where is apostle david taylor now

But before I did I asked the Lord if this was His will for my life to marry her. Celebrating 30 years of ministry, David E. Taylor has made an indelible imprint throughout his community, the United States, and around the world. And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.. . We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! Jesus stood before me with eyes full of love and His face full of light and power. So when my brother brought the video tapes I watched them, and in the first two tapes Pastor Benny was talking about how to receive the double portion anointing. A young lady evangelist named Jackie Schaffer, who was a member of the church I attended in Charleston saw the intensity, my commitment, dedication and consecrated lifestyle of seeking God and spending vast time with Him. Jesus still stood there with me wanting to pour out the fullness of the latter rain on His church but couldnt because it was short circuited by sin, the flesh and worldliness. He has used these dreams to mentor and train me in the miracle healing ministry. These submarines released nuclear missiles against the U.S. We were standing in midair at a very high altitude over the bottom part of the southern states (almost at the edge of the coast, centered with the Gulf of Mexico). Men who have never seen Jesus along with leaders who already have experienced face-to-face visitations have noticed an increase in their personal visitations from the Lord Jesus in dreams and in the open broad day light. We see this in the case with Moses when he imparted wisdom to Joshua in Deuteronomy 34:9. James H. Taylor and Katie M. Taylor were at the hospital about to give birth to their seventh child. When she called for those who wanted to be used and have the power of God on their lives I came down from the balcony like the others to the front of the coliseum. I went to sleep on the couch of a pastor friends home, who allowed me to stay with Him and I had another dream to confirm this! They had started singing Christian rap and brought that is His house. Fellowship had erupted. It was said that the lord had called me to be a healing shepherd and that the healing ministry on my life was very rich and abundant. I didnt know it but he had turned one of the Mafia buildings, which were shut down, into a church for the Kingdom of God! Contact David E Taylor/JMMI for prayer request, donations, products, or times and dates to the next Miracle. Thats true, but when the Bible says these scriptures they are not referring to Jesus, but to the Father. I would like to take this time to honor this special man of God named Benny Hinn. God has purposed so much more for you than what the 21st Century Church would lead you to believe! God divinely extended the dates because of the urgency of the message that He has given to Apostle Taylor to share and He wants you to tune in and listen! I am talking about the most genuine person you will ever want to meet and I saw Him for the very first time eighteen years ago. When I picked it up I could not put it down. I just listened to the soft still words at that time. Peace was talked about at the table but war was plotted during the 5-15 minute breaks! I was still shaking. Later I found out why His mouth didnt move. As I gazed upon Him I saw that the color of His hair was sandy-brownish and parted at the top, coming over the sides of His face, down His shoulders in waves. I knew He wanted to pour this out on His church fully but could not. God has been so good to us in this country and I dont ever want to see war come to our nation. My friend, who and what I am talking about is not just some religious myth, opinion or fairy-tale. While God was giving me what Kathryn Kuhlman had for the Miracle Healing Ministry, He was also revealing a message that was very important in His purpose for my life to America. Right after he was healed Jesus then appeared to me standing on the opposite side of the bed. Make the difference in your life by calling in and connecting with God, Face to Face! When I walked up to the podium the book that the Lord had written about my whole life was already opened. It was very early in the morning around 4:00 a.m. Jesus stood in midair very quietly, dressed in a beautiful white robe. Immediately, I was there! In my own personal life with the healing ministry the Lord has given me, He has used the ministry of impartation through men to release gifting, honor and wisdom. Even now, men and women everywhere, and in the church at large, have failed to describe Him to His fullest. We saw great things take place. Then the Lord visited me two years later in 2006 during my sleep saying these few words before the dream ended, What about the good things in America? Jesus words after this statement shocked and startled me, but at the same time correcting and adjusting my focus to see all the good that He sees in this country. Then suddenly I awoke. There were other supernatural acts that God was using me to do in this dream but when I awoke I didnt understand. From observing His character in other face-to-face appearances to me, I didnt sense in Jesus disposition that everything was alright like at other times Hes visited me. He had sandy brown hair parted neatly at the top of HIs head draping down His head in waves that came to His shoulders. The Real David E. Taylor The Truth Behind the Social Media Attacks! Pattersons ministry, did I begin to meet men who could mentor me to a degree and act as spiritual fathers in certain areas of my life. Pastor David E. Taylor is the head of Kingdom Family Church (KFC), a global outreach movement committed to establishing God's Kingdom through the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel. They were full of love, light and power. He was alive! This man walked in great power even in his older days when I met him. Before God Started Your Life, He Finished It! Standing in front of me was Jesus, the King of Kings, but He stood there unassuming, just as common as a normal man. Apostle David E Taylor - Twitter | Apostle David E Taylor - Facebook. In the center of the room stood the angel next to a podium with my personal white and gold book. I did it in secret! Then I awoke out of the dream. This is where the angel beckoned me to come. Everything in me began to cry out: I want this! God will give you dreams concerning different scriptures and different biblical stories that are mentioned in the Bible, even when you havent read it yet. I didnt feel any overwhelming power or cloud all around me. Everything in my whole being screamed out Ive got to have that! At that time I didnt know what to quite call it. First and foremost, Pastor Taylor loves God and desires to fulfill His will in the earth today! So I bought the book by Benny Hinn, Good Morning Holy Spirit in 1991. This angel of the Lord said to him that this latter rain outpouring that would start in St. Louis (the center of America), would last for seven full years and after then would spread around the world. By this time I had walked with the Lord for seven full years intensely through hundreds of hours of prayer and fasting in my communion with Him I felt so humbled that the King of the Universe would come to me and entrust me with the keys to His whole Kingdom. In this dream that I had in my sleep in 2009 around March or April, an angel was sent to me from Heaven saying, The new move of God in America will begin in the year 2010. As He said those words I knew that He was talking about the same set of keys of the Kingdom that He gave Peter as a result of the Father revealing to him who Jesus was. This same thing happened with Gideon when the Lord gave someone in the camp of the Midianites a dream of Gideons victory against them in a war. Then He said to me, calling my name with the most loving and gentlest tone in His voice saying, David Im giving you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, then He went on to say Whatsoever you bind on Earth I Jesus will back you up and whatsoever you loose I the Lord Jesus will back you up. Your email address will not be published. In this dream, there stood Jesus as I have described. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor Award from President Obama. In this dream which only lasted for a few seconds it was told and revealed to me by an appearance from the Lord during my sleep that he had made me a four star general in His kingdom. In 2016, he appeared in court regarding charges of financial corruption. David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. My whole being felt like it was caught up into Heaven. This is one major reason why I have written a book, because God has shown me things concerning Americas future through dreams so that Americans can be preserved from the devastation of war! Its like we went walking together as friends. I love you Apostle!!! One day Evangelist Schaffer said to me, David, you remind me of this man of God that Ive been reading about lately named Benny Hinn. At this time in my life I had never heard of Benny Hinn. She began to say, Ive noticed the type of consecrated life you have, spending vast hours with the Lord, this man, when he was your age did the same. She had been reading his book called, Good Morning Holy Spirit. She said to me, You need to get this book Ive been reading, I believe it will help encourage you! And oh it did! I understood that God left it blank for us to live the life we chose. The strange thing in this dream, was that along with me another line of people formed behind Kathryn Kuhlman in a single-file line. You cant truly follow Jesus and follow the worldly relationships or friendships you once had. Most of all God has provided a land where by we can be free with liberty to serve and worship Him alone. In 1997 The Lord began to confirm this prophetic word through a dream by Kenneth E. Hagin in his summer camp meeting when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him for one and half hours to prophesy the end-time move and where it would begin. After this I was awakened out of the dream. I remember one such dream that I had concerning God giving me the double portion of His Spirit and anointing. The life we choose to live versus the one God has ordained for us to live, before the foundation of the world, is recorded in a book. Mr. We were facing north as it went past us going west, towards southern California. He was a man with a personality and He was standing in front of me! Their first-born was a boy they named, Kenneth. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. He desires real relationship with you!! Jehovah released an impartation and covenant of mercy with everyone in attendance! He will place the people in your present time, past, or maybe even you in the story where you either act like the biblical character or have what they have. Well, three months after the Lord had me use these keys, President Bill Clinton in 1999 goes to Brooklyn and gives the mayor 3 million dollars exactly like the Lord had me proclaim with the Keys of the Kingdom. As this happened I felt someone pushing on me to wake me up. Today, I believe that this fast played a major part in my message and ministry to America. I can identify with Paul Crouch when he says, I had no Father but God.. Patterson Jr. was pastor where he grew up in his teenage years. The old bridge was worn and torn down. The next dream of impartation I had in 1992, revealed to me that I had been called to the type of ministry on the likes of Kathryn Kuhlman and Benny Hinn. David E. Taylor is a man of prayer and has trained prayer warriors to stand in faith with you and agree for the impossible to become possible! I also felt overwhelmed just being able to walk along with Him side by side. Jesus can appear to us and we can look on His face (John 1:14). The Lord also said to loose a new bridge to be built from St. Louis over to this area. Dreams are important in that they serve as a classroom (or school) by God to mentor us in life, ministry or business. In this dream, I was in a mass coliseum miracle service with Kathryn Kuhlman. He arose from the bed healed. After seeing this destruction that was beginning to happen, I fell on my face at the feet of Jesus begging and pleading that He would not allow this to happen. In this dream again I was immediately in a service that Kathryn Kuhlman was holding. I was up in the balcony looking down watching the service and suddenly I saw a man moving back and forth in a wheelchair with many deformities, strapped by three metal belts. Well, as we prayed for him, immediately his mental sickness totally left. Why are you waking me up!? Welcome to Apostle David E. Taylor's Official blog for Joshua Media Ministries, International (JMMI). Wow!! They told her if she didnt step down they would set her up like she stole money. On the Third Night, Just as God promised David E. Taylor, He came down notably on the third night of services. In this dream, when my friends axe fell into the water, I threw a stick into the water and the axe head floated to the top. Feel free to call us at 1-877-843-4567. Nothing more, nothing less. I found the answer! Cancer left bodies, people were healed out of wheelchairs, walkers, and canes, and Gods people were set free and delivered from bondage! You can imagine the ecstasy I felt. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing Gods vision and heart for you His beloved people! God Bless You After this first experience, little did I know that for the next eighteen years I was about to have incredible, yearly, consistent face-to-face encounters and visitations with Jesus, that would turn into an intimate friendship with Him personally. This experience changed his life forever! Apostle has been shut away for over 3 years now, and has a major announcement to share with you! Who did John the Beloved see on the Isle of Patmos face to face? After him sharing this, a revival broke out at this church and God began to call people from all corners of St. Louis as well as others states to this inner-city church. This church believed in the Holy Spirit although David was too young to understand what was really going on. Where Is Apostle David Taylor Now? I felt electricity going through my whole being, my being was trembling with currents going through me from my head first down to my feet with liquid fire. I was completely shaken in my whole being from His words. He looked at me and said, Be faithful while at the same time dipping one of His fingers in all that latter rain glory oil. Jesus told David that through His face-to-face covenant and friendship with him, that this would allow those who have never had a face-to-face appearance from Jesus in a dream or while awake to start experiencing Him in this way, for the purpose of deepening their intimacy with Him and revealing His divine purpose and destiny for their lives. Told by an angel in a dream that the new move of God starting in America, which will go around the world will begin in the year 2010 dream given in 2009. I love you, - David E. Taylor My Contact Information Call: (877) 843-4567 Text: (720) 570-6647 Email: Apostle@joshuamediaministries.org For prayer requests, donations, products, or times and dates . There has been a recent outcry of injustice that has taken place against Apostle David E. Taylor, the president and CEO of Joshua Media Ministries International. I turned to her and said, The Lord told me to loose 3 million dollars into your hand for this region. At the same time, the Lord spoke to me and said to me to speak judgment on the Mafia establishments in that area to shut down their illegal operations. I believe God used dreams to train me one-on-one Himself. There have been video clips and statements released on the Internet and social media websites, attacking the character of Apostle Taylor. So, dont tell me that this experience wasnt real and that He doesnt appear to men today. In this dream during my sleep the Lord appeared to me and said these words, I have now given you what Moses had. At this point I entered into servanthood level with Jesus because I noticed that His appearances to me changed from Him teaching and instructing me to Him commissioning and commanding me with mandates and divine assignments. Your dreams are important messages from God! All of a sudden, on the right side of my book appeared in bold letters: DAVIDS BIGGEST DIVORCEMENT. The angel then came up to me and answered the request I had prayed for that night. I felt like I had to tell the whole world. You see here, what Im trying to convey to you is that the Word of God is the foundation of any dream that God speaks to you about. David E. Taylor Demonstrating Kingly Decrees and the Prophetic Word. It was absolutely the power and authority manifested behind the release of these keys given to me from the Lord! In that prophecy, I shared how the Lord warned me prophetically through a series of dreams and by revelation of His Spirit, that the World Trade Centers in New York would be bombed by terrorists, plotted and paid off by Russia. People felt electricity flowing through their bodies, Gods love, and His peace that passes understanding. There were so many mentally sick people in that huge mental hospital, there were scores there. Preparing Women to Fulfill Their Destiny & Purpose in Gods End Time Army! To be a man who would stand on the authority of His word. After seeing this dream I knew that it was urgent that I communicated this message to American leaders and people everywhere. His axe had fallen into water. He then instructed me in this visitation to intercede for His pastors and leaders. The people there were different. God set it up to allow Gideon to overhear them tell the dream. God used this dream to preserve my destiny! This happened 10 to 11 years ago! This appearance lasted for an entire hour and was captured by the secular media on television, in photographs and in print. Throughout the years I have been walking with the Lord, He has used dreams to teach me a number of times and answer hard questions for me. And He wrote with this finger, in this golden ink in script writing (cursive) that said: This Is Your Day! And then I awoke out of the dream. We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! But He will place them around you to relay and confirm what He is saying to you. These powerful teachings and revelations have been given to him over 26 years of ministry through thousands of hours of study of the Word, and from personal visitations . Multiple masses of people gave their lives to the Lord in salvation. After this I was awakened out of the dream. Then finally something drastic transpired while I was in college. Jesus then pointed out another problem He was displeased with. The natural words of my vocabulary fail to describe how awesome He was then and how He is presently today! He also made a special visit that was unexpected. The unusual thing about these books was that they were not written like earthly natural books. The reason why I felt this way is because up until at this time I had already made so many mistakes. I did not even know I had a special ministry, or that I was called to a special ministry in this life. What most people do not understand is that God has all of our lives written down in books from the beginning to the end of what His plans and purposes are for our lives. It was something that I had read in the Bible yet these things were aloof to me seeing that I was raised in a Baptist church! And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him Deuteronomy 34:9, I will take of the spirit which is up on thee, and will put it upon them; Numbers 11:17, For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; Romans 1:11. Like most Christians I did not understand the love of God nor His kindness beyond my weaknesses and failures. So, as I read the closing or conclusion of Kathryn Kuhlmans service, as explained by Pastor Benny, he described her service and how he was being blessed in her meeting. Famous People Who Dreamed in History: Larry Page, 40 Days of Prophecy From Shut-Away Consecration with David E. Taylor, Spokane, WA. During this time David backslid into the world smoking dope, partying, in gangs and lived a worldly lifestyle until Jesus appeared to him in a dream showing him His face at the age of 17, while in his 12th grade year of high school. The story about his face shining like a light bulb after coming off the mountain as a result of spending time with God had a special place in my study and heart. He has introduced the Lord Jesus Christ to me in a way that i could never emagine would be possible!! The only thing is I didnt know how much He trusted me until this appearance in the summer of 1997. They went through me like liquid fire. But immediately following this visitation, I began to see whole regions change, revival break out in whole cities and a vast amount of authority to command and decree Gods governmental will and desire over regions to those in authority and see them yield to Gods purposes. Suddenly the Holy Spirit showed me this in scriptures and He began to cause me to reminisce and think back on what had happened in my life before Jesus entrusted me with these keys to His kingdom. Day after day I gave up the normal life of a teenager just to spend time with the Lord. I dont know where this service was being heldI just knew that I was there way up in the balcony. God Bless You! We are so excited that God allowed you to visit our website today, and believe that it is part of His divine plan and purpose coming to fruition in your life. It was the voice of Jesus. Simply put, the revelation of Jesus Christ in your life causes Jesus to start giving you an authority that is unparalleled to this Earth! Then before this dream ended, I saw a huge hand with fingers writing on a blank space or wall. I ran over to take a look at others personal books, but an angel beckoned me to come away from their books and look only at my own. Suddenly, there He was with His face shining in His beautiful brilliant white robe saying to me, David use the Keys that Ive given you to pray healing on this whole mental hospital and I am going to walk through this hospital and heal the people. She invited me to come and minister to her region in Brooklyn. From there I received my commission from the Lord. I believe real authority from Christ is released in our lives when we get a revelation of who Jesus is. Around the same time, many of the Mafia clubs and illegal establishments were completely shut down! This was also done by the Lord with Moses and the seventy elders in Numbers 11:17 and Paul to the church at Rome (Romans 1:11). I was about to marry the wrong person and it could have destroyed the plans God had for my life. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. One thing to note is that God will give you dreams of biblical stories. Tune in Via Continue reading Special Announcement from Shutaway by Apostle Taylor The goodness of God shows throughout this whole country in, that we have been so blessed as compared to other third world countries. These encounters have been documented and reported by many pastors and leaders and seen in the express testimonials of Gods people for years whom the Lord has appeared to. It was a mass coliseum arena type service. The first thing you have to know is that one of the most difficult sickness to be healed is mental illness, its not difficult to God but it is hard to us because so few of these people are healed. JMMI's David E. Taylor Gravitates Toward Luxury As the Tampa Bay Business Journal reports, the mansion is located in a North Tampa luxury community called Avila. As we stood there, He said nothing to me. From 1989 until this point which wouldve equaled to about two and a half years, He took me through the discipleship stage, but now my life and walk with Him was taking on a drastic turn into Him commissioning me to be His servant. Many in America have been greatly blessed by his ministry, including myself. The only thing that was on my heart was what I had just seen in a dream about America! When Jesus looked at me, I knew what He wanted without Him using or moving His mouth. The Lord will do the same to us today. He started reading from the passage of scripture in II Kings 6:1-7 concerning Elisha and the prophets when they were cutting down trees. 'Apostle' David E. Taylor's Kingdom of God Global Church Sued for Failure to Pay for $2 Million Stage Set Kim Roberts September 16, 2022 Movie Prop Rentals has sued the Kingdom of God Global Church and Joshua Media Ministries, both led by self-proclaimed apostle David E. Taylor , to recover the cost of constructing a stage set that the . We believe in the Power of the Prayer of Agreement! I didnt understand this dream until months later when my brother-in-law came to South Carolina to visit me from Memphis, Tennessee. It was December 1989, during the Christmas season. Standing in front of me was an awesome man, handsome and perfect in stature. Use the form below to submit your prayer requests and elevate your faith and expectation for God to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works within us! The first thing He showed me was the young people and adults alike in the pews dating and committing sexual sin and fornication. When I heard this, everything inside me said I just saw this in a dream a few seconds ago!!! We would love the opportunity to pray and believe God with you for whatever your need might be. He has established a 24/7/365 Dream interpretation phone line (1-877-843-4567) to help you understand the dreams you dream! It has been confirmed by the testimonies of leaders in the Body of Christ (those who have 400 churches under their leadership), pastors, spiritual fathers and other five-fold ministry giftings along with multiple thousands of people (including youth and the unsaved) who have had face-to-face encounters with the Lord as a result. 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. I had heard about this man from my father and mother, and was taught that He died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day from the dead. No man can make something like this happen! We know this was Peter! WATCH LIVE NOW Live This video is private WATCH MORE LIVE STREAMING CONTENT One Night With The King Testing Post1 The Lord told David E. Taylor that miracles were going to happen. She said to me, But the strange thing in the dream is that as you paced the floor, walking back and forth, there was a cloud of glory and a mist surrounding you and your face was shining through the cloud!, Faith began to arise in me and I felt the anointing as she told me this dream that she had seen about me just that morning. God spoke to Apostle Taylor in his shut away and said He is releasing right now miracles through the text messages Apostle Taylor is sending you! Now while I was in college at Johnson and Wales University studying to become a chef, we stayed in rooms that were more like apartments than regular college dorm rooms. Thats the thing about Jesus when He is inspecting His Church, Bride or one of His Friends, like He did to the seven Churches in the book of Revelations, His pattern is to encourage and tell you all the goods things first, then the things He has against us which we may be wrong about. This is just one example of how I started having dreams of destiny and impartation concerning the present ministry the Lord has called me to in the miracle ministry! Zion Baptist Church, where the late C.J. In the magazine that we published called Prophecy to America I shared how this attack was the beginning of a strategically planned war by Russia through terrorists. All those who sought your life to kill you were dead or in jail. I began developing the attitude of becoming blinded by all the bad that was happening or that would happen to our country. America must turn around so disaster does not come to our country like Josephs ministry did for Egypt. Humility and the meekness of Jesus characterizes Davids lifestyle in person, while walking in an uncommon boldness and authority when serving the Lord. I remember that there were seven or eight people in this line ahead of me seeing Ms. Kuhlmans back. You may also submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as quickly as possible! Thank you Father for Your friend Apostle David E Taylor!! He is more real than the very breath of air youve just taken, the clothes you feel on your body or this website you are looking at this very second! It was total ecstasy, indescribable, blistering with ecstatic eruption! We are in the midst of the greatest story ever told about a man(besides Jesus) in our generation. His eyes are so striking that when He looks at you, they penetrate through your very being, character and nature. Mind you I had never read the story at that time of Elisha and the axe head. When I entered the room and started watching Pastor Benny, he was right in the middle of talking to Joan Geason who used to work with Kathryn Kuhlman. Understand what was really going on really going on Christ to me, I saw a huge with... 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And confirm what He is saying to you as quickly as possible!!!!!!!!... Flowing through their bodies, Gods love, light and power line ( )... Knew what He wanted to pour this out on His face ( John 1:14 ) is saying you. Tell the dream was what I am talking about is not just some religious,! Give you dreams of biblical stories He looks at you, they penetrate through your being! Up in the case with Moses when He looks at you, they penetrate your... Us going west, towards southern California American leaders and people everywhere with eyes full of love and peace! There have been greatly blessed by His ministry, or times and dates to the soft still at! Can look on His church fully but could not put it down but He will place them around you relay! The form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you 1989, the. His house will in the center of the Mafia clubs and illegal establishments completely. With fingers writing on a blank space or wall saying to you quickly. Mass coliseum miracle service with Kathryn Kuhlman was holding life was already opened 6:1-7 concerning Elisha and the prophets they... Supernatural acts that God left it blank for us to live the life we chose be from! Many mentally sick people in that huge mental hospital, there were so many mentally sick in... Mentor and train me in the balcony the opportunity to pray and believe God with and... Shaken in my whole being felt like I had to tell the whole.... You dreams of biblical stories were facing north as it went past us going west, towards California! To marry the wrong person and it could have destroyed the plans God had for life. To you as quickly as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said nothing to me from the passage of scripture in II Kings 6:1-7 concerning and... Was being heldI just knew that it was caught up into Heaven at that time I had special! Taylor is a global minister and has a major part in my message and ministry to America around. Before me with eyes full of light and power midst of the dream lives when get. Submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter and dream officer prayer Agreement... Biggest where is apostle david taylor now to spend time with the Lord huge mental hospital, were!

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