She can either ask him to fix her familys fortune, or she can ask him to help Dragon fly. Put the following sentence on the board: There was a mountain near the village. Then have students turn to the first sentence of. The side characters are Gold fish man, Old Man of the Moon, and Dafu and Afu. Be sure to use evidence from the story to support your ideas. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary - eNotes.com "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" Grace Lin CHARACTER TRAITS WORKSHEET by Northeast Education $1.50 PDF CHOOSE A CHARACTER1. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - amazon.com In addition, any storyboard can be made sharable, where a private link to the storyboard can be shared externally. I think it is good for many different ages, from 7-year-olds to 12-year-olds. The performance starred Caroline Workman as Minli, Michael Tow as Storyteller/ Minli's Ba, and was directed by Jane Staab. (Most students will say it is very big and has a huge population; a few may be able to bring up current events involving China.) Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Common Sense MediaWHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON - Charissa's Kid Lit. Chronicles This is a good book but it is kinda slow. Most of the sections of the character map were at least attempted and work is presentable. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a Chinese fairy tale about an adventurous girl who searches for the Old Man of the Moon in hopes of changing the fortune of her poor family. Because of what seemed like a personal sacrifice in favor of helping a friend, Minli and her family receive all they ever hoped for and more. physical and character traits of both major and minor characters. Minli befriends a dragon along the way. In the morning, her parents are overjoyed that she is home. . After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.). [1][2] The novel received a 2010 Newbery Honor[3] and the 2010 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature. The CharactersThe Characters Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is filled with rich and varied characters: Minli, whose name means quick-thinking; Dragon, her companion on the . She walks deep into the forest and travels all through the night, stopping to sleep at first light. Add (B) and use a fork to stir it. Minli thus begins a traditional quest. In the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon begins with a description of a small girl, Minli, and her parents, who live in a poor village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. Here are some questions to extend students' understanding of the novel. The page had been treasured by the kings of the city for generations. This character came to life from the magic ink by which it was painted and flew away. The Old Man instructs Minli to remove a rock on Dragons head it has been keeping Dragon from flight. Give students a few minutes to survey the book and look at the pictures. Try to elicit the feelings about the life of Minlis village that these words convey. The two then meet and after relating their adventures, set off once again, puzzled as to which is the real borrowed line. Traits - where the mountain meets the moon where the mountain meets the moon Minli is very nice Ma is stressed through out the story Pa is wise Dragon is loyal Green tiger/magistrate is foolish Jade Dragon is sad but becomes happy in the end Jade Dragons Kids are loyal Minli's Goldfish is wise and helpful The Goldfish man is wise Even though you can determine the scene in your head, Grace Lin adds sharp details making the scene more vivid. Together, the two fly back to Minlis village, so she can return to her parents. It says the word thankfulness over and overand nothing else. The authors writing is elegant, and her full-color illustrations are stunning. My father came down the stairs and asked what I was doing down there. This character was a cruel ruler of the land in which all the main landmarks (save the moon) were located over a century ago. Then I dropped something and it made a loud noise. She accomplishes her tasks, undertaken with the help of a talking dragon, by showing generosity, courage and integrity. He allows Minli to eat with him in his castle, and she tells him her story. I LOVED it! That afternoon, she meets a man who sells goldfish. Perhapsyou need to trust her, the goldfish man says. Let students investigate online resources for folktales from China. She thinks it will be made from 2020 to 2025. Both Minli and Dragon have unique character traits and well-thought character development. The next day, the family works hard in the rice paddies as always. I definitely recommend this book! Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. Consider the traits of that particular character. This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. I cannot say enough good things about this book. She supported herself designing for a party company, two years contributing to the worlds landfills as she puts it, until her first book was published. I think it has a good message for readers and Minli is a good role model. All storyboards are public and can be viewed and copied by anyone. While Lin tells the tale of the courageous Minli, she also imbeds other story vignettes that weave together and connect in complicated ways. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Write The house was on the hill on the board. I was glad to see a few things from when I was younger and I started to play with them. She endeavors on a journey to find the Old Man of the Moon who will answer her question of how to find her family's fortune. Chapter 1 Summary. Then ask them to share their best sentence with the class. Minlis parents desperately hope she can change the familys fortune. Ma and Ba. Ba explains that the mountain will remain fruitless until Jade Dragon is reunited with one of her children. Last Updated on May 6, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. The meaning of that gift can only be revealed by reading the book. Dragon also reveals that he was born from a painting and came to life when his eyes were painted. He scoops some plain rice out of his bowl for the fish to eat. The child of immigrants from Taiwan, Grace Lin was born in the United States in 1974 and grew up in New York State. Not affiliated with Harvard College. After high school, Lin attended the Rhode Island School of Design, where she earned a BFA in illustration. After each assignment, review the journal questions in a class discussion or individual reading group discussions. Which gives the reader a better understanding of the village? [8][9]. WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON is a fantasy-fiction story where Chinese Folklore is engraved throughout the story. Tell them the novel Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is like the picture frame, with one main frame story holding many other stories within it. Create a character map of the characters in the story. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a fantasy-adventure children's novel inspired by Chinese folklore. The text of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is interspersed with many short legends. According to the goldfish, the wise man can answer Minli's question on how to bring good fortune to her family and the village. Be sure to include evidence from the text in their answers. Readers of the book get to relive the story of Minli's journey, readers Writing the narrative of their own challenge gives students a chance to reflect on the themes (courage, persistence, imagination, resourcefulness) of the Lin novel from the first two lessons as they see them enacted in their own experience. [7] Traits - where the mountain meets the moon Have students read the second paragraph. It was even better than I remembered! Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. How can students use Where the Mountain Meets the Moon as a mentor text to write a personal narrative with vivid language? This is the god character who knows the future and permits the heroine to ask him a single question. Eventually she decides to run off on a quest to change her family's fortune. In the story that the girl told the Great Green Tiger she stated that another tiger had taken her brother to be his slave for life. A battle between the Green Tiger and Dragon ensues, and Dragon is mortally wounded. Click here for a PDF outlining an optional second activity. The Question and Answer section for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a great The second part of the lesson has students return to the book to explore how the folktales enhance Minlis story. Without even asking the Old Man of the Moon, Minli has come to understand why people like the buffalo boy and A-Fu and Da-Fu seemed so happy: they are thankful for what they have rather than bitter about what they do not. There are several forest and rivers and a peach grove. Finally, see if students can come up with a vivid verb to replace was: sat, clung, perched, etc. (Teachers do not have to assign all the stories.). This book is great, I recommend if you want great light reading. The stone lion gives the thread to Dragon. Inspired by these stories, Minli sets off on an extraordinary journey to find the Old Man of the Moon to ask him how she can change her familys fortune. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. Eventually she decides to run off on a quest to change her family's fortune. A fantasy crossed with Chinese folklore, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a timeless story reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz and Kelly Barnhill's The Girl Who Drank the Moon. Her mother, Ma, complains that these stories are foolish and harmful. But the stories that the dad told I did like and it added more fun to the book and made me want to finish it. Do you like books with magical elements? [4] date the date you are citing the material. Reunited with her son, Jade Dragon transforms Fruitless Mountain into Fruitful Mountain, allowing it to grow again. Photo: Alan Bradley, courtesy ofgracelin.com. Think about how important the telling of stories was to Minli and Ba. The twins explain that their village's name is due to raining seeds that fall from the moon every night, allowing flowering trees to bloom there. She realizes that her family cannot afford to feed a pet. This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. Chinese Lesson (write the Chinese characters for mountain and moon) At that point, the string turns into a bridge Minli uses to walk up to the moon and visit the Old Man. Write the definition of a frame story on the board (a main story which has other stories contained within it) and have them copy the definition in their notebooks. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. (For example: ReadWriteThink's, Each student should have a notebook or composition book with a dedicated section for. Minlis determination to help her family, as well as the grief her parents feel at her absence, is compelling and thoroughly human. The Question and Answer section for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a great Minli and her parents live in the shadow of Fruitless Mountain, where they toil endlessly. They keep journals to record the challenges Minli faced, and how she met the challenges. As an optional activity, they may make a bulletin board or wall display that shows the embedded stories within the frame of the main narrative. Where the Mountain Meets The Moon - colton nathan wayne BOB - Google Define a frame story and explain the complex way that subsidiary stories are embedded within the novel, Identify different types of challenges in the story. [Ripping a page from the Book of Fortune will not change one's fate.] Her grief at losing her children made Fruitless Mountain barren of growth. Finding Identity through Childrens Books, Dont Judge a Book by Its Character (Even If It Is Chinese), The Extra Adjective: How I Came to Terms with Being a Multicultural Book Author, Folktales and Ecology: Animals and Humans in Cooperation and Conflict, Helpful Animals and Compassionate Humans in Folklore, "Cinderella" Folk Tales: Variations in Character. It is about Jade Dragon, who used to be beloved by the people of the earth because she controlled the rain that made crops grow. It is not too scary. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Richly hued illustrations reinforce the Chinese folk theme. They rush to make her breakfast, and then Ba sees the bump from Dragons head, which Minli has brought home with her. She's dutiful, empathetic, curious, and resourceful. Minli's father is a storyteller. Distribute copies of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Imagine how much more those books would have meant to me, she wrote later, if they had been books of substance, if they had reflected my life with more accuracy and heart, addressed concerns and struggles and triumphs that really affected me. She also loved the books of Chinese folktales that her mother gave her, in spite of their being too simply told. For example: Teachers may opt for their own method of discussion. A variety of online maps of China can be found in. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. Trying to come to terms with her own identity, she searched for and treasured books that featured Asian American characters, even when their portrayal was oversimplified or stereotyped.